Our Beautiful Ego

“The true light of our being, our God-Self, our individuated I AM consciousness, is Ego.  By design, anything that is separated from Source has an Ego.  In its truest form, Ego is the Light of God that we bring forth into the world.  On the optimal timeline, Ego is Dharma which is our most truthful individuated God-Self living through our actions, words, and deeds.  This is the individuated power of Creation manifest in Divine Justice through the Lion’s roar of our soul.  It is the blending of our Self with Truth.  It is our Christed (Christ-Sophia) awareness. It is our blessing upon the Earth. Ego is signified by our unique sequences of light and sound codes.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian July 7, 2023

Our Alchemical Universe is comprised of two forces.  One is seminal, and the other a receptive matrix.  This can be viewed as masculine and feminine aspects.  From an energetic perspective, we can see how energy emanates from source to ground.  This is a universal constant within our realm of existence.

At some point, the Universe began to fragment or step outside of itself.  It went from a unified whole into individuated aspects of itself.  Each aspect carries a sense of uniqueness distinguished from the wholeness from which it was separated.  In linear time, this process began at the conception of the visible Universe, at least as long as 15 billion years ago.  There are clearly aspects of the Universe which exist in a timeless state.  This means that our human mind, imprisoned within temporal conceptions, can never relate accurately to that state of existence.  Until we die or have an experience outside of linear time, timelessness remains a mystery.  It is the concept of the Big Band which suggests that there is an aspect of the Universe that decided to explore itself in an individualized way separated from singularity.

Our Universe is creational, which means that it evolves unto itself within a parameter of Free Will governed by certain universal constants.  Keep in mind that one of those constants (which is the most important one for humanity currently) is the Law of Balance, which we have come to understand as Karma. As we develop as monads (which are individuated aspects of God), fractals incarnate into the linear time continuum blinded from their universal spiritual origin. Lessons learned through separation are compiled within a timeless energetic matrix that becomes the essence of what we determine as soul.  Our individual experiences based upon trial-and-error help to forge our uniqueness expressed within our individuated self.  These experiences are shaped by self-determined actions infused by the energies created between the interplay of the Heavens (in the form of Divine Light) and the Matrix of bodies in which we live throughout our lives in linear time. Continue reading “Our Beautiful Ego”

The Lord(s) of Time

“There should be no doubt for anyone on the pathway that Gaia is moving forward into a more sublime realm on an optimal timeline that we are all being invited to take. This ideal timeline has always existed in Christ consciousness.  We were all told this as children which many of us dismissed when we became adults.  As linear perception of time comes to an end, many are recognizing the truth of our sacred teachings.  It is not Jesus Christ the man, but the timeline that Christ-Sophia represents. In this one timeline that we are merging towards, Christ was not, and will never be, crucified.  In all other timelines, He was, is, and will continue to be martyred.”

The fate of all men and gods is determined by three ruling powers.  They are called by many names, but their function is always the same.  One births, one sustains, and one destroys.  Every being that gives consent to play in this realm of existence is subjected to these primal ruling entities.  The Vedics called them Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.  The ancient Kabbalah knew them as the three pillars of existence called Mercy, Harmony, and Severity.  The Gnostics saw them as a syncretic being that they called Abraxas, with a head of a rooster, arms and chest of a man, and lower half serpent, that gives birth to and devours its own children.  Anything that is born into the lower realm of dense existence will die in it from the perspective of linear time.

In ancient Greece, they were known as the Moirai or the Fates, represented by three goddess (Clotho the spinner, Lachesis the measurer, and Atropos the cutter) of the thread of time allotted for everything born into this realm of existence.  Even Zeus was subjugated to their fate.

All things die, as death remains a persistent illusion in the world ruled by ego.  We came into this realm from somewhere else and we are destined to go back from where we came.  That is the paradigm that we have agreed to incarnate into.  That somewhere else is outside of linear time.  The linear time continuum is a paradox that has its own Lord of Time that nothing can supersede.  This is the reason why we are crucified consistently within it.  From this perspective, Plato is absolutely correct, as the idea in the form of an organizational consciousness of all things, never perishes.  Despite fierce objection from those of the egotistically inclined worldview, anomalies in logical causality and reason persist in a universe that is unquestionably entangled with non-local phenomena of a quantum nature.  If nothing else, it is time for us to consider the fact that a spiritual force beyond our empirical comprehension exists within a cosmic field of intelligence that transcends our ego’s awareness.   Continue reading “The Lord(s) of Time”

The Dark Beautiful Truth of Deepest Vision

“Through grand Cosmic cycles of celestial motion, the Light of Truth has come while the implosion of our parasitic relationship to the lower astral is becoming undeniably apparent. What is happening on a Cosmic scale is a major transformation in human consciousness.  This can only happen within an ascending realm of spiritual awareness.  The New Age of Aquarius (which came into manifestation at the 2021 Spring equinox) represents the age of the Holy Spirit.  In this Age, Christed consciousness manifests through the individuated souls of those who are choosing to meet It.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian January 22, 2022

The root cause of fear lies within occult principles.   The word “occult” is not a reference to any group, cult, or religious practice as it is to dark or “hidden” aspects of truth.  When I was a child, I feared the dark.  To this day there is still an apprehensive element within the darkness that my soul can sense. Without a developed ego, children can naturally sense this disturbing resonance within dark spaces, but we were all told that it was foolish to be afraid of that which cannot be perceived. Continue reading “The Dark Beautiful Truth of Deepest Vision”

The Fall of the Archons

“The dark infestation that has happened since the Fall of mankind has completed itself into a Gordian knot that has become impossible to untangle.  Regardless of stature, whatever diabolical machinations the egoic Demiurge or his archons create, they only exist as illusionary forces that we have voluntarily subjected ourselves to through a limited perspective of a conditioned existence steeped in conflict, separation, and competition. It is only out of habit that they still exist as their energies are waning.  This is because their power resided in obscurity. As the revelations of Jesus to St. John tell us, once the archon’s true nature (and therefore name) crystalizes within human consciousness, their power dissipates.”   

