What is Truth?

“Even as the great cosmic warriors that we are, we will not be victorious in this struggle unless we not only have the courage to ask the most simple and obvious question, “What is Truth?” but the wisdom to answer it.  Victory depends upon our capacity to discern Good from Evil, truth from non-truth, and truthful souls from the non-truthful, liars, and deceivers.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian August 14, 2003

It is said that Satan is the father of lies.

“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies.…”  John 8:44

When reading this passage, one must concede that we are now living in the presence of Satan.  The war waged against humanity is founded upon deception.  Regardless of the source of information, we must go through an introspective process of validation before anything can be accepted as truth.  Even in the mainstream media, some of the information that they disseminate is truthful.  In other alternative sources, some, if not much of what is stated is deceptive or incomplete.  

The verb “to lie” is defined by Merriam-Webster as:

1 . To make an untrue statement with intent to deceive.

Example: He lied about his past experience.

2. To create a false or misleading impression.

Example: Statistics sometime lie.

Whether cognizant of it or not, in both instances, there is an intent to mislead or obfuscate the truth.  A lie is therefore the antithesis of truth.  Those who create or propagate lies, whether intentionally or unintentionally, are liars.  Those who misinterpret truth (which virtually all of us do at some point) are dangerously close.

How sensitive we are these days about calling someone a liar even though they are (by definition) a person who does not speak truthfully.  So, we are forced to use euphemisms so as not to accuse someone who is intentionally propagating distortion (lies) as a child of the devil.  True, there are many who speak untruths without intentional malice.  Generally, these are people who choose (out of conditioning and fear) to live in willful ignorance.  But there are also many who answer willfully to the dark lord of their shadow, and since the times of Atlantis, remain a brazen Son of Belial.

Many who propagate lies have been conditioned to believe that they are speaking the truth.  It would be fair to say that even the best of us falls into this category simply because we are living within a dense realm of distortion.   As our consciousness ascends out of this limited plane of awareness, so does our truthfulness.

When one looks for the answers outside of self, information will always be riddled with bias.  Even when seeking within oneself, the truth that we are given will be influenced by our cultural perceptions and level of understanding. The ONLY “Law of God” is “Truth” as “Logos,” which is the truthful essence of all things.  As our mind develops in the early part of our life, it is occupied (if not inundated) with mundane facts that it juggles to make sense of.  Within the development of the human mind-soul, the first half of life is devoted to an empirical science of separateness and classification which nurtures and exercises the capacity to analyze and distinguish.

In an immature soul, one either never enters this stage of development, or never evolves beyond this point.  In a mature soul, one transcends the boundaries of their programming and begins to sense metaphysical reality that integrates into the physical.

In a psychologically and spiritually mature person, the second half of life is a devotional exercise that connects everything back to Source.  This is accomplished through the synthesis of our knowledge of the mundane to the spiritual. In this phase, one must come back to truthful sources that may have been overlooked or previously discarded by an unenlightened mind that was not evolved enough to see the treasures that were buried within it.  All sources of truth are spiritually charged.  It is the process of contemplating these sources for years, decades, and lifetimes, that catalyzes a process of ascending consciousness which influences every aspect of our being.

Therefore, if one is to expand their consciousness and strive to align themselves within a more truthful state, one must return to sources that our unawaken mind has long ago dismissed as unimportant, nonsense, or untruthful.  In all instances, this dismissal occurred in earlier stages of psycho-spiritual development when we were not prepared to receive the greater message.

Any information that we receive, whether from family, friends, neighbors, the media, nature, extraterrestrials, angels, ascended masters, higher self, Budha, or Jesus, must be analyzed through a contemplative process that involves the part of our masculine mind that is designed to do so.  We were given this Promethean aspect of the mind, which is viewed as godly— by the gods—for the very purpose of not being deceived.  This is the reason why the archons had a conniption when they realized that their slaves had eaten from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Subsequently, Prometheus, Chiron, and the rest of humanity striving to know truth are chained to a rock in a lower density construct, where birds of prey ritualistically feast upon our flesh.

Blindly accepting the word of clergy, spokespersons, media personalities, academics, public leaders, or the characters within our dreams, personal visions, or channels is unforgivably infantile, and by design, will lead us down a road of confusion and ruin.  True personal vision is designed to change our character by expanding consciousness.  It is a cosmic blessing that unlocks secrets that have been buried deep within the soul.  This can only happen through the inner process of contemplation before and after the messages have been delivered.  These messages are living truths which Gnosis (knowledge of True Self, a.k.a. Wisdom) understands as living codes of light and sound that reside within us as an expanding source of truth that we carry forth and nurture for the rest of our lives.

