Immunity in a Time of Panic

“The importance of flattening a curve at the risk of derailing a culture appears to be way out of proportion to such logic unless there is a grander scheme behind it.  Solely from a health perspective, scaring the hell out of everyone and coercing them into a virtual imprisonment through deception and partial truths, instills hopelessness, weakens our immune system, and makes the human body more vulnerable to infection and disease.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian April 5, 2020

Fear is palpable, and from a deeper state of consciousness it can be sensed or perceived like a bad odor manifesting through another person afflicted by it.  Fear is just as contagious (if not more so) than any virus imagined.  There are scientific models looking at the dynamics of pandemics which take into consideration not only how contagious fear really is but demonstrate how it creates a pandemic even when there is no infectious disease present to justify it. (1)  Abject fear can be conjured within the human soul if god screams loud enough.  The screeching of the banshee is literally the source of terror. Since the beginning of civilization, we have been programmed to be fearful when god yells. Continue reading “Immunity in a Time of Panic”