Transcending into the New Age: The Grand Conjunction of the Great Winter Solstice

“Despite the darkness that opposes it, the spirit of the time is destined to be that of unconditional giving. This is our only way through the chaos as all other paths lead to the death of our freedom and the end of our spiritually enlightened soul. It would be no exaggeration to state that at this moment we have been led down a path that is facing the opened jaws of oblivion. Salvation of the human spirit must occur on a global scale that we can all experience. It is the celestial alignments in union with the Great Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of the Solstice that will force us to take notice of what is happening. Although there are elements that suggest previous moments of great transformation in human history, the time of this year’s winter Solstice is like no others.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian December 1, 2020

In the Winter of 2018, I was compelled to write an essay which was posted in October of that year regarding the conjunction of the planets Pluto and Saturn in the Tropical sign of Capricorn. The significance of these alignments, along with the intermittent energies of Jupiter, signified a three-year transformation, beginning in December 2017 and ending near the December 2020 Solstice.  At the time that I wrote the essay, I sensed a storm of dark energy more powerful than anything we had experienced, was descending upon us. The title of the essay was, “Riding the Wave: Saturn, D-Wave Logic, and the Onslaught of Demonic Consciousness.” (See Beyond the Soul’s Meridian October 25, 2018 post)

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