Riding the Wave: Saturn, D-WAVE Logic, and the Onslaught of Demonic Consciousness

“In esoteric science it is always understood that before significant spiritual changes occur, anti-spiritual changes precede in its attempt to mimic and deceive. This fact is seen within the schism of consciousness reflected by the relationship of the shadowy astral realm and the higher spiritual realms to our human constitution. This false ascension will never prevail, but I suspect it will drag many willing souls into its abyss through insidious promises of a better world through artificial and unnatural anti-spiritual constructs. It is essential that those who need to learn this lesson must come to understand it through personal suffering which is the essence of this exchange. No one outside of their own self can save them. Again, they must learn that nothing can be obtained for nothing. Yet, as the heavenly bodies tell us, a significant realignment of ego consciousness has now commenced which provide us with additional insight into this impending cataclysm.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian October 25, 2018

Cycles of Earthly Consciousness

The cadence of the year is driven by spiritual forces which manifest themselves through our environment as seasons. We can observe this through our cultural and religious traditions which are entangled within spiritually derived terrestrial and extraterrestrial energies of the cosmos. For a person who is interested in experiencing these transitions, it is quite fortunate to be able to live within an environment that physically manifests the full spectrum of seasonal changes. For many, this is the reason why we choose to live in places that express four distinct seasons. Continue reading “Riding the Wave: Saturn, D-WAVE Logic, and the Onslaught of Demonic Consciousness”