Ascension & the Fourth Density

“Ascension is the experiential transition that leads to a new perspective of awareness, transcending conditional to unconditional love.  It cannot and will never happen outside the bond of soul to Higher Self.  It needs to be reiterated that there is nothing within third density existence that can lead us to this point as ego has been programmed in such a way as to not allow the soul to influence it. And this is what needs to be understood as we struggle to breach into fourth density existence and beyond.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian May 19, 2024

The egotistical plane of existence is viewed as living within power principles derived from the three lower chakras.  The lower three chakras constitute the basis of our survival instincts and are ruled by an authoritarian presence which is represented in our mythologies.  The chakras can be viewed as the energy centers of our neuro-endocrine system located at the base of the spine to a point above the top of the head.  These centers should be viewed as fields of organizing energy that exist within our subtle bodies.  They create the body’s aura which is the energetic basis of structure, form, thought, emotion, memory, health, animation, movement, and integration with our surrounding environment.

The Ascension community uses the term densities which correlate to our highest active chakra.  This means that in third density our center of consciousness resides at the top of the first three, which is a position that rules the other two. From the third density we can connect to one chakra above it.  Although in third density existence a soul can connect to their fourth chakra, it cannot be sustained once attention is drawn back into the awareness of the lower chakras.  Think of this higher connection as a song or any truthful artistic expression.  When a soul living in third density hears expression from a higher consciousness, a connection is made to the message.  But once the music stops, consciousness withdraws back to the conditioned and uninspired realm of the mundane.

One of the universal constants in lower density existent is the Law of Obedience which means that lower consciousness is obedient to a higher source.  This is one of the reasons why our ascension has become grounded upon the third density because it cannot find its proper higher authority.   Inherent to the process of ascension is the annulment of this law.  This is the essence of Ascension, which is to break free of our imprisonment and emerge into a higher realm ruled by the Law of Freedom, Free Will, and Personal Responsibility.  Yet even in this higher realm, we are still influenced and must subject ourselves to the wisdom of the higher planes (and specifically our Higher Self) if we are to move forward. (see Beyond the Soul’s Meridian essays, Consciousness Soul: When Our Consciousness Shifts from “Ego” to “I AM”, July 9, 2016, & Remote Viewing the Akasha and the Greater Guardian of the Threshold, May 27, 2018)

The first chakra is foundational and represents our root that grounds us into the physical plane of existence.  It can be viewed as sentient, in the sense that there exists an intelligence that guides us at an instinctual level.  It gives us a sense of well-being in the physical environment while compelling us to seek one that is optimal for our needs.  It is also action bound to the physical and is connected to the energies of the Ram and the sign of Aries.  The god Ares/Mars is the son of Hera and Zeus and is therefore subjected to the authority of his father.  Born of power and jealousy, Zeus had nothing but disdain for his son.  His only show of affection was allowing his son to live.

The second chakra is based around our organs of reproduction and is associated with our emotionality.  Through it we can build relationships within a limited perspective of self-gratification.  In the second chakra we harness drives and desires, living within the power of attraction. It is in the second chakra where libido exists which is not only our sexual energy, but our power to create.  When blocked, attacked, or imprisoned, the second chakra can be the source of tremendous anguish and suffering, as illustrated in our various mythologies of the Divine Feminine (see Beyond the Soul’s Meridian essays, Black Moon Lilith: Peering into the Darkness on a Blood Moon Eclipse, May 18, 2021, & Hathor: Joy in the Presence of the Feminine Logos, May 12, 2022) which usually demonstrate domination within a hostile landscape of enslavement.

In many ways the energies of Zeus and Venus are connected to the second chakra which is also related to the energies of Taurus.  In Western mythology, this is the archetype of the goddess riding upon a bull which is steeped in duality.  This is our carnal nature which is love that is physically and emotionally driven, as was the god Zeus and his consorts in all their games of romance and conquest.

