The Time of Michaelmas

“Within the egotistically inclined world, justice has become a mockery of what it had been in times of ascended consciousness. Balance must be restored which will never be accomplished through inaction and fear. Therefore, the scales are intimately linked to heroic impulses of the Archangel through its opposite connection to Aries. In ascended form, Aries is associated with Michael the Dragon Slayer, whose forceful actions are needed to restore divine justice and cosmic balance. The Archangel is known as the countenance (face) of God and the Lord of Hosts. In esoteric wisdom, Michael is considered the essential Archangel of our time.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian, September 28, 2020

The transition of the seasons at the fall equinox (September 23) signifies a point of balance.  This is the period when light is approximately equal to dark.  It is in moments of equipoise where portals manifest within our consciousness into higher realms of the spirit and Christ consciousness can manifest. 

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