The Cosmic Energies of Annulment: Vernal Equinox 2024

“In this season of rebirth it is important to understand that in the human realm of past, present, and future existence there has only ever been one true King.  In the I AM Kingdom of Christ-Sophia there are the Many, the One, and the All.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian March 19, 2024

This year’s vernal equinox occurs at 10:06 pm CST on March 19, 2024.  This will be a season fraught with change highlighted by a lunar eclipse on March 25th and the second Great American Solar eclipse on April 8th.  This year’s vernal equinox strikes me as an inauspicious time, a pause before the real show in April commences.

Keep in mind that the the system most widely used to read astrology is called Tropical, which means “as the turning.” The Tropical system is based upon the procession of the equinox, moving in a retrograde fashion by one degree every seventy-five years.  This way of viewing astrology places emphasis on the four positions which are the cardinal points when the rotation of the Zodiac makes a turn.  Those four positions form a cross within a circle, which is of the most significant symbols within human awareness.

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This is why it is important to observe the Zodiac as the seasons change, because that is the point within human awareness when consciousness shifts in our earthbound journey as our soul travails the lower dimension of linear time.

The Tropical Zodiac is tied to a temporal plane that is married to the Life of Christ. Meaning, that the movement of the Heavens was bound to a reference that is in fixed position to around the time of the birth of Jesus —the first person within that Age who fully manifested the Christos spirit (see Beyond the Soul’s Meridian, The Time of Michaelmas, September, 2020).  Therefore, throughout the entire Age of Pisces (approximately 140 BC until present) we have viewed the movements of the celestial bodies in reference to a heavenly backdrop that was frozen to the time around the origins of the Piscean Age.  This became obvious as we began marking time in a fashion that is fixed to the birth of Jesus Christ.

This cross nails us to earth-bound consciousness, tying us to her seasons which have always been reflected in the celebrations of our culture’s religions.  Regardless of your beliefs or spiritual origins it is difficult to walk away from the fact that we are all bound to Gaia’s rhythms as we spiral through linear time through our earthly life.  From a subconscious level, our bodies sense this cadence which, as we become more self-aware, we will begin to appreciate at a deeper level.  Indeed, this becomes a major part of our healing process as we develop an understanding of, and great reverence for, our Great Mother’s manifestations throughout the seasons and how we are not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually connected to them.

This more enlightened form of observance is infused with the spiritual energies of the heavens and can only invigorate a soul that is committed to the Christed Way of Life and Truth.  Whether you are aware of it or not, all human beings are born into this life bearing within them a cross which represents the essence of your soul’s mission here on earth.  This cross will become apparent to those who are embracing the ascending path of self-awareness.  The symbol of Christ exists within your unique astrological alignments that not only signify your true identify but distinguishes you as a Child of God. Our soul’s identity is written in unique patterns of light and sound.

Those who refuse to acknowledge these profound human imperatives have no resonance to it.  It is worthless to them because they can see little if any value within themselves.  There can be no judgement in this observation, but it is becoming a blatantly obvious quality in many discordant souls who are sinking into an abyss of fear and doubt that is generated by the spiritless archons whose days in the shadows are now ending.

This is so because many are now turning away from the archon’s illusions in a dying Age that the Shadow had ruled for so long.   The other fact is that God has willed this transition to occur.  This is not because an overbearing, ruling God has willed it as much as those who are turning towards the Light of Truth bring forth the authority and power of Love within their own hearts.  It is only through us where the will of God can manifest.

In many ways, this spring carries within it the energies of annulment.

The Astrology of the Vernal Equinox 2024

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Although there are many aspects to this spring’s celestial alignments, there are two distinguishing features that stand out.

The first is Leo Moon opposite Pluto in Aquarius.  The Moon represents the human soul.  In Leo, this can represent our more leonine aspects of soul which are egotistical in nature.  Keep in mind that all our light codes (signified by the astrology of our birth chart) together represent the true manifestation of our individuated God-Self, which can be viewed as our logoic self or true Ego (see Beyond the Soul’s Meridian, Our Beautiful Ego, July, 2023).

