Our Beautiful Ego

“The true light of our being, our God-Self, our individuated I AM consciousness, is Ego.  By design, anything that is separated from Source has an Ego.  In its truest form, Ego is the Light of God that we bring forth into the world.  On the optimal timeline, Ego is Dharma which is our most truthful individuated God-Self living through our actions, words, and deeds.  This is the individuated power of Creation manifest in Divine Justice through the Lion’s roar of our soul.  It is the blending of our Self with Truth.  It is our Christed (Christ-Sophia) awareness. It is our blessing upon the Earth. Ego is signified by our unique sequences of light and sound codes.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian July 7, 2023

Our Alchemical Universe is comprised of two forces.  One is seminal, and the other a receptive matrix.  This can be viewed as masculine and feminine aspects.  From an energetic perspective, we can see how energy emanates from source to ground.  This is a universal constant within our realm of existence.

At some point, the Universe began to fragment or step outside of itself.  It went from a unified whole into individuated aspects of itself.  Each aspect carries a sense of uniqueness distinguished from the wholeness from which it was separated.  In linear time, this process began at the conception of the visible Universe, at least as long as 15 billion years ago.  There are clearly aspects of the Universe which exist in a timeless state.  This means that our human mind, imprisoned within temporal conceptions, can never relate accurately to that state of existence.  Until we die or have an experience outside of linear time, timelessness remains a mystery.  It is the concept of the Big Band which suggests that there is an aspect of the Universe that decided to explore itself in an individualized way separated from singularity.

Our Universe is creational, which means that it evolves unto itself within a parameter of Free Will governed by certain universal constants.  Keep in mind that one of those constants (which is the most important one for humanity currently) is the Law of Balance, which we have come to understand as Karma. As we develop as monads (which are individuated aspects of God), fractals incarnate into the linear time continuum blinded from their universal spiritual origin. Lessons learned through separation are compiled within a timeless energetic matrix that becomes the essence of what we determine as soul.  Our individual experiences based upon trial-and-error help to forge our uniqueness expressed within our individuated self.  These experiences are shaped by self-determined actions infused by the energies created between the interplay of the Heavens (in the form of Divine Light) and the Matrix of bodies in which we live throughout our lives in linear time. Continue reading “Our Beautiful Ego”

Transubstantiation: Winter Solstice of 2022

“The concept of transubstantiation is a timeless principle that transcends Ages and cultures.  It is an act of consecration and all healing keys off this principle.  There is no monopoly on this process.  One does not have to be an ordained priest to consecrate or heal.  All human beings have the capability to offer blessings and impart intentional healing energies into substance. Sanctification is our natural birthright because we carry within us the essence of our godly parents through Christ-Sophia.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian December 18, 2022

The Winter Solstice of 2022 occurs on December 21, at 3:37 pm CST.  The highlight of this season involves the energies of Ceres in relation to the our dynamic human Life Force in balance to the Divine Masculine. This balance will be imbued in the Light of Truth for ALL to experience. 

Ceres is the Divine Goddess of Nature, nurturing, the harvest, and is the mother of the Moon goddess Persephone who is a spiritual archetype of the human soul.  Ceres is also known by the ancient Greeks as Demeter, who together with Zeus are humanity’s Divine Parents. 

The energies of the zodiac are always determined by the conscious alignment of the souls that come to meet it.  If one’s intentions are within a lower resonance, then what a person sees are opportunities to harness cosmic energies for individual empowerment, control, and enslavement.  In this fashion, the occult practitioner lays out intentional plans based upon past, present, and future planetary alignments. 

On the other hand, the movements of the heavens can be recognized as energies which can assist humanity in the ever-present moment.  Instead of scheming to acquire egotistical advantages over fellow souls, or scrambling to avoid catastrophe, regard the energies as an ambient celestial Life Force in the same way that a surfer embraces the unique power and signature of the ocean’s waves in a perpetual state of transition.  In the realm of this present (and higher) awareness, we are focusing attention upon all seven senses (light, sound, touch, smell, taste, emotion, and intuition), entering the realm of now-time, in a sacred dance with earthly forces that embody the essential nature of Ceres herself.  The presence of the Holy Mother shifts our consciousness into a heightened state of anticipation, astonishment, and pure joy in Christed Awareness.  To dance with the Holy Mother is to step outside of the linear time continuum. Continue reading “Transubstantiation: Winter Solstice of 2022”

The Fall of the Archons

“The dark infestation that has happened since the Fall of mankind has completed itself into a Gordian knot that has become impossible to untangle.  Regardless of stature, whatever diabolical machinations the egoic Demiurge or his archons create, they only exist as illusionary forces that we have voluntarily subjected ourselves to through a limited perspective of a conditioned existence steeped in conflict, separation, and competition. It is only out of habit that they still exist as their energies are waning.  This is because their power resided in obscurity. As the revelations of Jesus to St. John tell us, once the archon’s true nature (and therefore name) crystalizes within human consciousness, their power dissipates.”   

