Our Beautiful Ego

“The true light of our being, our God-Self, our individuated I AM consciousness, is Ego.  By design, anything that is separated from Source has an Ego.  In its truest form, Ego is the Light of God that we bring forth into the world.  On the optimal timeline, Ego is Dharma which is our most truthful individuated God-Self living through our actions, words, and deeds.  This is the individuated power of Creation manifest in Divine Justice through the Lion’s roar of our soul.  It is the blending of our Self with Truth.  It is our Christed (Christ-Sophia) awareness. It is our blessing upon the Earth. Ego is signified by our unique sequences of light and sound codes.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian July 7, 2023

Our Alchemical Universe is comprised of two forces.  One is seminal, and the other a receptive matrix.  This can be viewed as masculine and feminine aspects.  From an energetic perspective, we can see how energy emanates from source to ground.  This is a universal constant within our realm of existence.

At some point, the Universe began to fragment or step outside of itself.  It went from a unified whole into individuated aspects of itself.  Each aspect carries a sense of uniqueness distinguished from the wholeness from which it was separated.  In linear time, this process began at the conception of the visible Universe, at least as long as 15 billion years ago.  There are clearly aspects of the Universe which exist in a timeless state.  This means that our human mind, imprisoned within temporal conceptions, can never relate accurately to that state of existence.  Until we die or have an experience outside of linear time, timelessness remains a mystery.  It is the concept of the Big Band which suggests that there is an aspect of the Universe that decided to explore itself in an individualized way separated from singularity.

Our Universe is creational, which means that it evolves unto itself within a parameter of Free Will governed by certain universal constants.  Keep in mind that one of those constants (which is the most important one for humanity currently) is the Law of Balance, which we have come to understand as Karma. As we develop as monads (which are individuated aspects of God), fractals incarnate into the linear time continuum blinded from their universal spiritual origin. Lessons learned through separation are compiled within a timeless energetic matrix that becomes the essence of what we determine as soul.  Our individual experiences based upon trial-and-error help to forge our uniqueness expressed within our individuated self.  These experiences are shaped by self-determined actions infused by the energies created between the interplay of the Heavens (in the form of Divine Light) and the Matrix of bodies in which we live throughout our lives in linear time. Continue reading “Our Beautiful Ego”

At the Precipice: A Hero’s Journey

“Ascension is a hero’s journey and can only occur through the darkness that we must come to face, understand, and pass through.  Only when our compassion for humanity and love for the Spirit become greater than our fear, can we progress.   Only a human being who can surmount these challenges will be allowed to pass into this new existence.  Fear exists literally as a guardian to the threshold of our ascension.  Understand that we all carry the presence of the Logos (Heavenly Father) within us.  We are children of this energy and there is nothing outside of us that can replace this aspect.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian January 15, 2021

Having studied the astrology of the 2020 Winter Solstice energies for many months and understanding that it marked the moment when the portal of Christ consciousness opened within the many, I should feel elation.  Instead, I (like many) sense an oppressive heaviness, like a person charged to walk through a dark valley of death.  A birth has occurred which is destined to change the world, but the agents of hindrance will attempt everything they can to stop it.  The life of Jesus was initiated not only by Shepherds and Magi, but by the rage of Herod and the slaughter of the innocents.  Continue reading “At the Precipice: A Hero’s Journey”

The Challenges of 2020 as Catalyst for Human Transformation

“Our current celestial alignments for this year’s 2020 timeline are literally reflecting our own essential mythology.  Most of these energies will be present throughout the course of the year, and this becomes an extraordinary opportunity for all of us to realign our consciousness and initiate a movement forward into a balanced state of cooperative and compassionate human existence.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian January 10, 2020


The Inner Temple

As we enter the 2020 transition, we still find ourselves in the same predicament that we saw well over a year ago.  As the promise of change looms overhead, we remain within an ancient paradigm of control that manages to usurp our energies based upon fear induced cycles that are counterbalanced by our innate capacities for hope and goodwill—which ultimately propagate the status quo.  In this lower linear construct of Hierarchy, regardless of what caste we belong to, we are designed like a well-trained dog to love our slave-masters, because within this existence it is the usurper that remains the hand that feeds us  Continue reading “The Challenges of 2020 as Catalyst for Human Transformation”