What is Truth?

“Even as the great cosmic warriors that we are, we will not be victorious in this struggle unless we not only have the courage to ask the most simple and obvious question, “What is Truth?” but the wisdom to answer it.  Victory depends upon our capacity to discern Good from Evil, truth from non-truth, and truthful souls from the non-truthful, liars, and deceivers.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian August 14, 2003

It is said that Satan is the father of lies.

“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies.…”  John 8:44

When reading this passage, one must concede that we are now living in the presence of Satan.  The war waged against humanity is founded upon deception.  Regardless of the source of information, we must go through an introspective process of validation before anything can be accepted as truth.  Even in the mainstream media, some of the information that they disseminate is truthful.  In other alternative sources, some, if not much of what is stated is deceptive or incomplete.   Continue reading “What is Truth?”

The Lord(s) of Time

“There should be no doubt for anyone on the pathway that Gaia is moving forward into a more sublime realm on an optimal timeline that we are all being invited to take. This ideal timeline has always existed in Christ consciousness.  We were all told this as children which many of us dismissed when we became adults.  As linear perception of time comes to an end, many are recognizing the truth of our sacred teachings.  It is not Jesus Christ the man, but the timeline that Christ-Sophia represents. In this one timeline that we are merging towards, Christ was not, and will never be, crucified.  In all other timelines, He was, is, and will continue to be martyred.”

The fate of all men and gods is determined by three ruling powers.  They are called by many names, but their function is always the same.  One births, one sustains, and one destroys.  Every being that gives consent to play in this realm of existence is subjected to these primal ruling entities.  The Vedics called them Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.  The ancient Kabbalah knew them as the three pillars of existence called Mercy, Harmony, and Severity.  The Gnostics saw them as a syncretic being that they called Abraxas, with a head of a rooster, arms and chest of a man, and lower half serpent, that gives birth to and devours its own children.  Anything that is born into the lower realm of dense existence will die in it from the perspective of linear time.

In ancient Greece, they were known as the Moirai or the Fates, represented by three goddess (Clotho the spinner, Lachesis the measurer, and Atropos the cutter) of the thread of time allotted for everything born into this realm of existence.  Even Zeus was subjugated to their fate.

All things die, as death remains a persistent illusion in the world ruled by ego.  We came into this realm from somewhere else and we are destined to go back from where we came.  That is the paradigm that we have agreed to incarnate into.  That somewhere else is outside of linear time.  The linear time continuum is a paradox that has its own Lord of Time that nothing can supersede.  This is the reason why we are crucified consistently within it.  From this perspective, Plato is absolutely correct, as the idea in the form of an organizational consciousness of all things, never perishes.  Despite fierce objection from those of the egotistically inclined worldview, anomalies in logical causality and reason persist in a universe that is unquestionably entangled with non-local phenomena of a quantum nature.  If nothing else, it is time for us to consider the fact that a spiritual force beyond our empirical comprehension exists within a cosmic field of intelligence that transcends our ego’s awareness.   Continue reading “The Lord(s) of Time”

The Third Incursion

“In the past, the impulse of Christ had to be withdrawn and the communities that lived in this greater truth were left to endure the wrath of the shadow’s evil impulses. Prophesy states that this will no longer happen, that Christ-Sophia will not be withdrawn from the hearts and souls of those who have come to know the Light of God’s Truth.  The reason for the third incursion’s success is that the nature of the world has changed in the time of the Aquarian Age which is a place where the shadows of darkness are no longer able to survive.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian February 6, 2023

We are in a state of limbo where nothing in this world makes any sense.  Naked aggression with pure contempt in the heartless souls of the wicked continue to assault us through a regurgitated litany of enslaving dictates.    

Who appointed these people? 

No one from the human race.   

They came to this world as parasites.

What gives them the right to take what is not theirs to take?

Their nature is that of locusts with human faces.  Although the elite have long considered most of humanity as useless feeders, anyone who comes into this world without an awareness of their own spiritual presence becomes a being of hindrance.  Beings of hindrance are the minions controlled by the shadow forces that are attempting to take over this world.  By nature, beings of hindrance are parasitic because they cannot create value through their own sense of self-worth. Our self-worth is based upon our awareness and expression of inner truth.   When we live in the greater reality, we are in I AM awareness in union with the Logos which manifests through us as unique codes of light and sound that identifies us as individuated aspects of God.   Continue reading “The Third Incursion”

Transubstantiation: Winter Solstice of 2022

“The concept of transubstantiation is a timeless principle that transcends Ages and cultures.  It is an act of consecration and all healing keys off this principle.  There is no monopoly on this process.  One does not have to be an ordained priest to consecrate or heal.  All human beings have the capability to offer blessings and impart intentional healing energies into substance. Sanctification is our natural birthright because we carry within us the essence of our godly parents through Christ-Sophia.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian December 18, 2022

The Winter Solstice of 2022 occurs on December 21, at 3:37 pm CST.  The highlight of this season involves the energies of Ceres in relation to the our dynamic human Life Force in balance to the Divine Masculine. This balance will be imbued in the Light of Truth for ALL to experience. 