The third chakra is based at the level of the solar plexus and is considered our principle of power and self-identity.  It is egotistical and is represented by the energies of the Sun and the Lion. Zeus is also related to this energy as it is associated with the patriarchal father. Within the third density is the power center, which is our will of distinction.  The third chakra is sometimes called our “Ego” or simply “I” which is our individuated self-identity that separates us from the whole.  It is our power of independence and discernment.  It is a capacity that distinguishes human from animal.  Yet, we can still connect to a higher level of consciousness that under normal circumstances would naturally be with our fourth chakra.

The fourth chakra is at the level of the heart and is connected to our capacity for wisdom, inter-connectiveness, compassion, and love.  Although the second chakra is related to emotionality, it is conditional to the self.  Within the plane of the fourth chakra, we have now stepped into a higher density of existence where transformation occurs through a direct experience of love without conditions.  It is through this higher state of love where we experience inter-connectedness which is the point where our “I” is transformed into “I AM.”

The mystery of I AM is Unity Consciousness with the source of unconditional love, which we discover is also the origin of the Universal Intelligence Field or as some call the Collective (Un)Consciousness, the Akasha, or Source Field. A person who experiences and understands the power of unconditional love becomes wise. The fourth chakra is known as the portal into the inner temple which is the place where the Higher Self or personal spirit resides.   This is an entity that is representative of the greater part of our soul which resides within the fifth density and beyond. It is within the inner temple where the sacred union of soul and Higher Self takes place which is also called the Sacred Marriage or Hieros Gamos.

This is the reason why the Divine Feminine (or Goddess) represents Wisdom, for She is receptive to a higher awareness that is a spiritual constant experienced as infinite love which stems from a focal cosmic source.  To live within the fourth density means that our soul is not only receptive, but always subjects itself to the Higher Self because within the union of soul to spirit is where the bond of love exists, and the power of infinite love resides. Within this union is the living reality of Christ-Sophia.

This is also the meaning of the prayer that Christ Jesus taught which is simply, “Thy will be done.”  In some esoteric circles it is stated simply as, “Thine, not mine.”  Perhaps in a previous Age this was the way that it was perceived, but even in the past there were souls evolved enough to understand that there was no separation between “God” or “spirit” and man.  This was simply a perpetual illusion that defines the lower reality of the third density.

Once this union is experienced a soul realizes that the lower realms of third density is a conditioned reality, and that the only way out of it is to implicitly trust the Higher Self because it always has the soul’s best interest at heart.  As difficult as it may seem, the Higher Self is Self, bound to its lost fractal by a love that is so intense and truthful that it is a marvel to the entire universe.

Ascension is the experiential transition that leads to a new perspective of awareness, transcending conditional to unconditional love.  It cannot and will never happen outside the bond of soul to Higher Self.  It needs to be reiterated that there is nothing within third density existence that can lead us to this point as ego has been programmed in such a way as to not allow the soul to influence it. And this is what needs to be understood as we struggle to breach into fourth density existence and beyond.

The ego is designed as a platform for empirical observation that rationalizes, calculates, and searches for answers outside of itself.  The answers to life’s most important questions that an enlightened soul searches for do not exist within the physical plane.  It is the questions themselves, the courage to ask them, and the bravery to seek them out which distinguishes a person who has the capacity to ascend beyond their conditioned programming.  For the answers exist in a place that the lords of the third density forbid you search.  That place is within yourself and that is why to this day Gnosis is shunned from every corner of the ego’s conditioned world.

We have reached the limits of third density science as it has proven time and again that it cannot tell us what exists beyond its own confinements. This is why scientists have built supercolliders that can create mini-black holes or portals into alternate dimensions and/or realities.  In their ignorance, they think that they can explore the higher densities from their lowly perspective through brute force.  By doing so (without consent), they may be destroying the very fabric of our existence.  Without a doubt, it is their hubris that is leading them to their own downfall.

What is it that drives people to these insane actions?

There are at least two potential answers.

The first one is that there is something from the astral realm that usurped and derailed our connection to our fourth and therefore fifth chakra.  If human beings were allowed to live life within an unfettered state, our egotistically driven third chakra would align itself to its own fourth, which is heart centered consciousness that is inspired by the Hermetical or Logoic fifth.

