The Emergence of Free Will: Fall Equinox 2022

“It is only in the ascended state of Christed consciousness where we are truly free. From our mind’s perspective, we can only sense freedom from an expanded function of soul where our heart’s emotional intelligence guides and inspires rational egocentric thinking.  This means that our mind must expand to our heart and even deeper to the intuitions of the solar plexus.  In esoteric teaching, reaching this state of awareness is called Redemption.  This becomes the point in our evolutionary ascension where we are redeemed from fear, the bondage of materialism, and egocentric enslavement.  Contrary to popular belief or “New Age” teaching, “ego” is not nullified, for it can never be destroyed within an individuated aspect of God.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian September 22, 2022

The chaotic energy of our time continues to escalate at a rapid pace.  As we view the world around us it is beyond apparent that a dark suicidal agenda is being implemented against humanity.  This is not a “conspiracy theory” but a CONSPIRACY against all who live within their soul’s capacity to discern freely the contrasts of Truth and Deception. Our capacity to discern is Promethean, which is hard won through Ages of struggle and suffering against draconian entities within lifetimes of searching and fighting for liberation against enslaving egocentric bondage.  This freedom is gained solely through an accurate awareness of who we truly are.  Due to its alchemical nature, this process is honed by adversity.

Regardless of what the media’s propaganda is telling us, ALL human souls know the Truth of what is happening to them with a high degree of accuracy.  The reason for this universal awareness is that the fear and suffering that is now being inflicted upon humanity through agendas of austerity, engineered scarcity, disease, fear, panic, and violence affects the human soul at a subconscious level constituting an awareness at the heart and gut.  It is within consciousness beyond our conditioned ego where we know we are being violated. Continue reading “The Emergence of Free Will: Fall Equinox 2022”