The Cosmic Energies of Annulment: Vernal Equinox 2024

“In this season of rebirth it is important to understand that in the human realm of past, present, and future existence there has only ever been one true King.  In the I AM Kingdom of Christ-Sophia there are the Many, the One, and the All.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian March 19, 2024

This year’s vernal equinox occurs at 10:06 pm CST on March 19, 2024.  This will be a season fraught with change highlighted by a lunar eclipse on March 25th and the second Great American Solar eclipse on April 8th.  This year’s vernal equinox strikes me as an inauspicious time, a pause before the real show in April commences.

Keep in mind that the the system most widely used to read astrology is called Tropical, which means “as the turning.” The Tropical system is based upon the procession of the equinox, moving in a retrograde fashion by one degree every seventy-five years.  This way of viewing astrology places emphasis on the four positions which are the cardinal points when the rotation of the Zodiac makes a turn.  Those four positions form a cross within a circle, which is of the most significant symbols within human awareness. Continue reading “The Cosmic Energies of Annulment: Vernal Equinox 2024”

Awakening Dragon: Spring Equinox 2023

“In Gnostic teachings, not all dragons are slain. As we become knowers of greater universal truth, we will come to understand that the dragon is very much a part of us.  The dragon can be charmed by singing to it the Truth of our heavenly parents.  The dragon is our life force and in the ascended realm she becomes our individualized power that can only be tamed through love, fidelity, and mutual admiration.  Gods do not kill dragons.  Fifth density power is god-like and in the higher realm our dragon is meant to serve us in mutual love and affection.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian March 18, 2023

This year’s Vernal equinox will occur on Monday, March 20, 2023, at 4:24 CST.

Much has been forecast as there are two major events in the Month.

The first was Saturn moving into Tropical Pisces on March 7, which will transit the Sign of the Fishes until it enters Aries in May 2025.  Saturn’s movement into Pisces ends the Aquarian re-alignment and begins to focus upon the spiritual aspects of our life on a personal level.

The second is that Pluto moves from Tropical Capricorn into the sign of Aquarius two days after the Equinox, which means that it will be at the cusp on March 20.

The sense among astrologers is that this will be a season of great change which is like saying that the sun will rise tomorrow as the timeline that we are now on is one of enormous transformation through a spiritual process of transfiguration.

Saturn in Pisces is not a comfortable placement and there will be an overwhelming feeling that great change is necessary to reconfigure ourselves into something more congruent with the ascending landscape of human awareness.  Over the last five years, the enslaving powers of Saturn, as ruler of Capricorn and the nocturnal element of Aquarius, had free reign within the darker aspects of those signs. To an empathetic soul, the last five years seemed bewildering as the energies of that time favored the irrational dictates and schemes hatched by those who appeared to be in control.  It was no coincidence that the powers of darkness unleashed their attack against humanity at the apex of that transition when Pluto and Saturn were conjunct in January of 2020. Continue reading “Awakening Dragon: Spring Equinox 2023”

The Alchemist’s Crossroad: Challenges to this Year’s Summer Solstice

“Water is an analogy for the spiritual, or indelible essence of soul, which trembles with fear upon entering the ocean of unknown darkness.  This is a process as compelling as birth.  Reflexively, we have been conditioned to look back mournfully, to the path of the “past” road traveled and the great distance away from home which is the mountain that we came from.  Yet, we must enter the ocean at a very great distance from our journey’s beginning.  To “not disappear forever” we must come to discover through trials and tribulations that we are not only one in the ocean but one with the ocean’s Source.  This is the point where the flow is reversed, when we choose to stop living in the darkness, and return to our spiritual home.  This path is an archetypal force of nature and is inevitable for anyone who is ready to move forward into an ascended state of awareness.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian June 21, 2022

We have completed a journey that began at the Summer Solstice of last year which was akin to a crucifixion in four parts.  This was heralded by the Grand Cross of the 2021 Summer Solstice that signified a transfiguration of the four human bodies.   For better or worse, we have finished this cycle with the last phase of the solar energies of this year’s spring equinox affecting our outer body.  This solar energy is exposing the dark forces and, in the process, reconfiguring consciousness.  It is what we harbor within our soul that will have a direct effect upon our physical form and health.

Throughout this last year we were all forced to choose a path that leads us to a specific conclusion based upon the decisions that we have made over the trials and tribulations that we were forced to experience.  This was a wheat and chaff moment and, for the most part (outside of an act of divine intervention), what has been done cannot be undone.

We are at a crossroad known well to any person who has walked the road seeking Higher Truth.   What lies before us are two paths. Continue reading “The Alchemist’s Crossroad: Challenges to this Year’s Summer Solstice”

Goddess Athena: Mother of the Heroic Soul

“We are now living in a New Age which is manifesting with the rise of the Divine Feminine coming back into balance.  Throughout history, there has always been a third champion of Truth and the human cause who makes herself present in the inner world of human consciousness.  This is the goddess known as Pallas Athena or simply Athena.  Pallas Athena is virtually the only goddess who can stand up to archonic deception and injustice as she was literally born into existence to do so.  Like all the gods of the Pantheon, her nature is synergistic to ascending people.  Athena’s true power resides within the human mind.” 

