December 2023: Vesta and the Cradle of Authority

“We must come to recognize that the only legitimate authority is our Higher Self, or what some call our personal spirit, or Holy Spirit.  Whatever name we know it by, our source of Truth is spiritual, which comes to us individually within the parameters of Love beyond the mind’s conditioned linear confinements of time and space.  A person who becomes aware of this relationship and integrates it into their waking state of consciousness carries within them a level of authority that transcends any worldly or otherworldly source.  It is only through our personal relationship with our Higher Self that authority becomes vested within us, and we become ordained to live and speak the Truth.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian December 17, 2023

Dream of a Tribunal

At the beginning of this month, I found myself being tried in a courtroom presided over by a chief justice who spoke in a language quite foreign to me.  My suspicion told me that he was Russian, but the inflection and rhythm of his speech did not suggest any language that I was familiar with.  As I sat between my two advocates (male and female) I watched a doctor ahead of me going through a Universal process of judgement and sentencing.  It appeared that I was being tried with other physicians.

My senses perceived this tribunal as being fair and just.  There was no malice or vindictiveness.  No one was being harmed or put to death.  In the case of the man before me, he was found guilty and banished from his current methods of practice.  Otherwise, he was free to live a life outside of his conditioned confinements.

Then, it was my turn.  As I stood before the tribunal, the judge claimed that I was guilty as charged.  Intuitively, I knew this to be true, but it was unclear to me as to exactly what crime I had committed.  So, I turned to my advocates for help, and they began speaking to the judge in this unfamiliar language on my behalf.  The magistrate took the time to explain my transgressions. This discussion went on for some time as I could see confusion upon the advocates’ faces. Eventually, they began to understand, but it appeared that whatever I did was difficult to translate into our lower dimensional English.  Finally, they came to an understanding, turned to me, and said that I was guilty of “involuntary manslaughter.”

Somewhat surprised by this statement and seeking more clarity, I turned to face the judge and asked him quite passionately, “Who have I harmed?”  I repeated this question multiple times desperately seeking an answer from a person that either did not understand or refused to answer my question.  Yet, much can be said in a dreamscape without words.  It is quite possible that my confrontational demeanor was below his resonance.  Within the construct of the dream, he did not, or chose not, to speak English.  In many instances, silence carries more meaning than explanatives, as it serves as a pause for reflection.  In truth, I already knew the answer to my question as the silence of the judge served more like a great cosmic teacher.

As the legal resource “Justia” states:

Involuntary manslaughter is defined as an unintentional killing that results either from recklessness or criminal negligence or from the commission of a low-level criminal act such as a misdemeanor. Involuntary manslaughter is distinguished from other forms of homicide because it does not require deliberation or premeditation, or even intent. Since these mental states are not required, involuntary manslaughter is the lowest category of homicide.”

We are now moving into a timeline where ignorance of truthful facts can no longer be tolerated.

For over a decade until the lock-downs, I presented a series of lectures to third-year medical students as an introduction to holistic healing that focused upon human growth, development, and ethics.  To live a healthy and fulfilling life, from a holistic perspective, all these variables are inseparable.  One of the greatest questions I would ask my students was related to the Maxim of Non-Maleficence, which is “First, do no harm.”  From this statement comes two questions.

The first question, “How does this advice protect the patient?” is relatively straight forward, but there are aspects to this answer that may not be so obvious.

The second question, “How does this advice protect the practitioner?” was always more difficult for them to understand.  Through the educational process, we have become habituated to seeking “sanctified” answers derived from a “higher” authority.  In doing so, we are invariably rewarded (or at least not punished) and are therefore programmed to never question the legitimacy of the source that is disseminating the information we have been conditioned to accept as truth. To complicate the matter, the source created its own brand of “science” that promotes its dark agenda of distortion and enslavement.

Granted, there are many practitioners who know better, yet turn a blind eye because the auspices of their profession pay them well for their compliance.  These are people who hear many of Truth’s aspects in one ear and are seduced by the ego’s serpent of disinformation in the other.  The only thing that can propagate this form of behavior is to not analyze any situation too deeply, as ego functions solely on propaganda and a spiritless linear logic that can rationalize any actions, including genocide.

