Astraea: The Star Maiden of Virgo

“Divine Justice is the mystery that is conveyed within the Eighth Arcanum which is literally the archetype of Themis echoed within her daughter Astraea. What is essential to understand is the fact that this is the “Eighth” Arcanum. In my previous August post I had discussed what is called the Eighth sphere as an artificial construct or false reality that is engineered by the negative agendas that are ultimately determined by anti-spiritual forces which are not only outside of us but are ingrained within us and constitute the shadow elements of the Ego. Within the parameters of a world driven by service to self, competition, and egotism, there is no possibility for Divine Justice.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian, September 23, 2017

This September is a relatively unique if not extraordinary month of astronomical and astrological activities.  There are many people watching the heavens, including the Catholic Church, who have observed that the 23rd of September 2017 will be a date which will echo the prophecies of the 12th Chapter of the Book of Revelation regarding the birth of a being that will “rule all the nations with an iron scepter.” (1)  Although the opinion from the Vatican confirms that celestial alignments are close enough to correlate to what St. John describes, we are told to take comfort in the fact that this event is not unique and has happened at least four times over the last millennium in the years 1827, 1483, 1293, and 1056.  Apparently, the world will not end, but most people of intelligence are not harboring this apprehension.   Furthermore, the Vatican’s reassurance is a hollow one and does not address the possibilities that some very trying times may indeed lay ahead of us.  The fact is that anyone reading this post knows that we are truly living through a time that is very dark and challenging.     Continue reading “Astraea: The Star Maiden of Virgo”