The Journey to Olympus

“As we move through the season of winter and transition into the New Year, the energies of the celestial realm are destined to reconfigure our Ego body.  In the same way that Ganymede was favored by the Logos, those who remain courageous in their God-Sovereignty will be most affected by this transition. For those souls who seen nothing worth salvaging within the lower realms of fear and deception, our flight to Olympus is a journey that is not only welcomed, but one that we have been ordained to take.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian December 21, 2021

The Winter Solstice heralds the birth of a new spiritual season.  This is the time when Sol comes into alignment with the Galactic Sun at the end time of Sagittarius preceding the season of giving in the time of Capricorn. This transition promises to bear incredible riches for those who have prepared themselves for the transformation that is upon us as we move in opposition to the energies that the Summer Solstice prophesied. Continue reading “The Journey to Olympus”