Dimensions of Disclosure : Distortion and Truth within the Ascension Community

“What was conveyed by Corey Goode at Dimensions of Disclosure (and also validated by many other wisdom sources) is that judgment is now upon us. This judgement is not by any externalized being, but by how well we can manifest the Logos as it works through us. This is the primary concept of Ascension, which is to shift our reference of consciousness from egotistical “do what though wilt” to the higher will of the love-wisdom principles of the Logos. It is only when we come to the correct alignment between Ego and Spirit where this higher consciousness can manifest itself to us.

For many today, the Ego is afraid of what it cannot visualize, of the transgressions and therefore karma that it is part of, and of losing control to the authority of our own higher self which constitutes our spiritual Oversoul. Remember, it is the egotistical weighing, measuring and judging which holds us back. It is the heart which forgives and allows us to ascend.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian, September 29, 2018

Last month I traveled with my wife to Loveland Colorado to attend a consciousness conference called Dimensions of Disclosure.  This was a gathering showcasing Corey Goode along with other prominent persons within the consciousness-disclosure community such as Justin Decamps, Bentinho Massaro, David Wilcock, Emery Smith, Laura Eisenhower and Dr. Michael E. Salla.  Overall, it was an interesting experience to see how the disclosure narrative manifests itself through other individual’s unique perspective. Continue reading “Dimensions of Disclosure : Distortion and Truth within the Ascension Community”