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian November 19, 2021

The nature of the Fall season is transitional.  Michaelmas, the celebration of the Archangel and Divine Justice, is the moment where we muster our resolve for the time that proceeds it.  The heart of the fall brings forth the resurrection of the energies of the Sun demon, Sorath, its adversarial Dragons, and the treacherous Scorpion.  Sorath is the Sun’s shadow (or anti-spirit) and father of Satan (Ahriman) and Lucifer.  His number, along with his children, is 666. Continue reading “The Fall of the Archons”

Transcending into the New Age: The Grand Conjunction of the Great Winter Solstice

“Despite the darkness that opposes it, the spirit of the time is destined to be that of unconditional giving. This is our only way through the chaos as all other paths lead to the death of our freedom and the end of our spiritually enlightened soul. It would be no exaggeration to state that at this moment we have been led down a path that is facing the opened jaws of oblivion. Salvation of the human spirit must occur on a global scale that we can all experience. It is the celestial alignments in union with the Great Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of the Solstice that will force us to take notice of what is happening. Although there are elements that suggest previous moments of great transformation in human history, the time of this year’s winter Solstice is like no others.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian December 1, 2020

In the Winter of 2018, I was compelled to write an essay which was posted in October of that year regarding the conjunction of the planets Pluto and Saturn in the Tropical sign of Capricorn. The significance of these alignments, along with the intermittent energies of Jupiter, signified a three-year transformation, beginning in December 2017 and ending near the December 2020 Solstice.  At the time that I wrote the essay, I sensed a storm of dark energy more powerful than anything we had experienced, was descending upon us. The title of the essay was, “Riding the Wave: Saturn, D-Wave Logic, and the Onslaught of Demonic Consciousness.” (See Beyond the Soul’s Meridian October 25, 2018 post)

Continue reading “Transcending into the New Age: The Grand Conjunction of the Great Winter Solstice”

Politics of Disease

“Chimera is the signature of egotistical manipulation upon nature.  Make no mistake in understanding that the COVID19 virus is a biological agent designed to cause disease in humans.  COVID19 is an intentional infection inflicted upon the world for specific pathological and psychological effects— and its release was well planned out.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian March 21, 2020

Our country is in a State of Emergency, which has been declared over a type of virus known to be one of the major causes of the common cold. (1) The media coverage over this event is incessant and beyond the scope that would be warranted by the health risk that this virus is capable of causing. The virus in question is a coronavirus that by this point in time, we all know as COVID19. Continue reading “Politics of Disease”

Astraea: The Star Maiden of Virgo

“Divine Justice is the mystery that is conveyed within the Eighth Arcanum which is literally the archetype of Themis echoed within her daughter Astraea. What is essential to understand is the fact that this is the “Eighth” Arcanum. In my previous August post I had discussed what is called the Eighth sphere as an artificial construct or false reality that is engineered by the negative agendas that are ultimately determined by anti-spiritual forces which are not only outside of us but are ingrained within us and constitute the shadow elements of the Ego. Within the parameters of a world driven by service to self, competition, and egotism, there is no possibility for Divine Justice.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian, September 23, 2017

This September is a relatively unique if not extraordinary month of astronomical and astrological activities.  There are many people watching the heavens, including the Catholic Church, who have observed that the 23rd of September 2017 will be a date which will echo the prophecies of the 12th Chapter of the Book of Revelation regarding the birth of a being that will “rule all the nations with an iron scepter.” (1)  Although the opinion from the Vatican confirms that celestial alignments are close enough to correlate to what St. John describes, we are told to take comfort in the fact that this event is not unique and has happened at least four times over the last millennium in the years 1827, 1483, 1293, and 1056.  Apparently, the world will not end, but most people of intelligence are not harboring this apprehension.   Furthermore, the Vatican’s reassurance is a hollow one and does not address the possibilities that some very trying times may indeed lay ahead of us.  The fact is that anyone reading this post knows that we are truly living through a time that is very dark and challenging.     Continue reading “Astraea: The Star Maiden of Virgo”