This is how all catastrophes are propagated, by never questioning how personal actions and decisions not only harm others, but ourselves.  Keep in mind, that the dark source(s) of authority have not only created their own form of science but their own brand of ethics.  Both arms of this authority exist upon a linear plane of logic constructed myopically to affix the soul to a spiritless existence of arbitrary cause and effect. Meaning that we have become blinded to the consequences of our actions outside of linear time and space.  When we are led to believe that life only exists within a short narrow time-frame of physical existence, then we can justify immoral actions that can empower and enrich our personal status at the expense and suffering of others.

By blindly following the protocols of the dark authority we invariably inflict serious harm upon our brethren.  Even though one might be practicing well within the guidelines of the dark authority’s science and ethics, severe harm and even death of another individual (who came to the practitioner through a bond of trust) may be the result.  In the realm of controlling hierarchy, if the healer was practicing within the superficiality of their guidelines, then they cannot be held responsible for the outcomes.

The Universe does not see it that way.  Regardless of our conditioned beliefs, we are all held personally responsible for every outcome that is connected to our soul’s thoughts, actions, and deeds because we are all connected reciprocally.  This is the essence of the Law of Balance.  So, if I promote a concept, substance, procedure, or a method of healing that I do not fully understand, or I am biased to promote, through karmic entanglement I am still morally and ethically connected to the outcome.  We must understand that in this life, any form of authority carries some degree of weight and influence over others. Therefore, we must pay heed to the authority that we answer to. In most instances, that is still ego which remains conditioned by our dark overlords. By following the ruler’s science and ethics we become witting or unwitting agents of their genocidal agenda.

It is the decisions we make and the actions that we take that ultimately matter.  We cannot just get by following the direction of the herd.  We have entered a timeline that requires from us a greater level of insight, personal responsibility, and adherence to universal Truth in order for us to proceed.   At this point, every guideline and recommendation of any governing agency must be scrutinized holistically, meaning beyond the confinements of their limited science and ethics.  This goes beyond the borders of health care and must be applied to every aspect of human existence.   For anyone playing the game and participating or upholding the rules of the dark authority’s agenda is a practitioner in their death cult and is guilty of involuntary manslaughter.

If any improprieties are found, one must take visible action that distinguishes their soul as an individuated source of light shining in contradistinction to the ruling shadows of corruption.  In Truth’s Light, there is nowhere for the shadows to hide except behind the obstacles created by our own silence. It is our inability to self-correct and speak the truth that continues to enable the will of the darkness. Personal silence has always been consent given through our tacit compliance with their enslaving agendas.

For anyone with insight who is paying attention, we can see how desperate the dark authority has become as they have disregarded any sense of moral or ethical considerations regarding their actions.  The practice of Informed Consent has always been the last bastion of personal protection against the transgressions of those who masquerade themselves as sincere agents of authority.  These archonic imposters usurp control over the wellbeing and freedom of others.  These beings are purely predatory and by their own nature live in violation of Universal Law.  This transgression never goes unrecognized in an awakened person.  Even for those who are not awake, if they are human, they will know at a subconscious level that they are being violated.

We must come to recognize that the only legitimate authority is our Higher Self, or what some call our personal spirit, or Holy Spirit.  Whatever name we know it by, our source of Truth is spiritual, which comes to us individually within the parameters of Love beyond the mind’s conditioned linear confinements of time and space.  A person who becomes aware of this relationship and integrates it into their waking state of consciousness carries within them a level of authority that transcends any worldly or otherworldly source.  It is only through our personal relationship with our Higher Self that authority becomes vested within us, and we become ordained to live and speak the Truth.

Winter Solstice 2023

This year’s winter solstice occurs on December 21, 2023, at 9:37 pm CST.

This is a very holy time of year as our Sun conjuncts the Great Central Sun at the Galactic Center of the Milky Way.  We can view our local Sun or Sol as an angelic being imbued with the power of the Great Central Sun equated with the logoic Light of Truth. The Central Sun is considered the Father, and Sol is the Son.  Anyone who understands this relationship and strives to live within it is known as a Son of the Sun.   This is the nested hierarchy of I AM consciousness.  Christos means the anointed one.  Initiation occurs through a christening of fire (symbolized by anointing with oil) represented by the Solar energies that flow from the Galactic Center. The essence of this energy is experienced through an infinite Love beyond earthly confinements.

