Sex, Sacred Union, and the Ascension of Consciousness

“There are many people who claim to be enlightened who still have not been able to grasp the full idea what I am discussing. Within an ascending world this awareness will come in time. The purpose of this essay is not to find fault or criticize, but simply to suggest there is far more to our sexual nature than procreation and gratification. Many people focus on tantric practices which can greatly enhance sexual pleasure while in many ways empowering the self. Although these methods should be adopted, taught, and encouraged, there is a sacred side to our sexual nature that is still not fully addressed. This has to do with the mysteries that have been entrusted to humanity that our scriptures convey and that we are yet to (re)discover. This secret has to do with the separation and disruption of the flow of divine wisdom. Once we recognize that the person we are making love to is intimately related to our divine channel, then we will finally begin a movement towards a greater state of enlightenment.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian September 4, 2019

Before we begin our earthy life, we exist within the whole, meaning that there is no gap between the organizing energies which constitute our consciousness. By choice we incarnate into physical life which manifests itself in a limited fashion in order to experience existence without a working knowledge of the spiritual realm.  This limitation is merely an illusion, but one that is propagated by the forces of Hierarchy that maintain this universal plane of separation. These forces of limitation work so well, that by the time we become educated, virtually all of us will call into question not only the truth of our spiritual origin, but the existence of the soul itself.  This forgetfulness has to do with the development of ego, which by convention, becomes the dominant center of consciousness within adults who have gone through an educational process of indoctrination. Continue reading “Sex, Sacred Union, and the Ascension of Consciousness”