
“It is the people of the Earth (the backdrop of slaves, meek, innocent, and marginalized) who will inherit it—and it is the people of the spirit who will guide them. It is only when the people of the intellect ascend their consciousness, nullify Hierarchy, and redeem their personal ego through an intentional movement towards the unification of their soul back to spirit (within the archetype of the sacred union) that the world will come to realize how both groups are dependent upon each other. Despite what many enlighten thinkers believe and promote, we are not here at this moment on Gaia solely for our own personal benefit by ascending our consciousness and leaving the earth behind. By incarnating into this world, we have taken on and have become part of the earth’s karma by catalyzing the union of our Mother Earth back to the Logos. Whether we acknowledge it or not we are entangled in the outcome.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian June 23, 2019

Is there is an elephant standing among us that we been conditioned to perceive as part of the room?  Difficult as it may be to accept, there is a concept within the esoteric community which suggests that not all people are “real”.  As strange as it sounds, there are many sources going back to the beginning of modern esoteric schools which propose that not all people are completely human. (1, 2)  It is said that these people are lacking an “I” or spirit which would individuate them as whole human beings.  Apparently, there are many people who are not part of the normal evolutionary lifecycles on earth and are incarnating into this world for the first time from other planets specifically for disruptive purposes.  Others are described as abandoned vessels that have been imbued with less-than spiritual entities.  This would suggest that there are people living today as automatons or agents of hindrance and conflict, who are influenced heavily by nefarious entities of chaos, control, and enslavement. Continue reading “Coherence”