This is confusing to the soul as both a positive and negative influences exist within the realm of the fourth density, which is beyond the waking consciousness of physical time and space.  As the ego looks for direction it finds it in an externalized authority (within or connected to the astral realm) that is not itself.  This alien entity can never have the soul’s best interest, as it is not self, but an entirely different being(s) that is discarnate from third density reality.

In this fashion we have all been hacked by an onslaught of astral parasites that have feasted upon the human soul for far too long. It is at this point in our journey where the greatest challenge in life is to know which astral entities are benevolent and which one are not. To properly identify non-self from self, and most importantly Higher Self.  The Lords of the Shadow do not play by any rules and are infinitely deceptive.  They will tell you anything to attract, gain, and hold your attention, specifically away from your own path to higher self.

The second is that there are some (perhaps many) people that do not consider themselves Children of God, and therefore exist outside of the Family of Man.  This is why the teaching of the Son(s) of God have fallen on many deaf ears.  The implications of this reality are universal in nature, meaning it extends beyond the boundaries of this world.  There is no judgement in this fact, for we can only align to the messages that our soul is attracted to, and therefore, is able and/or willing to hear.

Regardless, if you cannot or refuse to consider yourself a Child of God within the Universal Family of Man, then you fall outside of this parameter and have identified with a being of a different lineage.  From a cosmic perspective, this means that you are aligning to another species, which is intentionally designed to follow the rules of a hierarchy of archonic being(s) that claim to be your creator(s).  Make no mistake, these archons truly are the lords of the third density.

The earth plane is a very diverse world intentionally created within the universal constant of, “As above, so Below.”   Our world is a microcosm of the macrocosm, both of which contain various forms of intelligent life.  The insights of the mystics (such as Rudolf Steiner’s Agents of Hindrance and Dolores Cannon’s Backdrop People) suggest that there are many souls living within the third density plane of the earth that are here acting as inertia to global transformation.   Although they may impede the process, they are also witnessing something spectacular, which (through osmosis) will be an experience that will inevitably and invaluably contribute to their own ascension.  Regardless of where we fit along the spectrum of soul development, a living being can only learn through direct experience. (See Beyond the Soul’s Meridian, Coherence, June 22, 2019)

Jesus was the Earth’s great teacher of “I AM” and the mystery of Christ-Sophia, both of which do not exist within third density.  This is the meaning of, “My kingdom is not of this world.”  This should now be stated more accurately as, “Our kingdom is not of this world.” as our home is nowhere in the plane of the third density.  When teaching the disciples and others gathered at the temple about this predicament (which was catalyzed by the famous story of the attempted stoning of the woman accused of adultery) he told them that you can only live within the third density as a slave, where Christ-Sophia does not and can never rule.

You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world.”

Furthermore, he asks them what family they belong to. Those of the third density exist as slaves and are therefore not part of the Universal Family of Man.  Those who are at one with the truth of his teachings belong to the Universal Family of Man and will never be a slave.  The basis of the teachings of Jesus are within the Law of One, which are the cosmic Universal teachings of the Family of Man.

Jesus further identifies himself as being one with the Father, which is the Logoic Cosmic Source,

I am One who testifies about Myself, and the Father, who sent Me, also testifies about Me.

This did not sit well with his audience, and they began to become belligerent because claiming to be one with God is damnable heresy within the lower realm ruled by the Law of Obedience.

Further appeals fell upon hardened hearts and closed ears as he implored them to think about the truth of the matter.  What he was saying was that anyone can be in Oneness with God if they could recognize their own kinship and lineage to their heavenly or cosmic Father.  In doing so, the truth that Jesus was stating becomes the intuitive wisdom of your own.  Furthermore, one recognizes this as an irresistible truth of the ascended realms that can never be denied once it is finally heard and experienced.

When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me.”

This statement becomes the benchmark for discernment.  As we are going through the transition the world is being bathed in Logoic frequencies of light and sound, which for many holding onto the paradigms of the third density is causing undeniable stress and extremely chaotic behavior.  So much so, that if the afflicted could, they would stone and crucify all the Children of God a thousand times over.  For others aligned with this cosmic truth, Christ-Sophia is recognized and embraced.

