December 2023: Vesta and the Cradle of Authority

“We must come to recognize that the only legitimate authority is our Higher Self, or what some call our personal spirit, or Holy Spirit.  Whatever name we know it by, our source of Truth is spiritual, which comes to us individually within the parameters of Love beyond the mind’s conditioned linear confinements of time and space.  A person who becomes aware of this relationship and integrates it into their waking state of consciousness carries within them a level of authority that transcends any worldly or otherworldly source.  It is only through our personal relationship with our Higher Self that authority becomes vested within us, and we become ordained to live and speak the Truth.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian December 17, 2023

Dream of a Tribunal

At the beginning of this month, I found myself being tried in a courtroom presided over by a chief justice who spoke in a language quite foreign to me.  My suspicion told me that he was Russian, but the inflection and rhythm of his speech did not suggest any language that I was familiar with.  As I sat between my two advocates (male and female) I watched a doctor ahead of me going through a Universal process of judgement and sentencing.  It appeared that I was being tried with other physicians. Continue reading “December 2023: Vesta and the Cradle of Authority”

True Value

“Money is always the token or “middleman” that ultimately blocks the flow of Divine energy. Why does it have to be present?  Who is this middleman?  Why consider money at all?  When we talk of money, the Shadow is always present.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian May, 17 2023

The last temptation in the desert, “If you are God, turn these stones into bread.” immortalizes the greatest issue that we must face during our lifetime.  This statement is related directly to our concept of value.  Circumstances have driven all of us to the point where we are forced to ask ourselves, “What is value?”  and “What is it that has value?”

These are essential queries that carry within them an answer that has the power to cleave timelines.  The path that we are destined to take is determined by our perception of value and specifically our relationship to the concept of money.

There are elements within the New Age-Ascension community that have exploited our understanding of value and in many instances have grafted materialistic concepts to old ideas of wealth that are measured externally.  In the Babylonian Age, a concept of wealth was birthed meant solely for the enslavement and control of a populace. Many saw an egotistical advantage to a system that enriches the individual at the expense of the many.  This was very much bound to a pyramidal caste system where the kings and priests are always positioned at the top. Continue reading “True Value”

Black Moon Lilith: Peering into the Darkness on the Blood Moon Eclipse

“Black Moon Lilith represents sexuality in motion.  It is the primal animalistic component of the human soul that is becoming aware of its spiritual origins.  It is Lilith reuniting with Zoe in the Tree of life.  This is the power of the soul in transcendence, stripping away all psychic and astral specters that have perpetual imprisoned the driving force of our independence in union with God.  It is through sacred marriage of anima to Logos where we find liberation from the perpetual suffering inflicted upon the human soul within the past dark Ages of control and limitation.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian May 17, 2021

We are told that we are the Children of God.  This is not a platitude but a fact.  The power to create, to heal, and to know spiritual Truth has been invested deep with the human soul.  For most, these powers are latent capacities buried within the subconscious.  This energy can be thought of as an intentional entity (spirit), which is obfuscated Higher Self that can be perceive as a function of mind-soul.  The Greeks called it Epinoia (from “epi” meaning on top of or above and “nous” meaning intellect or mind) which was purposely placed within the soul of Adam so that he could think in communion with God through Higher mind.  This function has both masculine and feminine aspects whose meaning is encompassed within the term Gnosis, which means “Knowledge of Self.” The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil planted within the Garden of Eden are equated to the Epinoia.

Continue reading “Black Moon Lilith: Peering into the Darkness on the Blood Moon Eclipse”