Summer Solstice 2023

“…our advantage in this war is the underestimation, contempt, and disrespect that the usurpers hold against us.  Many knights of our past fought against great odds.  Our greatest advantage in this struggle is the unification of our masculine and feminine kundalini powers, which was a rare and esteemed occurrence viewed by the ennobled knight as a blessing before going to battle.  It is the process of inner unification that negates our fear of weakness, unifying us to our higher angelic forces, and making us invincible in conflicts of just cause.  This is a power that the darkness fears the most, as they cannot summon it and are no match against it”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian June 19, 2023

The Summer Solstice occurs on June 21, 2023 @ 09:58 am CST

As we enter into summer, our community appears to be gripped in an eerie state of stillness.  A pregnant pause perhaps before a yet distinguishable event that remains just out of reach.  Is it just a psych-op or is there really something looming in this summer season? As always with this time of year, the most energetic period is around the helical rising of Sirius beginning in July and ending in the Dogs days at the Lion’s portal.

The astrology is suggesting quite emphatically, that something of great importance is destined to occur.  We can only interpret what the heavens offer us regards their energetic signatures.  Out of all the signs available to us, I view the Heavens as the most reliable as they would be the most difficult, if not impossible, to manipulate by the forces of oppression.  If there is any attempt on their part to do this, they seem to be failing in their task of producing astrological signatures (and therefore energies) favorable to their dominion over this earth.

Keep in mind that in this world the progress of human existence is driven by adversarial forces.  As Mephistopheles tells Faust, “I am part of that power which would do evil constantly, and constantly does good; I am the spirit of perpetual negation.”

In the tinkering and manipulation of humanity by draconian forces, we are forced to adapt and expand our consciousness.  Our universe is design in this fashion. Continue reading “Summer Solstice 2023”