Jesus then asked his inquisitors why they hated him so much, and through His own insight, answers the question.

If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me.”

It is undeniable that those who are of the Family of Man are repelled by deception while in love with cosmic Truth.  As Children of God, we strive to live within the living archetype of Christ-Sophia which is a cosmic principle of the highest magnitude that we can currently reach.  We recognize our Mother as Holy Goddess Gaia, and our Father as the Truth of the Cosmos.

Finally, Jesus speaks the harshest truth when he tells the skeptics his sincere impressions, and for this they attempted to stone him to death. As John conveys to us in that passage, he states, “It was not His time.”   Although Jesus escaped, this exchange inevitably sealed his fate.

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

As tactless as it may sound, this is the deepest truth of the matter for we alone define ourselves through our own actions, thoughts, impressions, and deeds.  Let it be clear that we are not being condemned by “The Son of God” but instead are given the free will to align ourselves to whatever lineage we best see fit. Within the Family of Man, His lineage is ours.  As we ascend, truth becomes more objective as we align more closely to the universal Source.  This is experienced as love which is in sympathy to itself and all things living.

The Challenges of the Fourth Density

It is within the fourth density where the barriers of human transformation exist. We study, theorize, ritualize, and channel information as to how to attain enlightenment and ascend into fourth density existence and beyond.  For many of us, we do this on a daily if not constant basis.  If our various consciousness exercises are done in earnest, this will help prepare the soul for ascension, but it is not enough to bring us into the higher planes.  That can only be accomplished through an inner Gnostic experience, which amounts to the union of soul to Higher Self.  This path exists outside of theoretical and formulaic abstractions.

The fourth density is the Moon realm and is connected to the astral world.  Astral means “star.” In the ancient world, there were many people who practiced mysteries that allowed their soul to cross the bridge into the astral and travel into its lower kingdom which is occupied and ruled by entities of this shadowy universe.  The rulers of this reality were known as archons and are, to this day, lording over the lower elements of the fourth and third density.  From a cosmic perspective, the fourth density is the realm of the stars, in which exists beings that are not of the world.

As Jesus taught us, “not of this world,” should be considered both physically and metaphysically.  It is within the astral realm and beyond where the Family of Man exists.  Yet, there are also beings who are not within that Family, that are not aligned with the Law of One, and attempt to rule through force, deception, and manipulation.  In the strictest terms, the Family of Man would include people who come from a solitary lineage that humans belong to.  From a cosmic perspective, this source is generally considered to be from the planetary system of Lyra, with human offspring throughout the galaxy.

There are many statements through the testimony of Jesus where He suggested that His origins are not from this world.  If read carefully, Jesus is not suggesting this but emphatically stating that He is not from the lower earth plane.  Even more intriguing is the fact that we are told through scripture as to His specific planet of origin.

We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.”— Peter 1:19

I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.” – Revelation 22:16

And to the one who overcomes and continues in My work until the end, I will give authority over the nations.  He will rule them with an iron scepter and shatter them like pottery— just as I have received authority from My Father. And I will give him the morning star.…” – Revelation 2:26-28

The “morning star” is a reference to the planet Venus, which is (outside of the Moon and Sun) the brightest celestial body in the heavens.  It is also associated with the Bearer of Light (Lucifer), the Child of Sopdet (Sirius), and the great spiritual leader Sanat Kumara.  In Theosophy, Venus is associated with the Great White Brotherhood whose members are the Ascended Masters of the Seven Rays.  They are also aligned to the seven chakras. (See Beyond the Soul’s Meridian, The Seven Rays: The Way of the Heart, the Path of Limitation, and Spiritual Integration, November 11, 2019)

In Anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner referred to the Ascended Masters as the “Masters of Wisdom and Harmony of Feelings” and are associated with the accelerated ascension of earth-bound consciousness into the higher realms.  The origins of these teachers are non-terrestrial.  Rudolf Steiner pointed out that the teachers of the mysteries ascended their consciousness upon other worlds.

