Anointing with Fire: Spring Equinox 2022

“The activities of the Sun will ultimately serve as a “Chrism” to burn away all that is within the soul’s libido that is not congruent with the Light of Truth.  Since Lilith is placed in Gemini, there will be two paths that can be taken.  One will lead to ascension of the soul, and the other further into the dark matrix of control and enslavement.  We baptize with water and anoint (chrism) with fire.  Regardless of what you have believed in the past, we are going through an essential sacrament on a global scale.”

Beyond the Souls Meridian March 21, 2022

This year’s Spring Equinox occurs on March 21, 2022, at 10:33 am CST.  This event marks the season of transformation that is destined to affect the physical body in the greatest way possible.

The 2021 Summer Solstice alignment signified the formation of a Grand Cross within the fixed signs of Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Taurus.  It has been demonstrated that celestial energy has been working in temporal patterns which represent not only the four seasons, but the four bodies of the human constitution. Continue reading “Anointing with Fire: Spring Equinox 2022”