Our Beautiful Ego

“The true light of our being, our God-Self, our individuated I AM consciousness, is Ego.  By design, anything that is separated from Source has an Ego.  In its truest form, Ego is the Light of God that we bring forth into the world.  On the optimal timeline, Ego is Dharma which is our most truthful individuated God-Self living through our actions, words, and deeds.  This is the individuated power of Creation manifest in Divine Justice through the Lion’s roar of our soul.  It is the blending of our Self with Truth.  It is our Christed (Christ-Sophia) awareness. It is our blessing upon the Earth. Ego is signified by our unique sequences of light and sound codes.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian July 7, 2023

Our Alchemical Universe is comprised of two forces.  One is seminal, and the other a receptive matrix.  This can be viewed as masculine and feminine aspects.  From an energetic perspective, we can see how energy emanates from source to ground.  This is a universal constant within our realm of existence.

At some point, the Universe began to fragment or step outside of itself.  It went from a unified whole into individuated aspects of itself.  Each aspect carries a sense of uniqueness distinguished from the wholeness from which it was separated.  In linear time, this process began at the conception of the visible Universe, at least as long as 15 billion years ago.  There are clearly aspects of the Universe which exist in a timeless state.  This means that our human mind, imprisoned within temporal conceptions, can never relate accurately to that state of existence.  Until we die or have an experience outside of linear time, timelessness remains a mystery.  It is the concept of the Big Band which suggests that there is an aspect of the Universe that decided to explore itself in an individualized way separated from singularity.

Our Universe is creational, which means that it evolves unto itself within a parameter of Free Will governed by certain universal constants.  Keep in mind that one of those constants (which is the most important one for humanity currently) is the Law of Balance, which we have come to understand as Karma. As we develop as monads (which are individuated aspects of God), fractals incarnate into the linear time continuum blinded from their universal spiritual origin. Lessons learned through separation are compiled within a timeless energetic matrix that becomes the essence of what we determine as soul.  Our individual experiences based upon trial-and-error help to forge our uniqueness expressed within our individuated self.  These experiences are shaped by self-determined actions infused by the energies created between the interplay of the Heavens (in the form of Divine Light) and the Matrix of bodies in which we live throughout our lives in linear time. Continue reading “Our Beautiful Ego”

The Seven Rays: the Way of the Heart, the Path of Limitation, and Spiritual Integration

“The streams of consciousness correlate to our life’s purpose. Each stream is guided by an Ascended master who accomplished spiritual enlightenment within their life cycles in dense physical life. This amounts to an ancient method of ascension and is equated to a school. Therefore, it is probable that there are many souls who have been initiated into a specific stream or school in an earlier life. Indeed, it is quite possible that at some point within our evolution, more than one of these schools may have been directly experienced as an initiate. This means that there are people living today that are carrying forth tasks in an archetypal pattern that their souls have been charged with. In this fashion, we are carrying forth the spirit and the purpose of the work that was initiated by the soul of the Ascended master—if in fact there could ever be an initial soul within this construct as time is circular and souls are connected. This also suggests that there is at least an element if not the presence of the Ascended master within the disciple.”

Beyond the Souls Meridian November 11, 2019

Earlier this year, I had an interesting conversation with one of our medical students.  This young man is an exceptional person, and one that when encountered, carries a powerful impression.  Gifted with many talents, he is worldly, well spoken, and highly intuitive.  His inherent nature cannot help setting himself apart from the rest of his peers. Among many things, he is a dancer, classically trained in Paris, and professionally in New York.  Born into an abundant life, which he felt compelled to share with others, he can sense rhythmic movement as a means to healing.  His insights into the healing powers of dance interested me enough to share a long walk along our lakefront on a brisk April morning.  Through our conversation, I sensed an initiated soul.

Perhaps what fascinated me most was his experience with channeling.  While living on the East Coast he spent time with a group that channeled healing energies from the Pleiades.  They intuited a violet spectrum and use crystals to help focus their connection. What they did was a collective process that is ancient, and in doing so, they were focusing enlightened thoughts and stabilizing impulses into the Earth’s biosphere.  This group was also invoking healing principles from a group that channeled the emerald spectrum because they sensed that their violet energies needed augmentation and counterbalance.  The group understood that both sources were of a healing nature that worked best in conjunction.   Continue reading “The Seven Rays: the Way of the Heart, the Path of Limitation, and Spiritual Integration”

The Event

“As far as what this Event will entail is still unclear, but all signs seem to be pointing towards the Sun. Indeed, a better understanding of the mystical nature of the Sun and its relationship to the Earth will be part of this Event. Within the Ascension community, many are suggesting that a mass coronal ejection followed by 3 days of darkness will be part of this scenario. Again, this is still speculation as these more biblical events are yet to be seen. They could still very well happen, but it might be in a more subtle and gradual fashion. Yet, what must be demonstrated to every individual is to experience God’s love through grace and the infinite power of this Divine sympathetic energy. Once our relationship to our higher self and the Logos has been directly experienced and correctly understood, the supremacy of our Ego will become annulled.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian December 31, 2018

