The Star of David: Fall Equinox 2023

“The Star is also known as the Shield of King David, carried by the righteous into battle.  A trine represents tremendous amounts of latent potential and can be viewed as grace.  It is the oppositions that will trigger these potentials into action.  Within the shield is the power of the Psalms.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian, September 23, 2023

The energies of the fall represent an opportunity for our most significant personal transformation. Adversity is inherent to the season.  It is the challenges that we naturally encounter during this time of year that give us the opportunity to catalyze our soul’s transformation.  Starting in the cardinal sign of the Libra, the heart of the season resides in the fixed sign of Scorpio and ends in the mutable sign of the Sagittarius.  The pinnacle of the fall is represented by the Eighth sign of the Scorpion which has the greatest potential for transfiguration at any time during this season’s cycles.

The fall is the time that heralds the onslaught of shadow energies as we pass through the equinox into a state when the darkness makes its annual descent upon the earth (see Beyond the Soul’s Meridian, Riding the Wave, October 25, 2018,

These are exceptional times.  The darkness is becoming aware that it is in its agonal throes as their Age upon Earth fades into oblivion.  With their matrix of control unraveling, the agents of hindrance are losing their footing as Gaia is shifting away from their clutches.  Anyone with eyes to see can easily observe how they are lashing out in all directions while completely and utterly exposing their miserable intentions and contempt for humanity.  Although damage is being inflicted upon the human collective, the chaos has exposed their desperation.

This transition was never about most people waking up.  Only a critical faction was ever needed that is nowhere near the majority. By all accounts, we are in the phase of this transition happening before our very eyes.  Those who have prepared themselves are now paying attention and will soon begin to follow once they see the righteous stand up and make a difference (see Beyond the Soul’s Meridian, Coherence, June 22, 2019,

This transformation is a choice that every being must make at their heart and gut level.  The reality is that there are many humans whose soul is not ready to make this journey.  There can be no judgement in any of this.  If one is not in resonance with their soul’s transfiguration into Christ consciousness, Unity consciousness, Source consciousness, I AM consciousness, or whatever it is that you call it, then they are not coming in this cycle.

Regardless of our relationship to them, those who are not prepared are actively seeking participation in an ego driven lower dimensional experience where their soul can continue to learn and grow through power struggles in master-slave scenarios.  Somewhere in the multiverse is a place where they are heading that their soul’s energies will align with.  In the Shadow’s realm, even the best players will be thrown under the bus.  Betrayal is the most important lesson learned in the lower density construct and is the greatest weapon to employ in the game of conquest for those who care to continue playing.

We are past the threshold.  Virtually every soul on this planet has chosen the path to follow.  Enough have decided to take the higher path so that Gaia will not fall.  In retaliation, the archons have staged an assault against our country’s most vulnerable people, in one of the nation’s most peaceful and sacred regions. This attack was launched at the Lion’s Gate portal on August 8, of this year, slaughtering the innocent and imprisoning the meek.  The usurpers have also seized their land with no attempt to hide their atrocities.  Like the New York City attacks that occurred in September 2001, this was a calculated massacre, not unlike any action that entrenched shadow governments have taken against all indigenous peoples throughout history.

The hands of these demented beings are all over this transgression, soiled with the blood of their victims.  No matter how hard they try, they can no longer hide their crimes, which will most likely occur again until the full weight of the inevitable human counterbalance, imbued with Divine Justice in the Light and Love of Christ-Sophia, takes back their power and lays them flat.

Much is going on behind the scenes, but invariably, these damned souls are the instruments of their own demise as the unfettered portion of humanity pulls further away from their barbarism.  Their approach has lost its significance to a populace that can no longer recognize any credibility in their condescending and despotic behavior.  By the actions of their naked aggression, we must thank them for finally telling us the truth about their illegitimacy as our self-appointment “leaders.”  They are playing the role of the villains too well, and have become caricatures, to the point of absurdity.

Pluto is in Capricorn and will be transiting back into Aquarius in January 2024. Capricorn is representative of structure and egoic forces.  Pluto has a starring role in this transformation as we can see all around us the chaotic mess that the powers of the Lord of Darkness cause.  Remember, we are now in the transition of the Aquarian Age.  Through death, the ego is being reconstructed on an individual level.  Pluto is near the cusp of the Aquarian transition which will commence the annihilation of our archaic social structures.  This is destined to happen after the final stages of the personal ego alignment is completed through death and rebirth that is still occurring throughout the end of this year and into 2024.

Virtually everything incongruent with the Aquarian Age of Gaia is being destroyed inwardly and outwardly. This power is affecting all of us at the most visceral level.  Anyone reading this missive is an instrument of this change.

There is much going on astrologically at this year’s fall equinox, which occurs on September 23, 2023, at 01:50 am CST.  When all the significant aspects are connected, it looks as chaotic as a preschooler’s Spirograph. The challenge is to find bearing and meaning.

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At the equinox, the Sun is entering into the Tropical sign of Libra.  In this position, Sun is trine Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn.  Sun is also opposite Neptune in Pisces forming a Kite.  Trines are powerful potentials of energy that usually require very little effort to manifest.  In most instances, a trine is taken for granted and can be a mark of good fortune or even grace.  The kite formation triggers this alignment into action, utilizing the power of the trine with two additional sextiles that aspect Neptune in Pisces.

Neptune in Pisces represents deep hidden emotional secrets. It is also the planet of transfiguration into the higher octave.  This alignment will allow us to sense the presence of our deepest truths.  The Sun in Libra opposite Neptune is shining a light of clarity, equipoise, and understanding into the realm of the personal shadow that we are continuously transfiguring through the balancing between the forces of Light and Dark.

