The Eighth Sphere: Dissension in the Ascension Community

“Despite the fact that there is an overt tendency within the Disclosure and Ascension community to focus upon the gadgets and fantastical technological advancements, it really is a secondary issue. If understood correctly, what the extraterrestrial mythologies are truly about is the expansion of consciousness and is completely analogous to Alchemy and the ancient wisdom teachings which can never be understood through conventional linear logic. One must step out of egotistical life and literally the linear time continuum to seek their own indelible experience. This is the one key factor that all truthful witnesses bear within themselves, and also the one key factor that most of the skeptics lack– which is an experience that they are indeed trying to understand if not judge.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian July 29, 20017

One of the major concepts promoted within the forward thinking community of Disclosure and Spiritual Ascension is a developing intuition of a timeline bifurcation within the evolution of the Earth.  In a sense, we seem to be standing at the crossroads of what direction we will be evolving towards.  What is quite interesting about this concept is the fact that each and every individual must decide for themselves what path is most appropriate for their soul to follow.  Continue reading “The Eighth Sphere: Dissension in the Ascension Community”