Many people fault the Christian tradition because the church celebrates the birth of Jesus near the winter solstice.  Historical records suggest that Jesus was born either in the fall or spring.  Some esoteric sources claim that Jesus was initially of two souls, which answers why He could have had two birthdates.  The scriptures indicate that the lineage of Jesus came from two distinct genealogical lines.  One from the House of King Solomon, son of King David (Matthew 1:1-17) and the other from the House of Nathan, another son of King David (Luke 3:23-38).  This could indicate that two distinct children were born in different seasons, separated by years in age.  Also, this could explain many historical discrepancies. The births were likely on an opposing astrological axis nearer to the fall and spring equinox, in the signs of Virgo and Pisces.

Regardless, the celebration of the winter solstice is quite legitimate, not as the birth of Jesus, but as the birth of the Christos (Christ), as Sol comes into alignment once again with the Great Central Sun of the Galactic Center. This alignment begins near the December 12th portal and ends around the day that we celebrate Christmas, December 25th. The Galactic Center is a fixed position near 27 degrees Sagittarius.  Sol will be nearest the Galactic Center and transit this position around December 18th.

The power of the Sun in Sagittarius radiates exuberance, knowledge, strength, and honesty. When connected to the Central Sun, an opportunity arises through a window that allows us to see deep within ourselves spiritual Wisdom buried within our soul that has been lost in the Ages of dense linear existence.  From a higher perspective, we all know the Truth, yet it is a matter of awareness as to whether we can alchemize this information and bring it forth into the ascending world for the greater good.

This year’s winter solstice appears to be a moment when personal knowledge of these deeper truths will not only surface but must become integrated back into our daily lives.  This can only be achieved through a process of personal atonement guided by our higher spiritual authority to assist in accurate judgement and self-correction.

The major theme of this seasonal transformation centers around a “cradle” formation, with Vesta playing a central role in this transition.  The cradle symbolizes a nurturing aspect of an opposition with two sextiles and two trines enhancing the opposing energies of the axis.

Vesta at 29 degrees Gemini is at the cusp of Cancer.  Vesta (Roman) or Hestia (Greek) is the goddess of the Eternal Flames, which is also the Eternal Inner Flame, sometimes known as the Violet Flame or Divine God-Spark.  Vesta represents devotion to ideals, commitment, and sacred service.  Our success in achieving our goals is derived from purification through inner balance, focus, and personal sacrifice for the greater good.  In a very true sense, these are the principles that our ascension is based upon.  Vesta in Gemini indicates open communication and intellectual versatility.  In the sign of Cancer, Vesta is heart centered and nurturing.  Among all things, Vesta represented the hearth which the ancients viewed not only as the heart of any home but also their public institutions.  Her presence allowed for divine planning and good governance.  As goddess, Vesta is the true nature of sanctity through the power of spiritual authority.

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Vesta will be in opposition to Sun-Mercury-Central Sun in Capricorn and Sagittarius. This is an powerful alignment as Sun is at the cusp of Capricorn which represents our egoic energies in conjunction with the Central Sun (Father) and Mercury (which as the first planet from Sol is considered the Son of the Sun) brings these energies into its higher octave and should be viewed as a powerful manifestation of the Divine Masculine.

Mercury will be in retrograde so this will afford us the opportunity to contemplate these energies before a greater level of clarity emerges after the New Year of 2024.  As illustrated, the sextile and trine of both Moon in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces help to form a cradle, enhancing the opposition in a nurturing way.  Saturn in Pisces is about facing karma, while helping others to navigate through difficult waters.  We are being forced to face emotional turmoil and insecurities.  In the process we will inevitably restructure our inner life.

The Moon in Taurus is comfortable, earthly, loyal, and grounding. This aspect provides us with a degree of emotional security and stability that we can anchor ourselves to as we face the challenges of this coming season. It is the ground that we plant our feet upon as we learn to let go and ride the waves of change that the season is heralding.

We can view the lunar aspect as a manger, stable, secure, and comforting to the cradle that we will find ourselves born once again into.