Sun in Libra represents supreme insight when we come to the still point between those two forces.  This is the meaning of the Beatitude Blessed are the Peacemakers which appears to be synonymous with this alignment.  Our power resides within our magic, which has always been the higher principle of alchemy, the practice of transforming corruption into value, base metal into gold, and war into peace.  This can never be accomplished without the presence of Divine Justice represented by Libra.

Pluto in Capricorn is annihilating those egotistical principles that no longer function to serve us in the Light of Aquarian Truth.

Uranus in Taurus rapidly catalyzes, expands, inflates, and even explodes conventional principles.   It is a revolutionary power.  From a materialistic perspective, it represents physical comforts that affect our senses and sense of well being.  It is also sensuous in a sexual if not androgynous sense.

From a higher perspective, Taurus is our sense of self-worth.  Our sense of value is changing rapidly as our attention focuses from the outer world into the inner.  We will all be forced to take a good look at ourselves inwardly, beyond the ego personas, deep into the darkness where true aspects of value are buried.  We must look for the lost treasures invested within us.  The spiritual gold that our soul bears is our “God-given” talent invested within us through lessons learned from one life experience to the next.

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Both Pluto and Neptune form a Yod (Finger of God) with Black Moon Lilith in Leo.  This is empowering and transformative, in the sense that the darkness within the ego is being further exposed and alchemized.  Lilith is our Libido.  She is also the treasure deep within the soul that we need to take back and claim as our own.  In many ways, she is what needs to be discovered and integrated back into our waking consciousness.  Lilith is an aspect of the Divine Feminine that has been usurped and suppressed for far too long.  A resurrected Lilith actively alive within the sovereign human being is the greatest power that we can wield over our oppressors who have been violating and parasitizing her for Ages.

This Yod is also bisected by Saturn in Pisces opposite Lilith, adding disciple and structure to this ongoing process of shadow resurrection.

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There is a second kite that manifests through a Vesta in Cancer, Ceres in Scorpio, and Saturn in Pisces trine with Moon in Capricorn opposite Vesta.   Moon in Capricorn plays on the emotions of ego which can be fragile and uncertain. Moon in Capricorn strives for security through bonds of unconditional love and sacrifice.  In the lower perspective, this could be accomplished through the older relationships of obligation, loyalty, and even coercion.

On the higher plane, it is a search for security through the resonance of free will.  Alignment with people who resonate with higher values.  Ultimately, we must come to recognize that our wealth, happiness, security, and sense of well being is truly dependent upon the collective biosphere of Gaia and her children. This will be the impulse for all who care to join the ascending community.

Vesta, situated in Cancer, represents the planning and actualization of this security from a heart-based perspective. Saturn in Pisces gives spiritual form to this vision while reining in emotional tendencies to the practical task at hand.

Ceres in Scorpio is an interesting alignment as it can facilitate the power to descend into the depths of the underworld or shadow realm.  It was Ceres who stood up for her daughter Persephone (representative of the human soul) against Hades. She will assist us in looking deeply into our shadow and resurrecting our latent powers (in the form of the Divine Feminine/Libido) that have been imprisoned within the astral realm for far too long.

Perhaps the most extraordinary feature of the chart is a hexagram forming a Star of David by the Vesta, Moon, Saturn, Ceres kite, and Jupiter, Mercury, Moon trine.  This is an approximate alignment as Ceres and Jupiter are not quite in opposition to each other.  Still, viewed from various time perspectives, the algorithm is still reading it as such.  Even as a loose alignment, the Star of David is the most distinguishing feature of this or any other chart that we have viewed.  Considering the circumstances, I would agree with Providence and call it what it is.

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Therefore, the Star of David is comprised of a third trine and almost kite. So, we will call it a kite comprised of Saturn in Taurus, Moon in Capricorn, Mercury in Virgo trine with Ceres in Scorpio opposite Jupiter (within an approximal 11-degree orb).

Jupiter in Taurus will be about the expansion of wealth and self-worth.  In opposition to Ceres in Scorpio, which is empowered by the Capricorn Moon and Virgo Mercury, our journey into the depths of the soul will be imbued with structure, drive, assets, and understanding.  It is as if whatever is needed for this journey has been taken care of and will be given freely.

The Star is also known as the Shield of King David, carried by the righteous into battle.  A trine represents tremendous amounts of latent potential and can be viewed as grace.  It is the oppositions that will trigger these potentials into action.  Within the shield is the power of the Psalms.

Psalm of Validation

We walk with integrity, as children of God,

   becoming One with Your awareness.

As we come to know the Truth of who we really are,

   we become an instrument of Divine Will.

Imbued by the Spirit we understand all circumstances without wavering,

   for it is Love that guides us.  

We are being tested and have time and again accepted the challenge,

   for it makes us One with the Power and Light of Your Love.

It is the Love of Creation which resonates truthfully in our heart and mind. 

Through the union of soul to spirit we are becoming One in glorious manifestations.

For I see Your loving devotion in my eyes,

   and mine in Yours,

   as we walk together in Truth. 

(Inspired by Psalm Twenty-Six)

The Shield is also our Merkabah, which is the hexagonal Star in higher dimensional form.

Always remember that this is a spiritual conflict.  Truth is the essence of our defense and the sword that we must wield upon this battlefield.  Whatever else they have in store, it is doomed to fail in the face of the Universal Truth of Christ-Sophia, that we as a people must come to represent.

Regardless of their conjuring and deception, the war is already won for those who do not waiver in the truth of their convictions.

In Good Faith,


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