The Apostasy

“Regardless of how engaging or tempting teachers, gurus, or institutions may be, none will lead to spiritual truth. The lesson that we must learn is that ascension into the Christos-Sophia Aquarian Age can only be obtained by renouncing the supremacy of all conventional and organizational teaching, for within them is the essence of mind control. For a soul to think and create freely, it cannot subjugate itself to notions, protocols, and preconceived ideas.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian February 29, 2024

What we leave behind as history is a biased description of what really occurred.  The whole truth does not exist in the accounts of the historians, nor in the cults of the societies, governments, and religions that events inspired.  Even for many who become involved in esoteric schooling, eventually it becomes plain to see that there are limits through agendas behind the teachings.  In virtually every instance, it is the people who run the schools and their professors that inevitably build a construct that in essence becomes their livelihood and a platform of power and self-importance.

In doing so, people of well intention ossify the truth that existed within the ideas that inspired the movement in the first place.  February of this year was marked by the planet Pluto crossing into the space of Aquarius (by Tropical alignment) signifying the annihilation and transformation of all things spiritual.  This affects not only religion, but everything that transcends the physical realm, which includes the lessons of mystery schools and the coveted knowledge that has been buried within the human subconscious since the time of Atlantis.  To complicate the matter, the principles of these secrets were subverted and inverted by the very organizations and their leaders who were entrusted with this information. Continue reading “The Apostasy”

Awakening Dragon: Spring Equinox 2023

“In Gnostic teachings, not all dragons are slain. As we become knowers of greater universal truth, we will come to understand that the dragon is very much a part of us.  The dragon can be charmed by singing to it the Truth of our heavenly parents.  The dragon is our life force and in the ascended realm she becomes our individualized power that can only be tamed through love, fidelity, and mutual admiration.  Gods do not kill dragons.  Fifth density power is god-like and in the higher realm our dragon is meant to serve us in mutual love and affection.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian March 18, 2023

This year’s Vernal equinox will occur on Monday, March 20, 2023, at 4:24 CST.

Much has been forecast as there are two major events in the Month.

The first was Saturn moving into Tropical Pisces on March 7, which will transit the Sign of the Fishes until it enters Aries in May 2025.  Saturn’s movement into Pisces ends the Aquarian re-alignment and begins to focus upon the spiritual aspects of our life on a personal level.

The second is that Pluto moves from Tropical Capricorn into the sign of Aquarius two days after the Equinox, which means that it will be at the cusp on March 20.

The sense among astrologers is that this will be a season of great change which is like saying that the sun will rise tomorrow as the timeline that we are now on is one of enormous transformation through a spiritual process of transfiguration.

Saturn in Pisces is not a comfortable placement and there will be an overwhelming feeling that great change is necessary to reconfigure ourselves into something more congruent with the ascending landscape of human awareness.  Over the last five years, the enslaving powers of Saturn, as ruler of Capricorn and the nocturnal element of Aquarius, had free reign within the darker aspects of those signs. To an empathetic soul, the last five years seemed bewildering as the energies of that time favored the irrational dictates and schemes hatched by those who appeared to be in control.  It was no coincidence that the powers of darkness unleashed their attack against humanity at the apex of that transition when Pluto and Saturn were conjunct in January of 2020. Continue reading “Awakening Dragon: Spring Equinox 2023”

The Journey to Olympus

“As we move through the season of winter and transition into the New Year, the energies of the celestial realm are destined to reconfigure our Ego body.  In the same way that Ganymede was favored by the Logos, those who remain courageous in their God-Sovereignty will be most affected by this transition. For those souls who seen nothing worth salvaging within the lower realms of fear and deception, our flight to Olympus is a journey that is not only welcomed, but one that we have been ordained to take.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian December 21, 2021

The Winter Solstice heralds the birth of a new spiritual season.  This is the time when Sol comes into alignment with the Galactic Sun at the end time of Sagittarius preceding the season of giving in the time of Capricorn. This transition promises to bear incredible riches for those who have prepared themselves for the transformation that is upon us as we move in opposition to the energies that the Summer Solstice prophesied. Continue reading “The Journey to Olympus”

The Beatitudes: Path of Alchemical and Astrological Integration

“There are three stages of Beatitudes which is processed by the three principles of alchemy.  These three principles integrate with the four elements of the Zodiac.  The three principles of alchemy are known as the “Tria Principa” which are the essential elements in all alchemical reactions.  It can be viewed as the “Prima Materia” which is the first matter that is transformed through a series of reactions that eventual leads to the Opus Magnus.”

The Beatitudes are a roadmap for the path of Ascension given to us by the Master Alchemist.  It is ingrained within the ancient mysteries that predated the Age of Pisces.  These ancient mysteries were conveyed only to those souls who were interested in becoming knowers of Truth. The Beatitudes are revelatory in the sense that they are disclosing truth lost to generations that is hiding in plain sight within the light of the heavens.  Continue reading “The Beatitudes: Path of Alchemical and Astrological Integration”

Children of Prometheus

“The fate of Prometheus is the fate of all earth bound human beings which in essence is the toll that unrestrained egotistical thinking has upon our human body. Within an esoteric perspective, the Ego represents not only forces of structure, limitation, and form, but also destruction and death. Through the vision of Ezekiel, spiritual legends, and the teaching of alchemy, the eagle is symbolic of our egocentric energy which manifests through the neurosensory system. In Greek mythology this energy is represented as Zeus’ eagle. Over-stimulation of the neurosensory system through egotistical endeavors literally tears the physical body apart. This is the essence of a catabolic process that is occurring within us every day while the egocentric neurosensory system is engaged in our awaken state within the dense physical construct of earthly life. Therefore, if the body is driven too harshly we will damage it, and through this injury, illness will manifest. Truly, the essence of health and well being is to understand this basic principle.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian August 25, 2018

These are the words expressed by the existential writer Franz Kafka regarding the legend of Prometheus. (1)

There are four legends concerning Prometheus:

According to the first he was clamped to a rock in the Caucasus for betraying the secrets of the gods to men, and the gods sent eagles to feed on his liver, which was perpetually renewed.

According to the second Prometheus, goaded by the pain of the tearing beaks, pressed himself deeper and deeper into the rock until he became one with it.

According to the third his treachery was forgotten in the course of thousands of years, forgotten by the gods, the eagles, forgotten by himself.

According to the fourth everyone grew weary of the meaningless affair. The gods grew
weary, the eagles grew weary, the wound closed wearily.

There remains the inexplicable mass of rock. The legend tries to explain the inexplicable. As it comes out of the substratum of truth it has in turn to end in the inexplicable.Continue reading “Children of Prometheus”