Much has been said about what the Ascension community calls the “Event.”  Until this Event occurs, it is open to interpretation as to the nature of what it actually is.  Some people believe that we will develop the capacity to ascend and leave behind the troubles that are inherent to what we have all come to know as earthly life.  Escaping our world is an old way of thinking and not a likely scenario, as ascension is happening to the Earth itself and it will not be a suitable place for those who refuse to transform themselves in sympathy to these changing energies.  Thankfully, this will not be an overnight process.  Furthermore, no human being is excluded from the ascension process.  Those who refuse to acknowledge what is really happening are doing so through an intentional obfuscation driven by the ruling forces of Hierarchy which appeals to their Ego.  Therefore, those in denial are allowing their Ego to rule within a lower construct of consciousness chosen through their own volition. Continue reading “The Event”

Remote Viewing the Akasha & the Greater Guardian of the Threshold

For many individuals on the path of ascension through Unity Consciousness, the Greater Guardian should begin to emerge as a concept. (2) This is the point where we must decide what master we will ultimately serve and where our new found freedom (from fear) and bestowed talents will best be utilized. For many, we will choose to employ our energies for individual empowerment and personal gain. Even for those who profess to be spiritually enlightened, because of the effects of ego conditioning, service to self will be a natural tendency. What will be asked of us is to let go of this power in service to others. Within this ascended realm, there is only one King, who is indeed the manifestation of the Greater Guardian. Within this higher realm there is no personal gain or individual ascension because the person has willfully tied their fate to the destiny of the collective in service to the True King. Within this realm wisdom emerges through stillness and inaction. Within this realm, the Ego is subservient and our actions are guided by our hearts and the principles of love.

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian May 27, 2018

Recently, my attentions have been focused upon several persons who are making the claim that they can remote view. Those who are good at it can not only witness events at various locations and times but develop the ability to read the Akashic records. This is really nothing new as people with clairvoyant capacities have been around since the beginning of human experience. Many of these people claim to have been trained by the military or intelligence networks, specifically to gather information that elements of the government deem important to their various covert operations. This should come to no surprise simply because if something is potentially possible, our human nature will drive us to attempt to manifest it. In many ways this is the nature of our Ego which is steeped in the scientific principles that virtually all of us have come to obey—despite the outcome. Continue reading “Remote Viewing the Akasha & the Greater Guardian of the Threshold”

The Common Denominator

“At some point, we must face our fears and understand that no matter what we do, we will inevitably die. It is said that the final stage before spiritual enlightenment is a healthy form of existentialism. This is the point where we have exhausted all externalized philosophies and observations in explaining the reasons for our existence. In the psychologically mature person, fear is confronted, and a new outlook emerges as we begin to consider intrinsic potentials that were previously overlooked and misunderstood.”


Beyond the Soul’s Meridian March 9, 2018

As we move through this process of Ascension confusion still reigns. While contemplating information from a multitude of sources, it should finally dawn upon us how all of this is going to end. Whether or not we experience a massive coronal ejection of the sun, full disclosure of the Secret Space Program, the outing of the global elite, catastrophic “natural” disasters, global conflagration, the arrival of extraterrestrials, the second coming of the anti-Christ, the destruction of AI, perpetual slavery, and or the rise of a transhuman species—the ending is still the same. Regardless, the undeniable fact still remains; that all of us have given our consent to witness this “end” from golden box seats right behind home plate, mid-court, and the fifty-yard line. Continue reading “The Common Denominator”

Twin Flames and the Bifurcation of Consciousness

“It is safe to say that what is happening to many of us regarding the dynamics of our sexual relationships is nothing new. Again the maxim of “As above so below” applies. The most prominent twin flame relationship should be attributed to Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Although this relationship is heavily downplayed through conventional Christian theology, it becomes a central issue within heretical mystical Christian sources. It is such a primary relationship because it reflects a fundamental archetype of our humanity transcending into a higher state of consciousness through union with another soul. Through sacred relationships, we can created a higher level of consciousness and achieve goals that were impossible by ourselves to attain. The energy between two individuals is exponential and is the basis for magical practice. It is understood that the greatest amount of energy can be generated between masculine and feminine polarities; and specifically in relationships where the wisdom of the feminine polarity is cherished and allowed in taking the lead.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian February 10, 2018

Within the community of Ascension and Healing is a cherished concept which many people have come to know as Twin Flames. The origins of this tradition go all the way back to the dawn of humanity. Our religions tell us that we are the offspring of a prototypical couple that many identify as Adam and Even. Within the Qaballah, our human foundation begins from a focal source that bifurcates into a masculine and feminine polarity. We are also told that we are created within the same template of this bifurcating image. Continue reading “Twin Flames and the Bifurcation of Consciousness”


“My experience within esoteric science has conveyed to me how our egotistical nature consistently wants to place the cart before the horse. We want to know about cosmology before we even have an accurate worldview. We want to know about the nature of Lucifer before we have come to a truthful understanding of our own self. This is an essential element of Lucifer, which is to offer advanced knowledge to beings that are not yet fully capable of assimilating it and by doing so become enslaved to the source of this information.