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian November 19, 2021

The nature of the Fall season is transitional.  Michaelmas, the celebration of the Archangel and Divine Justice, is the moment where we muster our resolve for the time that proceeds it.  The heart of the fall brings forth the resurrection of the energies of the Sun demon, Sorath, its adversarial Dragons, and the treacherous Scorpion.  Sorath is the Sun’s shadow (or anti-spirit) and father of Satan (Ahriman) and Lucifer.  His number, along with his children, is 666. Continue reading “The Fall of the Archons”

Medical Fascism in a World of Deception

“With rare exception, the state is now clamping down upon its citizens on a global scale.  Within our country, our schools and the medical profession have been turned into a battlefield.  The agenda of enslavement, enforced by the engineered “pandemic,” serves multiple purposes for both human subjugation and depopulation.  This must be viewed as an assault against our capacity to discern truth, which makes this a spiritual war waged against our Promethean intelligence.  Their plan of attack is to infiltrate, co-opt, and market their distorted logic as gospel truth.  Their plan for those who do not capitulate to this medical fascism will be marginalization through attrition, and eventually abandonment by the corporate-state.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian August 15, 2021

In the song Red Right Hand, written by the artist, Nick Cave, he tells the listener; “…your just a microscopic cog in his catastrophic plan, designed and directed by his red right hand.”

This red right hand belongs to the Prince of Darkness, ruler of the lower egotistical realm of Earth.  The same dark prince that told Jesus that if you fall down and worship me, I will give you the world.  This prince goes by many names and manifestations.  Since the times of Atlantis, this Faustian bargain is a perpetual offer made to those useful to the devil’s enslavement of the human soul.   Continue reading “Medical Fascism in a World of Deception”

At the Precipice: A Hero’s Journey

“Ascension is a hero’s journey and can only occur through the darkness that we must come to face, understand, and pass through.  Only when our compassion for humanity and love for the Spirit become greater than our fear, can we progress.   Only a human being who can surmount these challenges will be allowed to pass into this new existence.  Fear exists literally as a guardian to the threshold of our ascension.  Understand that we all carry the presence of the Logos (Heavenly Father) within us.  We are children of this energy and there is nothing outside of us that can replace this aspect.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian January 15, 2021

Having studied the astrology of the 2020 Winter Solstice energies for many months and understanding that it marked the moment when the portal of Christ consciousness opened within the many, I should feel elation.  Instead, I (like many) sense an oppressive heaviness, like a person charged to walk through a dark valley of death.  A birth has occurred which is destined to change the world, but the agents of hindrance will attempt everything they can to stop it.  The life of Jesus was initiated not only by Shepherds and Magi, but by the rage of Herod and the slaughter of the innocents.  Continue reading “At the Precipice: A Hero’s Journey”

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

“Fear and limitation can be manifested within us through symbols.  There is a reason why we are being bombarded with fearful images suggesting hopelessness and death. Their plan is not to save us from this scenario, but to coerce us into giving away our sovereignty. One must only look from a distance through the door of their dystopian underworld to see that it leads to oppression, misery, and death.  Like vampires, you must invite them into your life to suffer their transgressions.  Always keep in mind that the distorted world they are attempting to create is a choice.  It is being offered to those egotistical souls conditioned enough to see value in it, or those who are fearful and can see no other option.”

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

At the beginning of this year I was compelled to write an article entitled, “The Challenges of 2020 as Catalyst for Human Transformation.”  This was inspired by a sixth sense married to a growing awareness of the astrology of the times. The following essay, “The Last Days of Reason” was based similarly on intuitive principles.  Virtually all my work is inspired by spiritual intuition which is married to a contemplative process that seeks to understand and express this information. Continue reading “The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”


“My experience within esoteric science has conveyed to me how our egotistical nature consistently wants to place the cart before the horse. We want to know about cosmology before we even have an accurate worldview. We want to know about the nature of Lucifer before we have come to a truthful understanding of our own self. This is an essential element of Lucifer, which is to offer advanced knowledge to beings that are not yet fully capable of assimilating it and by doing so become enslaved to the source of this information.

The value of Lucifer becomes far more relevant when we investigate the meaning of this archetype as it relates to us from a personal and visceral level. We must train ourselves to view Lucifer not as a separate entity to be feared and/or worshiped, but as an element of our self to fully comprehend.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian October 18, 2017

One of the most important concept within our mythologies is the fall of mankind.  This can be viewed as our descent into the material realm, the emergence of our Ego, and our self-inflicted violation of the soul.  What is essential to keep in perspective is nothing within our human experience is a mistake as much as it is a self-correcting and evolving process of making mistakes and learning through the consequences of those actions.  This process has been accelerated by the presence of fallen beings that have chosen to directly influence and rule the lower realm of existence that as incarnated human beings we are now living within.  All of this is an exercise in free will and no one participating in this perpetual drama is performing in it without their consent.  Virtually everything that we experience is the fruit of our labor. Continue reading “Lucifer”