Apocalypse Now: A Forensic Analysis

“Is there any truth to his sincerity or are we being played? I suspect that the answer to this question will not come from conventional, unconventional, or covert sources  One must examine references that are innate to the geopolitical circumstances that cannot be manipulated.   This leaves us with few options.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian February 1, 2021

Yesterday, we were walking in a dream blinded by a wall of mundane concerns that limited the depth of understanding and the scope of our soul’s existence.  Since the great deluge, we have been walking across this meadow of delusion, but this dream ended abruptly when we stepped into a rabbit hole that appears to have no end.  Some fell sooner than others, but at this point one can say with assurance that we have all fallen into darkness.  In this endless cavern, we have encountered all types of insidious beings and our illusion of “normalcy” has been shattered. Continue reading “Apocalypse Now: A Forensic Analysis”