Leo, as a fire sign, carries within it not only the power of the Sun, but is also the origin of our sovereignty.  This alignment can represent an aspect of our inner authority which in opposition to Pluto in Aquarius will destroy any influences from the programmed false egotistical matrix.  Anything that is not aligned to the will of God manifested through an enlightened human soul is slated for annihilation.  Those holding on to their programming, which keeps them fixed to the archons’ false narratives, will suffer greatly.

This alignment will strip away masks, conventions, impressions, urges, desires, and impulses of self-importance that will no longer be congruent with Aquarian energies.  The shadow forces that remain hidden will be affected and flushed to the surface through a Sun (zero-point Aries) conjunct Neptune (27 degrees Pisces) trine.

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The second is Juno in Virgo opposite Saturn conjunct Venus in Pisces T-square Pallas Athena in Sagittarius.

Juno (goddess Hera in ancient Greece) is situation very well within the space of Virgo as she presides over marriage and partnerships.  In Virgo, no detail will be overlooked as there will be a tendency for objectivity in analyzing, organizing and improving relationship dynamics.

In opposition to Juno in Virgo is Saturn Venus conjunction in Pisces.  Venus is a faster moving planet and is exulted in Pisces.  In opposition to Juno, this can represent a quest for a more ideal union based upon love, harmony, and mutual respect.  Conjunction with Saturn represents structure, boundaries, grounding, and sensibility.  Within the depths of Pisces, this will not be a mundane or superficial dalliance, but a deep soul search for optimal bonding in the spiritually charged energies of the newly manifesting Aquarian Age.

The T-square of Pallas Athena will act as a trigger to the tensions of the Juno-Saturn/Venus opposition.  This may be done at the point of spear.  Athena also acts as wise counsel to those on the side of truth, while vanquishing those who have fallen away from God.  One of the sisters of Athena is Nemesis, who punishes those who have transgressed against the Light of Truth.  In many ways, hubris brings downfall engineered by the shortsightedness of the spiritually impaired.

Final Thoughts

Perhaps it is not just coincidental that the world’s most visible and  highly publicized marriage seems to have spiraled out of control.  There are even rumors of foul play and murder suggesting that once again not all is well in Camelot.  Indeed, all has never been well for millennia after King Arthur’s court was destroyed ages ago by usurping entities that have been masquerading as humans.  Within the hierarchy of the archons, the only way to identify those  who have aligned themselves with humanity is by assassination.  In almost all instances, the core issues of their internal conflicts center upon power and obedience.  When it comes to femicide in the king’s court it usually involves issues related to love which the reptilian soul has no capacity to understand.

There was a time when nobility distinguished itself within a person who was dedicated in service to others for the benefit of all humanity.  Service comes naturally and joyfully to an ascended soul.  In higher evolved worlds, the title of king or queen is a venerated term that recognizes those that live within the union of soul and spirit.  For there is no one person who can be initiated into this state of grace living upon the earth.  It is a title that cannot be bequeathed for it can only come from the spirit through the Sacred Marriage.

In this season of rebirth it is important to understand that in the human realm of past, present, and future existence there has only ever been one True King.  In the I AM Kingdom of Christ-Sophia there are the Many, the One, and the All.

In this Aquarian Age, the archons have lost their ability to impersonate humans. This is obvious through their actions as their true draconian characteristics become glaringly discordant with the emerging Aquarian spirit.  Those who cannot see this remain unimportant because the usurpers cannot draw enough creative energy from these dutiful minions.  Like junkies, they have become too dependent upon human creativity.  What satisfied them in the past is not potent enough for their cravings. Even the violation of innocence and the desecration of the sacred is not enough to satisfy their needs.

The self-appointed overlords of the world truly have no clothes.  They reek of fear and desperation which they can no longer hide behinds robes and masks as their nakedness is being exposed for all the world to see.  Their false appeal has now left them exposing the ugliness of a wounded beast that will devour itself before it ever shows mercy.

As goddess Athena advised, when the ancient Greek hero Cadmus sown the teeth of the slain Dragon of Ares into a field and the Spartoi (sown men) emerged in full battledress, “Step back and let them fight it out.”  Only a few will survive this conflagration.  Those will be the ones who can pivot from darkness to light in alignment with Aquarian space-time.

