The Avatar of Christ Timeline

“There are some that are going so far as to state that what we are doing today will affect not only the future but the past. Furthermore, depending upon your reference of consciousness through our multiple reincarnating life cycles we exist in all time dimensional states at the same moment. Honestly, this concept is always very difficult for me to get my head around, but apparently this is a likely probability which we may not fully comprehend until we die or are no longer engaged within the linear time continuum of this third dimensional-density world. If this is truly the case then the events that happened nearly 2000 years ago on Golgotha are still occurring today. Meaning the Avatar of God is still within our reality and is continuously being crucified.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian April 15, 2017

On this Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, a thought occurred to me which has put many things into perspective.  Over the last year I have challenged my understanding of truth through the contemporary wisdom that science, parascience, and modern mythologies are now conveying.  Looking deeply into the narrative of Disclosure was an essential part of this.  So far, nothing that I have written to the best of my abilities needs to be revised.  I know that what I have conveyed is an honest and truthful testimony of what I have experienced.  Furthermore, I find the concepts that I have articulated echoing in the body of work through other disconnected sources.  So either we are all victims of mind control or the Spirit is truly moving us towards an ascended level of consciousness.  Continue reading “The Avatar of Christ Timeline”