Gnosis cannot be hidden.  It is something that we wear like a spiritual garment and a clarion for the truth that we speak.  In the ascending realm, this impulse is expressed as Art, which is alchemical and can only be defined by Gnosis.

We are amid a war against humanity based on deception and waged by liars.  There is always a higher reason for it.  The major exercise of all this hardship and chaos is to hone our skills of discernment which is an integral part of our ascension.  By design, this is a war of attrition where things have become so muddled and confused that a spiritually weak soul will become overwhelmed and capitulate to the liars’ demands, or a spiritually mature soul will begin to question the legitimacy of EVERY source of information.

This is why we are living in a state of rapid spiritual growth.

Even as the great cosmic warriors that we are, we will not be victorious in this struggle unless we not only have the courage to ask the most simple and obvious question, “What is Truth?” but the wisdom to answer it.  Victory depends upon our capacity to discern Good from Evil, truth from non-truth, and truthful souls from the non-truthful, liars, and deceivers.

Keep in mind that this question has been asked before, and although an answer was not provided, it was given.  This is the mystery and perhaps the point where truth diverges for many, as there are two major streams of enlightened consciousness that humanity has been conditioned to follow.  In the end, they must merge.

In order to ascend, we must get over our prejudices and reconsider sources that have been usurped and obfuscated by the very liars that we are at war with.

The Book of John (likely written by the resurrected Lazarus) is considered the most Gnostic of the Four Gospels of the New Testament.  This book teaches us the mysteries of I AM by the disciple John, The Bearer of God’s Grace, and a true Gnostic (Knower).  Understand, that Jesus was never talking exclusively about himself, but I AM.  Within the context of I AM, we are an individuated aspect of God, in union with the Holy Father, Mother, Son, and Daughter (Norea).  This can only happen when we are living our authentic truthful self.

We are told that only the Truth will set us free.  Saying this unleashed a wrath of criticism at which point Jesus explained that those who are of the Truth would resonate with his message, while those who were not of the Truth, and therefore of a different father, would not.  Truth is cosmic, stemming from a Universal Source.  From our emerging perspective, we can begin to sense that Wisdom is Love, Love is Truth, Truth is I AM, I AM is Christ-Sophia, Christ-Sophia is God…

As Jesus tried to explain freedom within the truthful context of I AM, he was confronted by a growing wall of confusion and hostility.  In the end, He triggered a spasm of murderous violence by stating, “Truly I say to you that before Abraham was born, I AM!” He barely escaped the temple with his life.

The concept of I AM transcends conventional religions and is the reason why (along with the suppression of the Divine Feminine) this knowledge has been verboten and attacked when expressed or exercised.  Warriors of Truth are charged with the task of creating and upholding an environment where the truth becomes the fabric of our very life.  This is inclusive and invites all aspects of God’s Children to participate in a New World birthed within a resurrected Gaia.

It was Pontius Pilate who asked skeptically the ultimate question, “What is Truth?” as it was embodied within the man standing before him, a King whose realm was not of this world.

That world is within the realm of I AM.  Deep within his heart, Pilate knew this, which is the reason why he saw the truth within the soul that he was tasked to judge and found Him guiltless of any crime.  As Jesus told him, people of the truth can hear My voice.

Codes of Light from the Heavenly Father are streaming forth into this world. The Christ is now living amongst us to be recognize deep within ourselves.  Transformation comes finally within the union of soul to spirit in the archetype of the sacred marriage.  The wedding feast is here and now as the True King’s son is about to be married.

Gnosis tells that through the grace of the Holy Father and Mother, the enlightened are given a glorious robe to wear that is alive and created out of truth.

For, I saw that over all of it, the motions of Gnosis abound, and further it was making ready as though to speak. I heard its Music which it whispered as it descended.  It sang to me, ‘Behold him, active in deeds of Truth, for you were reared by Our Father in the Light of His Truth.’  Within His works, my stature was transformed.  And now, through His Grace, His Robe of Divine Spiritual Authority is pouring itself onto me.”—Paraphrased from the Hymn of Glory found in the Gnostic writing entitled The Acts of Thomas

The True King is not to be worshiped, but to be recognized as such and venerated for the Truth that He embodies.

In the most profound way, the True King is our Father, the Logos, which is the Truth that binds all of us to the One Universal Family of Light and Love.

As we ascend our awareness into a more heavenly state, please take this into consideration.

In Good Faith,


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