Ceres is the Divine Goddess of Nature, nurturing, the harvest, and is the mother of the Moon goddess Persephone who is a spiritual archetype of the human soul.  Ceres is also known by the ancient Greeks as Demeter, who together with Zeus are humanity’s Divine Parents. 

The energies of the zodiac are always determined by the conscious alignment of the souls that come to meet it.  If one’s intentions are within a lower resonance, then what a person sees are opportunities to harness cosmic energies for individual empowerment, control, and enslavement.  In this fashion, the occult practitioner lays out intentional plans based upon past, present, and future planetary alignments. 

On the other hand, the movements of the heavens can be recognized as energies which can assist humanity in the ever-present moment.  Instead of scheming to acquire egotistical advantages over fellow souls, or scrambling to avoid catastrophe, regard the energies as an ambient celestial Life Force in the same way that a surfer embraces the unique power and signature of the ocean’s waves in a perpetual state of transition.  In the realm of this present (and higher) awareness, we are focusing attention upon all seven senses (light, sound, touch, smell, taste, emotion, and intuition), entering the realm of now-time, in a sacred dance with earthly forces that embody the essential nature of Ceres herself.  The presence of the Holy Mother shifts our consciousness into a heightened state of anticipation, astonishment, and pure joy in Christed Awareness.  To dance with the Holy Mother is to step outside of the linear time continuum. Continue reading “Transubstantiation: Winter Solstice of 2022”

The Season of John: Revelations of the Apocalypse

“There is a war raging all around us trying to breach into the inner sanctuary of our soul.  It is those who succumb to this demonic invasion that become susceptible to the hellish scenarios that John describes. Immunity to this satanic illness exists within those who understand that true prophecy is spiritually inspired vision that will catalyze inner transformations within the mind-soul of those who fail to resonate with and reject the nightmare.  In so doing, this rejection inspires us to imagine, search, and create outcomes more consistent with our loving and heavenly nature, ascending the soul beyond the fear and manifestation of these potential agonizing events.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian October 23, 2022

The way of the new mysteries of the Aquarian Age involves humanity coming into communion with the heavenly realm in “I AM” consciousness.  From whatever cultural perspective our karma has been conditioned to view this transformation from, the essence of our soul’s ascension is established upon the merging of our Soul to our spiritual Higher Self.

The heart of the fall season is connected to the energies of the Scorpion.  The Christian mystics sensed that the seasons of the year were directly related to the four gospels of the New Testament.  The energies of the seasons manifest astrologically in accordance with the tetramorphic vision of the prophet Ezekiel, which is the angelic archetype of the human being comprised of a Man, Bull, Lion, and Eagle.

Fall is represented by the Eagle and associated with the teaching of the Apostle John. The energies of John are of great transformative power, and esoteric scholarship understood that the Gnosis contained within his works were written specifically for those who are compelled to become initiates of the Christ-Sophia Mysteries. Continue reading “The Season of John: Revelations of the Apocalypse”

The New Covenant of the Aquarian Age

“Think of a royal court or an executive board room meeting and envision what they have in common. 

Then ask, who is the smartest person in those scenarios?

The answer is never the king or CEO, but the ennobled fool that in many instances is laughed at and ridiculed.  Yet the fool is tolerated because they can enlighten the mood as a valuable bag to punch. The fool makes the small feel large.  From a spiritual perspective, the fool acts as leavening to eventually elevate the collective consciousness of the groups that their soul must consort with.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian April 15, 2022 (Good Friday)

The Easter season promises rebirth and regeneration to those who come to meet it from whence it springs forth.  This transfiguration will not occur within the confinements of Hierarchy’s mechanical, virtual, ceremonial, or theoretical platforms, but must be within a living space that interacts with the energies of the Sun and Earth.  This is the reason why those who are of the truth have been imploring everyone (with ears to listen) to find (through sacred breathing) the inner space of peace within their heart and bring this stillness into Nature in communion with the presence of the Divine Mother.  It is the Father who is streaming-in the Solar Fire and Light in preparation for this Holy Union. It is within our inner sanctuary where we will be at one in the presence of our Spiritual Parents. Continue reading “The New Covenant of the Aquarian Age”

Politics of Disease

“Chimera is the signature of egotistical manipulation upon nature.  Make no mistake in understanding that the COVID19 virus is a biological agent designed to cause disease in humans.  COVID19 is an intentional infection inflicted upon the world for specific pathological and psychological effects— and its release was well planned out.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian March 21, 2020