The teachers of the ancient Atlantean adept schools were not human beings, but rather beings higher than human beings. They had completed their development on earlier planets.  And these beings who were present from earlier planetary evolutions taught a carefully selected small band, the Mysteries of the Spirit…” – Rudolf Steiner, The School for Adepts in the Past, March 7, 1907.

Interestingly, Steiner also called these teachings, “The Mysteries of the Father” which is basically what Jesus was teaching.  Indeed, Christ is the foundation and is inherently associate with these mysteries.  The planetary origin of these teachers comes from Venusian and Hermetic evolutionary schemes.

So, how is this for a test of faith?  It seems that if we allow our heart and soul to follow this thread, we will annihilate all conventional teachings of religion and science regarding our true origins.  Perhaps the question to ask is, “How does it feel?”  How does hiding in the darkness as a slave and ignoring these facts compare to opening yourself to the potential that we are cosmic beings of great significance who have never been forgotten?  The truth of the matter is that it is us who have forgotten ourselves.

From a broader perspective our heavenly mentors consider all intelligent life that has DNA-RNA codes to share a common ancestry.  Therefore, all life is part of a greater whole and regardless of familial origins, one can come to know the Creator and Universal Truth within their own experiences. Certainly, from a higher density of awareness we can begin to see the connections as duality collapses into unity as we ascend the realms of consciousness.

Knowledge of the fourth density comes through direct experience.  To obtain this wisdom, we must (in some way) experience it outside of the linear third density.  For most of us, this is bound to happen within the dream state.  We are naturally designed for enlightenment to happen within the dreamscape because it exists mainly within the astral plane.

To the ancients, this enlightenment was enhanced by a direct experience through the occult mysteries.  Plato’s insights into the realm of the underworld and his analogy of our earthly life being a false reality like viewing shadows cast upon the wall of a cave, was not theoretical, but an existential fact demonstrated to him through direct experience.  This is the basis of a holistic form of science which becomes self-evident to the observer when experiencing the higher realms.  In the higher realms, it is the soul that becomes the empirical instrument of observation as materialistic tools of measurement are rendered useless.

The ancient mysteries were extensions of the mythologies whose meaning were enhanced through direct immersion.  They centered around the characters that crossed the threshold into the astral plane. In ancient Greece, the most well-known and practiced were the Eleusinian and Orphic mysteries which centered around the goddess Persephone.

Persephone is the personification of the human soul, born from the union of Mother Earth (Demeter) and Logoic Father (Zeus).  The human soul is irresistible to the gods, especially from the astral plane.  The lord of the astral, Hades, was so overwhelmed by Persephone that he abducted and initially violated her.  Eventually, he made her his queen to co-rule the astral realm for part of the year.  This became the explanation for the hibernation of the winter season, which was a time when Persephone would descend into the underworld.  Therefore, she came to represent the spring, renewal, and resurrection.

From an esoteric perspective, Persephone also represents our soul’s nightly sojourn into the astral plane during sleep.  If we were to study the science of sleep holistically, we would observe how consciousness (which constitute soul elements) leave the physical body to travel into the astral and beyond. The astral field is a realm where our thought and intentions manipulate the environment. This is why the astral is creational, and why the soul co-creates and rules in this kingdom.

The mythology also conveys to us how coveted the human soul is to the archons.  Although Persephone makes union with Hades, he is a being outside of herself.  This is a common mistake made in previous Ages as the gods and other advanced beings conditioned us to look for answers to our life’s problems outside of ourselves.  Furthermore, we must acknowledge that there is a dark presence within the astral that perpetually enslaves us until we no longer recognize its authority.  It is solely in our act of oblivious renouncement and abdication of our own authority that gives the archons and their minions the consent to lord over us.

The dark elements of the astral are extensive but are specifically ruled by at least two opposing groups of negative entities.  Therefore, there is a duality to the darkness. The nature of these opposing forces has been discussed many times over and play out within the human soul as an illusion of good versus evil, dark versus light, Republican versus Democrat, Satan versus Lucifer, etcetera.  They are not just metaphorical or metaphysical concepts but actual beings from other worlds who exist solely as cosmic adversarial forces that war with other beings who they perceive as being weaker or vulnerable.  Their hatred of love, compassion, and innocence along with their lust for power and domination is legendary.  They hold all of humanity in contempt and view love as a weakness which they do not completely understand and fully underestimate.