Despite many promises, our ascension is based upon the timeless principles of Universal Truth.  All of us have soul agreements that determine our natural characteristics astrologically, which is the essential nature of our I AM Egoic God-Self.  Not everything that our religions taught us was corrupt because their essence was inspired by loving humans who came to know the godly nature of themselves.

Our compass to the path of ascension must always be the Truth as we come to know it through our own life’s experiences within the parameters of our Higher Self’s loving guidance.  By distancing ourselves from the Truth, or selectively acknowledging only specific aspects while ignoring others, we not only arrest our development, but empower the usurping forces that can only survive through the enslavement and suffering of humanity.  If we cannot live in Truth, then we propagate a culture of death where all people living within it are guilty of various degrees of homicide.  This also includes suicide.

This form of living will not stand in the Aquarian timeline as many things must come into correction through a process guided by our higher spiritual authority.

In Good Faith,


Additional Sources

“The Two Children,” by David Ovason.

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Contemporary astrologers have worked out the date and time of Jesus’ birth by combining historical, Biblical and astro–logical information. They have concluded that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Judea on March 1, 7 BC (Julian) at 1:30 AM.

“While there is virtually no evidence of Christ being born on December 25, there is abundant evidence of an early autumn birth. The world celebrates Christ’s birth in a winter pagan “season,” when, in fact, our Savior was born during a fall festival season that actually pictures the salvation of mankind.”

2 thoughts on “December 2023: Vesta and the Cradle of Authority”

  1. You love to speak of truth, But your exchange is always based on your favorite, the old tried and true “One True Scotsman” argument. I always find it amusing how vivid and illustrious your dreams are, do you take melatonin?? I will assume all your, machinations on astrology are correct, for all the fools that believe in that dribble.
    Please don’t mistake my reading of your silliness as interest. It is much more used as entertainment.
    Go Trump!
    Keep buying and prescribing meds from big Pharma, while putting the EVIL system down (hypocrite)!
    Keep spreading myths! Hydroxychloroquine is linked to over 17,000 deaths since the nuts like you recommended it for Covid.
    Where are you teaching now?? I would love to have a little chat with whoever thought that would be a good idea??
    “Somewhere out there is the world’s worst doctor. The scariest part is that someone has an appointment with him tomorrow.” George Carlin
    In Good Faith,
    Peace & Peace Out!

    P.S. Keep “practicing” medicine!!


    1. Hi Irv,

      As you state, “Please don’t mistake my reading of your silliness as interest. It is much more used as entertainment.”

      Well, I am glad that I can entertain you. And thank you for your entertaining rant(s). The days have long passed when we could hide intention behind words. How fitting your message is as this very morning I awoke to an interesting dream. No, I do not use substances of any type to illicit vision, they come to me of their own accord when it is time for me to know. It was a healing dream. Within it, I came to realize I have let others around me practice the healing art while I instructed and observed. In this vision, I witnessed a scenario unfolding that led to a suboptimal outcome simply because the practitioner could not sense something deeper than their awareness was capable of knowing.

      So, I stepped into the scenario, and it ran again. But this time I was unfettered by any responsibilities of observation. Well, lo and behold, a serpent reared its head through a gap between the exam table and myself. It had its head facing the patient but away from me. As it emerged, I reflexively grabbed its head with my left hand, locking its jaws, and gripping its mouth shut. It was this serpent that was causing all the problems, which I possess full control over.

      It is a large viper. Its body coils around my arm trying to slither its way out from my grip. Its undulating coils around my limb do not bother me because I am in full control of its head. Its words are silenced by my will. Yet, it is one of God’s creatures, and quite frankly a beautiful animal in its own right. It does what it does, and I respect it for that.

      So, Irv, I am not exactly sure what I will do with it. You see I am here to work with serpents. Many are wise and not all of them are evil. I could drain its poison, defang it, or kill it—which I have no real interest in doing at this point. For now, I am perfectly content with just keeping it in place for as long as I am charged with that task, while the ignorance and darkness that your poisonous intentions represent weakens by the day and fades into oblivion.

      Let go of your hostility and angst because it is no longer serving any of us.

      God Bless


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