Summer Solstice 2021, Grand Cross, Second Death and Rebirth

“This year’s Summer solstice occurs on June 20, 2021, at 10:31 pm CST.  This moment brings forth a rare occurrence of two major alignments comprised of a Grand Cross and a Grand Trine.  Both the Square and the Triangle converge upon Moon in Scorpio.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian June 16, 2021

Spring has now given way to the energies of Summer. The Goddess activates her sistrum. The Magnum opus coalesces as the walls of oppression begin to crack.  Darkness utterly revealed as systems of control crumble.  Betrayal exposed as many are soon to discover that they have been intentionally injured by the same ones they “gave” sovereignty away to.  Broken dreams exchanged for dead promises as the truth of genocide and control manifests through the actions of the tricksters.  Time reversal perpetrated upon those asleep as they are programmed to face a familiar and abysmal past that they are conditioned to believe is their only future. Continue reading “Summer Solstice 2021, Grand Cross, Second Death and Rebirth”