Our country is in a State of Emergency, which has been declared over a type of virus known to be one of the major causes of the common cold. (1) The media coverage over this event is incessant and beyond the scope that would be warranted by the health risk that this virus is capable of causing. The virus in question is a coronavirus that by this point in time, we all know as COVID19. Continue reading “Politics of Disease”


“The mother of all conspiracies within our lifetime centers on the events of September 11, 2001. The effects of this catastrophe are still causing fear within us today. Those who have perpetrated this crime knew that it would be impossible to cover-up. But a cover-up was never the point because at it deepest level, it amounted to a dark perverse ritual designed to foment dissension and shatter our confidence. The best that the deep-state could do was to ignore or deny the facts while promoting a flimsy narrative that has been utterly exposed by very credible people and organizations within the scientific community. This has been done before on a smaller scale with the Kennedy assassination. This is why we can say with assurance that the official narrative which the media has promoted concerning the 911 events is false, simply because it does not hold up to the scrutiny of basic science.

Applying this same standard to the autism-vaccine issue disproves the theory that there is any direct correlation. Meaning, that vaccines have as much probability of causing autism as Mohamed Atta was solely responsible for engineering and carrying out the attacks on 911. Yet, the so called truth community embraces science for the issues of 911 and utterly ignores it on vaccines. This is because the media has engineered this paradox intentionally to breed mistrust, conflict, and fear.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian March 24, 2019

The subject of immunizations has become a controversial issue for many people.  In the past, we had a greater tendency to trust implicitly institutions that guided us in making informed decisions.  Today, most of these institutions have lost the public’s confidence.  In many instances, this is for good reason as our country’s medical system, and specifically the pharmaceutical-medical-industrial-complex that drives it, has historically taken advantage of this trust and has used it for less than noble intentions.  It is even believed that the goal of modern medicine is to keep us ill, so that we will perpetually need their services. Continue reading “Immunizations”

Riding the Wave: Saturn, D-WAVE Logic, and the Onslaught of Demonic Consciousness

“In esoteric science it is always understood that before significant spiritual changes occur, anti-spiritual changes precede in its attempt to mimic and deceive. This fact is seen within the schism of consciousness reflected by the relationship of the shadowy astral realm and the higher spiritual realms to our human constitution. This false ascension will never prevail, but I suspect it will drag many willing souls into its abyss through insidious promises of a better world through artificial and unnatural anti-spiritual constructs. It is essential that those who need to learn this lesson must come to understand it through personal suffering which is the essence of this exchange. No one outside of their own self can save them. Again, they must learn that nothing can be obtained for nothing. Yet, as the heavenly bodies tell us, a significant realignment of ego consciousness has now commenced which provide us with additional insight into this impending cataclysm.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian October 25, 2018

Cycles of Earthly Consciousness

The cadence of the year is driven by spiritual forces which manifest themselves through our environment as seasons. We can observe this through our cultural and religious traditions which are entangled within spiritually derived terrestrial and extraterrestrial energies of the cosmos. For a person who is interested in experiencing these transitions, it is quite fortunate to be able to live within an environment that physically manifests the full spectrum of seasonal changes. For many, this is the reason why we choose to live in places that express four distinct seasons. Continue reading “Riding the Wave: Saturn, D-WAVE Logic, and the Onslaught of Demonic Consciousness”

Children of Prometheus

“The fate of Prometheus is the fate of all earth bound human beings which in essence is the toll that unrestrained egotistical thinking has upon our human body. Within an esoteric perspective, the Ego represents not only forces of structure, limitation, and form, but also destruction and death. Through the vision of Ezekiel, spiritual legends, and the teaching of alchemy, the eagle is symbolic of our egocentric energy which manifests through the neurosensory system. In Greek mythology this energy is represented as Zeus’ eagle. Over-stimulation of the neurosensory system through egotistical endeavors literally tears the physical body apart. This is the essence of a catabolic process that is occurring within us every day while the egocentric neurosensory system is engaged in our awaken state within the dense physical construct of earthly life. Therefore, if the body is driven too harshly we will damage it, and through this injury, illness will manifest. Truly, the essence of health and well being is to understand this basic principle.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian August 25, 2018

These are the words expressed by the existential writer Franz Kafka regarding the legend of Prometheus. (1)

There are four legends concerning Prometheus:

According to the first he was clamped to a rock in the Caucasus for betraying the secrets of the gods to men, and the gods sent eagles to feed on his liver, which was perpetually renewed.

According to the second Prometheus, goaded by the pain of the tearing beaks, pressed himself deeper and deeper into the rock until he became one with it.

According to the third his treachery was forgotten in the course of thousands of years, forgotten by the gods, the eagles, forgotten by himself.

According to the fourth everyone grew weary of the meaningless affair. The gods grew
weary, the eagles grew weary, the wound closed wearily.

There remains the inexplicable mass of rock. The legend tries to explain the inexplicable. As it comes out of the substratum of truth it has in turn to end in the inexplicable.Continue reading “Children of Prometheus”