Remote Viewing the Akasha & the Greater Guardian of the Threshold

For many individuals on the path of ascension through Unity Consciousness, the Greater Guardian should begin to emerge as a concept. (2) This is the point where we must decide what master we will ultimately serve and where our new found freedom (from fear) and bestowed talents will best be utilized. For many, we will choose to employ our energies for individual empowerment and personal gain. Even for those who profess to be spiritually enlightened, because of the effects of ego conditioning, service to self will be a natural tendency. What will be asked of us is to let go of this power in service to others. Within this ascended realm, there is only one King, who is indeed the manifestation of the Greater Guardian. Within this higher realm there is no personal gain or individual ascension because the person has willfully tied their fate to the destiny of the collective in service to the True King. Within this realm wisdom emerges through stillness and inaction. Within this realm, the Ego is subservient and our actions are guided by our hearts and the principles of love.

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian May 27, 2018

Recently, my attentions have been focused upon several persons who are making the claim that they can remote view. Those who are good at it can not only witness events at various locations and times but develop the ability to read the Akashic records. This is really nothing new as people with clairvoyant capacities have been around since the beginning of human experience. Many of these people claim to have been trained by the military or intelligence networks, specifically to gather information that elements of the government deem important to their various covert operations. This should come to no surprise simply because if something is potentially possible, our human nature will drive us to attempt to manifest it. In many ways this is the nature of our Ego which is steeped in the scientific principles that virtually all of us have come to obey—despite the outcome. Continue reading “Remote Viewing the Akasha & the Greater Guardian of the Threshold”