The Apostasy

“Regardless of how engaging or tempting teachers, gurus, or institutions may be, none will lead to spiritual truth. The lesson that we must learn is that ascension into the Christos-Sophia Aquarian Age can only be obtained by renouncing the supremacy of all conventional and organizational teaching, for within them is the essence of mind control. For a soul to think and create freely, it cannot subjugate itself to notions, protocols, and preconceived ideas.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian February 29, 2024

What we leave behind as history is a biased description of what really occurred.  The whole truth does not exist in the accounts of the historians, nor in the cults of the societies, governments, and religions that events inspired.  Even for many who become involved in esoteric schooling, eventually it becomes plain to see that there are limits through agendas behind the teachings.  In virtually every instance, it is the people who run the schools and their professors that inevitably build a construct that in essence becomes their livelihood and a platform of power and self-importance.

In doing so, people of well intention ossify the truth that existed within the ideas that inspired the movement in the first place.  February of this year was marked by the planet Pluto crossing into the space of Aquarius (by Tropical alignment) signifying the annihilation and transformation of all things spiritual.  This affects not only religion, but everything that transcends the physical realm, which includes the lessons of mystery schools and the coveted knowledge that has been buried within the human subconscious since the time of Atlantis.  To complicate the matter, the principles of these secrets were subverted and inverted by the very organizations and their leaders who were entrusted with this information. Continue reading “The Apostasy”

The Fall of the Archons

“The dark infestation that has happened since the Fall of mankind has completed itself into a Gordian knot that has become impossible to untangle.  Regardless of stature, whatever diabolical machinations the egoic Demiurge or his archons create, they only exist as illusionary forces that we have voluntarily subjected ourselves to through a limited perspective of a conditioned existence steeped in conflict, separation, and competition. It is only out of habit that they still exist as their energies are waning.  This is because their power resided in obscurity. As the revelations of Jesus to St. John tell us, once the archon’s true nature (and therefore name) crystalizes within human consciousness, their power dissipates.”   

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian November 19, 2021

The nature of the Fall season is transitional.  Michaelmas, the celebration of the Archangel and Divine Justice, is the moment where we muster our resolve for the time that proceeds it.  The heart of the fall brings forth the resurrection of the energies of the Sun demon, Sorath, its adversarial Dragons, and the treacherous Scorpion.  Sorath is the Sun’s shadow (or anti-spirit) and father of Satan (Ahriman) and Lucifer.  His number, along with his children, is 666. Continue reading “The Fall of the Archons”

Black Moon Lilith: Peering into the Darkness on the Blood Moon Eclipse

“Black Moon Lilith represents sexuality in motion.  It is the primal animalistic component of the human soul that is becoming aware of its spiritual origins.  It is Lilith reuniting with Zoe in the Tree of life.  This is the power of the soul in transcendence, stripping away all psychic and astral specters that have perpetual imprisoned the driving force of our independence in union with God.  It is through sacred marriage of anima to Logos where we find liberation from the perpetual suffering inflicted upon the human soul within the past dark Ages of control and limitation.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian May 17, 2021

We are told that we are the Children of God.  This is not a platitude but a fact.  The power to create, to heal, and to know spiritual Truth has been invested deep with the human soul.  For most, these powers are latent capacities buried within the subconscious.  This energy can be thought of as an intentional entity (spirit), which is obfuscated Higher Self that can be perceive as a function of mind-soul.  The Greeks called it Epinoia (from “epi” meaning on top of or above and “nous” meaning intellect or mind) which was purposely placed within the soul of Adam so that he could think in communion with God through Higher mind.  This function has both masculine and feminine aspects whose meaning is encompassed within the term Gnosis, which means “Knowledge of Self.” The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil planted within the Garden of Eden are equated to the Epinoia.

Continue reading “Black Moon Lilith: Peering into the Darkness on the Blood Moon Eclipse”