Although the dynamics of their machinations eclipse the tactics of Machiavelli, the details are inconsequential within the expanding energies of the Aquarian Age.  This is why their defeat has not only been forecast but broadcasted through the esoteric channels as they do not hold any leverage against an enlightened human soul living firmly within the fourth density in alignment with their Higher Self.

This dark archonic presence is reflected in our legends of gods and their adversarial beasts.  My sense is that although these beings are real to us at some level, the stories themselves were given to us by a group of humans renowned for their ability to integrate complex multi-dimensional truths into stories which seem quite basic and almost child-like.  But like all Gnostic scripture, the stories contain living truths that take on greater meaning as our consciousness ascends.  It is the contemplation of these stories which catalyze the awakening of our soul while validating our own inner experiences.

As consciousness expands, it becomes apparent that the mythologies of the ancients contain a depth of wisdom that parallels the parables of Jesus. This suggests a similar source which is undoubtedly cosmic in nature.  Wisdom is collective to the species.  Perhaps, this should now be phrased as Wisdom is collective to all the Children of God who are of the same Father.

Final Thoughts

How we individually and collectively ascend is the Great Mystery.  To answer it, we must look at the human experience over the last two Ages and observe similar patterns of the process.  In both the legends of Persephone and Christ Jesus, there is an undeniable connection to the astral realm.  This can also be viewed as a death process as the soul must cross over from the third density into the fourth which can only occur outside of the confinements of linear time.

The consensus of the Aquarian Age prophecies suggested that those who make the transition into the fourth density and beyond will not suffer physical death.  Jesus stated this fact on numerous occasions and indeed told his inquisitors who were about to stone him this very same fact.

Truly, truly, I tell you, if anyone keeps My word, he will never see death.” –John 8:51

The statement that “those who come to know My words will not taste death,” is enumerated throughout His teachings. I suspect that this is truthful on many levels.  Certainly, we can look at this from a physical perspective and view it as a great paradox.  Certainly everyone, including Jesus, died.

From a holistic, spiritual, and even conventional scientific perspective, we have come to understand that the soul never dies, but transitions into higher realms.  Countless testimony from Near Death Experiences validates the fact that consciousness never does not exist.  This is an undeniable fact from any perspective outside of the cult of conditioned materialistic science that forbids us to consider it.

Yet, there may be another meaning to the statement.  Keep in mind that very few if anyone knew what Jesus was trying to convey at the beginning of the Piscean Age.  This suggests that the full meaning of what He was revealing would only become apparent after the Age reached its completion.  Not tasting death may mean no longer entangled within the wheel of karma and the perpetual reincarnation cycles.  Beings of higher densities have ascended through lessons learned throughout lower density existence.  As we ascend, death and reincarnation no longer serve their intended purpose.

It is clear that once we become unified and fully integrated with our Higher Self, we will no longer suffer illness or taste death.  Yet, that is not fourth density existence, but fifth and higher.  Fourth density is transitional.  Through greater self-awareness we will be healthier, live longer, and will not experience birth or death in the same way, but we will still make a transition into the higher planes of existence through the demise of our physical vessel.

The fourth density may be merely a bridge into the fifth, which will be a future topic of discussion.  What we may be facing on a global scale is a collective ascension into the Fifth density as it has been widely intuited that Gaia has prepared herself to ascend into that higher dimensional environment.

What I can say for certain is that we are in a death process of some sort as Pluto transits Aquarius over the next few decades. This is destined to cover a broad spectrum of existence but specifically anything that touches upon the collective and the spiritual.  In this Age it is not the goddess or the Son of Man that dies and is resurrected. Mankind as a collective must now go through the process.

The most essential aspect to these times is to come to the epiphany that you are indeed Daughter of Mother Gaia and Son of the Living Father.

An essential and cherished being within the Cosmic Family of Man.

In Good Faith,


Further Reading

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