A Cure for Cancer

“It is important to realize that there are many modalities that have been discovered over the years that can have a dramatic impact upon our health and potentially cure afflictions which appear to be incurable, including cancer. Yet these newer therapies will also fail unless they are presented within a greater science of consciousness that we are still not allowed to have. In essence, we must as individuals become the new scientists, flourishing within a realm of love, understanding, truth, and cooperation. This greater level of awareness will simply bypass the old paradigms rendering them irrelevant. It takes great courage to do this and we must applaud those who are compelled to follow a higher source of wisdom.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian July 22, 2018

In 1971, while the Vietnam War was raging, President Richard Nixon signed the National Cancer Act, which initiated a program that immediately became known as the “War on Cancer.” Although the National Cancer Act itself does not mention the word war, President Nixon and the media immediately proclaimed the act as a “war” against cancer. The goal of this endeavor was to find a cure for cancer and eradicate it as a major cause of death. Additional administrations, such as President Barack Obama’s, used cancer again as a political issue while earmarking significant increases in revenues to combat this elusive specter. In 2015, the National Cancer Institute was budgeted for 5.665 billion dollars, which did not include private donations, endowments, or publicly funded organizations such as the National Cancer Society. (1, 2) Continue reading “A Cure for Cancer”