The value of Lucifer becomes far more relevant when we investigate the meaning of this archetype as it relates to us from a personal and visceral level. We must train ourselves to view Lucifer not as a separate entity to be feared and/or worshiped, but as an element of our self to fully comprehend.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian October 18, 2017

One of the most important concept within our mythologies is the fall of mankind.  This can be viewed as our descent into the material realm, the emergence of our Ego, and our self-inflicted violation of the soul.  What is essential to keep in perspective is nothing within our human experience is a mistake as much as it is a self-correcting and evolving process of making mistakes and learning through the consequences of those actions.  This process has been accelerated by the presence of fallen beings that have chosen to directly influence and rule the lower realm of existence that as incarnated human beings we are now living within.  All of this is an exercise in free will and no one participating in this perpetual drama is performing in it without their consent.  Virtually everything that we experience is the fruit of our labor. Continue reading “Lucifer”

The Eighth Sphere: Dissension in the Ascension Community

“Despite the fact that there is an overt tendency within the Disclosure and Ascension community to focus upon the gadgets and fantastical technological advancements, it really is a secondary issue. If understood correctly, what the extraterrestrial mythologies are truly about is the expansion of consciousness and is completely analogous to Alchemy and the ancient wisdom teachings which can never be understood through conventional linear logic. One must step out of egotistical life and literally the linear time continuum to seek their own indelible experience. This is the one key factor that all truthful witnesses bear within themselves, and also the one key factor that most of the skeptics lack– which is an experience that they are indeed trying to understand if not judge.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian July 29, 20017

One of the major concepts promoted within the forward thinking community of Disclosure and Spiritual Ascension is a developing intuition of a timeline bifurcation within the evolution of the Earth.  In a sense, we seem to be standing at the crossroads of what direction we will be evolving towards.  What is quite interesting about this concept is the fact that each and every individual must decide for themselves what path is most appropriate for their soul to follow.  Continue reading “The Eighth Sphere: Dissension in the Ascension Community”

Letter to an Atheist

“Regardless of how strongly we identify ourselves with a religion, philosophy, or worldview; ultimately it is love for humanity and life which transforms us into a greater state of being. If the so-called atheist remains true to their alleged principles of universal brotherhood, then eventually they should arrive at the same place as the saints. Unfortunately, this is rarely ever seen for the simple fact that in order to get to this ascended state, a humbling must occur before the revelation of our higher spiritual self. This is extremely difficult for an egoist because there are elements within ego which act in usurping this process. Yet if it can be accomplished, one is no longer an atheist, but simply a human being that now exists within an ascended level of I AM consciousness. Within this state of being one is reconnected with their collective humanity and ultimately in a completed state of fulfillment to their life’s purpose.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian May 17, 2017

Life certainly has an interesting way of unfolding.  The most attention I have received from Beyond the Soul’s Meridian so far is from a group that I would have least expected, in the form of some very hostile criticism.  Even though they have a negative opinion of my work they have read it in much greater detail than anyone one else has up until this point. So far, they have completely missed the point of the work.  For the record, it is most analogous to an alchemical treatise which is designed to catalyze a transformational shift in consciousness.  The initial stage of this process can be one that is quite overwhelming if not downright disturbing, specifically to the more egotistical individuals who despite themselves have developed a compulsion to read through many parts of it.  Continue reading “Letter to an Atheist”

The Avatar of Christ Timeline

“There are some that are going so far as to state that what we are doing today will affect not only the future but the past. Furthermore, depending upon your reference of consciousness through our multiple reincarnating life cycles we exist in all time dimensional states at the same moment. Honestly, this concept is always very difficult for me to get my head around, but apparently this is a likely probability which we may not fully comprehend until we die or are no longer engaged within the linear time continuum of this third dimensional-density world. If this is truly the case then the events that happened nearly 2000 years ago on Golgotha are still occurring today. Meaning the Avatar of God is still within our reality and is continuously being crucified.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian April 15, 2017

On this Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, a thought occurred to me which has put many things into perspective.  Over the last year I have challenged my understanding of truth through the contemporary wisdom that science, parascience, and modern mythologies are now conveying.  Looking deeply into the narrative of Disclosure was an essential part of this.  So far, nothing that I have written to the best of my abilities needs to be revised.  I know that what I have conveyed is an honest and truthful testimony of what I have experienced.  Furthermore, I find the concepts that I have articulated echoing in the body of work through other disconnected sources.  So either we are all victims of mind control or the Spirit is truly moving us towards an ascended level of consciousness.  Continue reading “The Avatar of Christ Timeline”