In this way, all agreements, contracts, and unions made with them are becoming null and void.  The flow of consciousness has shifted.  As we become sovereigns to ourselves we are no longer fit to serve our self-appointment masters.  Yet, with God anything is possible and some of those archons will turn to face the Light of Truth if they care to survive in service to others in Gaia’s ascending realm.

As the last fall season promised, those who remember their heavenly covenant live life as a Child of God carrying within them divine authority and the power of the Psalms. (see Beyond the Soul’s Meridian, The Star of David: Fall Equinox 2023, September 2023)

Boundaries, compassion, justice, mercy, realignment, divine reckoning, and communion are the watchwords for the season as more upheavals are destined to occur.

In Good Faith,


9 thoughts on “The Cosmic Energies of Annulment: Vernal Equinox 2024”

  1. Your “Final Thoughts” are again spoken in vaguaries, but am I to assume you mean the Royals of England?

    I don’t believe any marriages are spiarling out of control, but maybe in your world view, Cancer is befitting them. I know from your past writings you believe they are Lizard People, along with the Clin-Tons, The Obamas, and many others in Hollywood/Media. Quit being a coward if you are so sure of your meanderings and come out and say it already. Stop speaking in vieled metaphors and speak your truths! Quit hiding already!


    1. Hello Jerome,

      So glad you took the time to write. It is nice to hear a familiar voice who takes everything in the media as gospel and regurgitates it all verbatim. How can anyone disagree with that?

      Our humanity is based upon a foundation of love. The more we love, the more human we become. Worldly life is an interface between heaven and earth. Those who align with power principles and self-serving agendas identify with a more beastly aspect of existence. It is conventional science that refers to the brain’s limbic system—powered by our impulsive id—as reptilian. It is the way that we live that distinguishes us as human or less than human.

      The Law of the Universe is “balance.” Justice is not doled out by any one person, entity, or ruler unless you have given your consent to be a player in the archons’ illusionary game that can never be won. In the emerging Aquarian time, the Scales of Justice are protected by the Archangel and placed into the hands of the Divine Feminine. It is the goddess within who presides over the scales and weighs out our self-worth. Referred to as Zoe (The Life), She is nothing less than the creative power that resides within the human heart. Known as spirit, higher-self, or higher-soul, it is the only entity fit to judge because She constitutes a greater aspect of who we truly are.

      Not all beings living in this world can connect to Zoe. This may be by choice or design. Regardless, our connection to this cosmic life force makes us truly human. Those who choose not to connect (or cannot) are less than their full human potential.

      In general, people who hold powerful positions, fame, or status over others, are disconnected to their greater human potentials. Those who have lost the freedom to create become obedient to a hierarchical system that only fosters dependency because the universal life force is love derived from Zoe which by design they attempt to subjugate, violate, and imprison. If your connection to the divine feminine does not exist within your heart, then you cannot radiate love out into the world through creative expression, and therefore must steal it from others. Living within your full human potential, you are a radiant star. Living in less than your potential, you are an energy sink, a black hole that must survive on others, pulling their life force into yourself.

      The players of the ruling elite are parasites, inverting love/life force by disrupting others through fear and manipulation.

      When there is an energetic mismatch in partnerships, they will invariably fail at some level. In many prominent marriages, the ruling elite marry people who can only be described as fully human, which in general are women. Although these unions are contractual with rigid obligations, once the human realizes (through anguish) their predicament, they generally end in some form of “annulment” if they cannot tolerate living within their vows.

      Many human souls in the light of ascending times are now recognizing these facts. The energies of this next solar eclipse will only magnify it.



  2. I am not sure what I am regurgitating from the media, but once again I ask questions and the response is undoubtedly vague, word salad. Just so I understand, Prince Charles and Kate Middleton have Cancer due to a Cosmic blance and evil achrons? Or she wished herself Cancer to remove herslef from the marriage? Like I said I am confused by your ramblings.