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian February 25, 2022

Discernment, otherwise known as the “Knowledge of Good and Evil” is a quality of the mind that is God-gifted. A soul can learn discernment through the spiritual realm or by the wisdom of their own experience, but cannot acquire it through conventional instruction, various forms of teaching, or virtual platforms.  This inability to gain wisdom is because one’s insight is limited due to lack of experience and or a direct connection to their higher spiritual self.  There is a chance that a person can gain insight through personal mentoring, but only if heart-centered love is exchanged in a state of grace between the pupil and the teacher.    Continue reading “Goddess Athena: Mother of the Heroic Soul”

Black Moon Lilith: Peering into the Darkness on the Blood Moon Eclipse

“Black Moon Lilith represents sexuality in motion.  It is the primal animalistic component of the human soul that is becoming aware of its spiritual origins.  It is Lilith reuniting with Zoe in the Tree of life.  This is the power of the soul in transcendence, stripping away all psychic and astral specters that have perpetual imprisoned the driving force of our independence in union with God.  It is through sacred marriage of anima to Logos where we find liberation from the perpetual suffering inflicted upon the human soul within the past dark Ages of control and limitation.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian May 17, 2021

We are told that we are the Children of God.  This is not a platitude but a fact.  The power to create, to heal, and to know spiritual Truth has been invested deep with the human soul.  For most, these powers are latent capacities buried within the subconscious.  This energy can be thought of as an intentional entity (spirit), which is obfuscated Higher Self that can be perceive as a function of mind-soul.  The Greeks called it Epinoia (from “epi” meaning on top of or above and “nous” meaning intellect or mind) which was purposely placed within the soul of Adam so that he could think in communion with God through Higher mind.  This function has both masculine and feminine aspects whose meaning is encompassed within the term Gnosis, which means “Knowledge of Self.” The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil planted within the Garden of Eden are equated to the Epinoia.

Continue reading “Black Moon Lilith: Peering into the Darkness on the Blood Moon Eclipse”

The 2021 Spring Equinox: Emergence of the Alpha & Omega

“This spring is signifying the moment when the Sun will be crossing into Aries, marking a point of further ascension into a New Age of Christ consciousness.  The additional celestial energies are invoking the words of the Christos expressed in Revelation counseling us to be vigilant of the events that are now manifesting.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian March 6, 2021

Spring signifies the promise of rebirth.  Regardless of where our consciousness has evolved, virtually all who have a pulse are sensing a time of great change.  As 2020 proved to be a year of soul sight and revelation, 2021 is heralding a time of transformation as we are forced to face precipitating variables that will trigger a cascade of events distinguishing the year. Continue reading “The 2021 Spring Equinox: Emergence of the Alpha & Omega”

The Seven Rays: the Way of the Heart, the Path of Limitation, and Spiritual Integration

“The streams of consciousness correlate to our life’s purpose. Each stream is guided by an Ascended master who accomplished spiritual enlightenment within their life cycles in dense physical life. This amounts to an ancient method of ascension and is equated to a school. Therefore, it is probable that there are many souls who have been initiated into a specific stream or school in an earlier life. Indeed, it is quite possible that at some point within our evolution, more than one of these schools may have been directly experienced as an initiate. This means that there are people living today that are carrying forth tasks in an archetypal pattern that their souls have been charged with. In this fashion, we are carrying forth the spirit and the purpose of the work that was initiated by the soul of the Ascended master—if in fact there could ever be an initial soul within this construct as time is circular and souls are connected. This also suggests that there is at least an element if not the presence of the Ascended master within the disciple.”

Beyond the Souls Meridian November 11, 2019

Earlier this year, I had an interesting conversation with one of our medical students.  This young man is an exceptional person, and one that when encountered, carries a powerful impression.  Gifted with many talents, he is worldly, well spoken, and highly intuitive.  His inherent nature cannot help setting himself apart from the rest of his peers. Among many things, he is a dancer, classically trained in Paris, and professionally in New York.  Born into an abundant life, which he felt compelled to share with others, he can sense rhythmic movement as a means to healing.  His insights into the healing powers of dance interested me enough to share a long walk along our lakefront on a brisk April morning.  Through our conversation, I sensed an initiated soul.

Perhaps what fascinated me most was his experience with channeling.  While living on the East Coast he spent time with a group that channeled healing energies from the Pleiades.  They intuited a violet spectrum and use crystals to help focus their connection. What they did was a collective process that is ancient, and in doing so, they were focusing enlightened thoughts and stabilizing impulses into the Earth’s biosphere.  This group was also invoking healing principles from a group that channeled the emerald spectrum because they sensed that their violet energies needed augmentation and counterbalance.  The group understood that both sources were of a healing nature that worked best in conjunction.   Continue reading “The Seven Rays: the Way of the Heart, the Path of Limitation, and Spiritual Integration”