    Are you as a physician not in a position of power/ elite so to speak? Do you offer your healing advice for free?? Do you continue to make money off the Big Pharmacy Conglomerates you rail against, or do you offer only naturally occuring poltices or mustards? In your world view, you would belong in that same heirarchy, correct?? Oh no! Not once the true Scotsman arguement pops up again!

    Speaking of the Eclipse, your exhaulted leader and truly one of the Elites along with all of his followers like you will be staring right at it and continue blindly down their righteous path. All for one! no, One for all! no that doesn’t fit either.

    So why don’t you answer my questions directly this time instead of making an arguement for your way of thinking?? I am sure that must be below your I am Con-sciousness.

    I look forward to hearing from you, I do not necessarily expect the truth mind you, but more whimsy. Perhaps the Eclpise and the spring equinoxr can help push you towrds some veracity


    1. Hello Jerome,

      Once again, I am flattered that “you” have read so much of my work and in such detail. Although you appear to understand very little (if any) of it, you seem to be attracted to my work like a moth to a flame. Like Icarus, the higher you get to the Light of Truth, the closer you come to oblivion.

      As previously stated, there are many people who have very little interest and/or capacity to understand truth from a higher vantage. These people can only follow hierarchical rules, so it is not within their soul’s capacity to understand from a higher perspective. This is the plight of virtually all people who believe they know more than everyone else because they have been fostered within a system that rewards them for knowing the “correct” answer. Hence, they make mistakes in their arguments on variables that they have been told are truthful and/or are pushing agendas that they know are deceptive.

      You appear to be making some major assumptions based upon the tall tales that the media is spinning along with accusations of guilt by association with a multi-armed corporate conglomerate, the gyrations of which you could not even begin to understand. Your arguments are steeped in a rigid duality and founded upon a bed of quicksand that cannot possibly be defended. I believe the word is quagmire.

      Frustration/desperation seems to be the reason why you goad others into naming names and pointing fingers. This brings all people down to a lower level of conflict and separation where you ambush them with shifting logic and deceptive reasoning. This is merely a tactic of engagement which I have no interest in participating in. Whether you can sense beyond the illusion is doubtful because there are many nested within the pyramidal hierarchy that you have sworn (wittingly or unwittingly) to defend. The only way to break free from this imprisonment and become a person who can come to know higher truth, think independently, and contribute constructively, is to eat the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which clearly, you no interest in doing.

      As always, I am truly grateful for these exchanges because from my perspective you and your brethren never fail to illustrate the many facets of my writing. It is like an exclamation point to the essay.

      The Source of Truth is Cosmic and Universal. It cannot come from one person or entity outside of self. If you can, consider the path of Gnosis.



  3. I appreciate you being flattered by the only person who ever comments on your assorted yarns. You should be lauded by the only person that reads them

    Once again as with all Charlatans a general refusal to answer any questions directly, your arguements are kind of like that human like figure they put out in the field to frightenthe birds.

    Of course ( as a Scotsman) I could never understand your tales!

    Your fundamentsl attribution error that all my queeries are based on “Media manipulation”, but, I am the one making assumptions. Being well read and informed is definitely negative in your world view. I never once claimed to know the truth or all truths, but I digress.

    Can you simply answer the questions proffered?? Of course you can not, without throwing out insults, and claiming anything I say is manipulation, the old tu quoque fallacy. Please learn to tell the truth, not just your truth, by answering simply and eloquently, rather than prattling on like your fearless orange leader.

    If I get a direct response it will be refreshing, but instead, I expect more of the same or having my comments snuffed out, like you have done to others that have the tamarity to question you.

    Peace Love & Understanding!

    “Are you casting asparagus on my cooking?” 

    Jerome Howard


  4. Bwahahahaha! Nothing funny about that, only you!

    If I get a direct response it will be refreshing, but instead, I expect more of the same or having my comments snuffed out, like you have done to others that have the tamarity to question you.


  5. Truly a mountebank! Defer or speak around all questions! Refuse any discourse that does not suit your weak narrative, and continue on as the One True Cosmic Scotsman! Bwahahahaha!!


  6. Precisely, edit out any recourse. Maybe if i flatter your writing, you will leave my comments up, or even more shocking, reply honestly to them!


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