The Righteous Rectangle of the June 2024 Solstice

“This marks the moment where we will be confronting all the deceptions, half-truths, lies, and shunned paradoxes of the last Age that we had cast aside.  Yet, for the soul to ascend, these issues must be addressed, processed, and understood.  This is a basic tenet of ageless wisdom that has been universally forecasted, which is that nothing in the darkness will remain hidden.  That means “nothing.” This is a spiritually charged injunction.  We must come to understand everything that has been hiding in plain sight for Ages both individually and collectively, otherwise our soul cannot ascend into the realm of the Aquarian Age which is illuminated by the Logoic Light of Truth.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian June 15, 2024

Summer in the northern hemisphere will begin at 3:50 pm CST on June 20th, 2024.  This moment is marked by two major oppositions forming what is known as a Mystical or Righteous Rectangle which signifies the energies that we will carry into the next three months of this coming season.

If one is looking for validation to the extraordinary times that we are living in, consider the astrology which signifies our great journey into the emerging timeline of expanded awareness.  Certainly, we are rising as the process of ascension is accelerating.  This month is no exception as it marks the presence of extraordinary alignments that should be recognized and understood for those who care to ride these waves of aspected energy into the emerging path of fourth and fifth density awareness.

Densities have nothing to do with physical placement, for they are layered upon the same location.  It is consciousness the solely determines density of presence, or perhaps more accurately, the presence of our soul’s awareness determines the density.    Furthermore, it is our soul’s attitude that alters the environment which means that many of us already live in a fourth density sphere, which expands or contracts to the situations that we invariably find ourselves in.  For the most part, we do very well until confronted by insoluble problems that we still face in the remnants of third density linear life.  These are old energy Saturnine elements that are ruled by numbers that constantly remind us how and what must still be transfigured or discarded as we move collectively into the higher realms of a more truthful and loving space-time reference.         

It is essential to pay attention to how numbers have been employed as a mechanism that attempts to rule our life.  The matrix is constructed exclusively upon quantitative information that is touted as the truth.  Without a doubt, numbers convey a limited form of truth that we experience as empirical logic which is palatable to our conditioned mind within the third density reality.  Inarguably, empiricism helps us to understand the machinations of dense physical existence, but it does not allow for qualitative input that stems from higher planes that all humans experience as emotional and intuitive consciousness.

This Saturnian matrix allows for a limited understanding of how we experience the world until we hit an illogical ripple, which the linear mind views as a paradox. Within the third density matrix these anomalies are acknowledged as such but are never adequately explained simply because of the limited insight of programmed rationalism.  In virtually all instances, a paradox is ignored or acknowledged tacitly by our handlers with an illusionary promise that someday conventional science will explain it. 

Yet, just like the previous Age of Piscean imprisonment, that “someday” for materialistic science to explain the unexplainable has passed.  For the answers we seek to solve life’s paradoxes exist in higher densities of consciousness that must be experienced in order to answer these riddles. What is important to understand is that the astrology of the summer season is marking a great turning point in human awareness as Neptune (29O 53’ Pisces) is at the cusp of Aries which commences an immense transformation of human consciousness.   

This marks the moment where we will be confronting all the deceptions, half-truths, lies, and shunned paradoxes of the last Age that we had cast aside.  Yet, for the soul to ascend, these issues must be addressed, processed, and understood.  This is a basic tenet of ageless wisdom that has been universally forecasted, which is that nothing in the darkness will remain hidden.  That means “nothing.” This is a spiritually charged injunction.  We must come to understand everything that has been hiding in plain sight for Ages both individually and collectively, otherwise our soul cannot ascend into the realm of the Aquarian Age which is illuminated by the Logoic Light of Truth. 

By leaping into the space-time of this new Age, we are escaping our imprisonment as the Piscean gates are now unlocked.  Our admission into the higher density requires an intense awareness of the nature of our imprisonment which is the key to our freedom.  The souls who refuse to acknowledge the scope of our predicament are the ones who will faulter along the path to the emerging portal of liberation. 

We have quite an audience as the universe watches us earth-bound humans trying to escape this matrix.  Ultimately, a free will decision must be made that will require the individual and the collective to face the truth, or not. For most people, this will be a daunting task.  Yet, the astrology of this season suggests full support from the spiritual realm if we are wise enough to sense it and pay heed to the wisdom of their celestial presence. Even if we cannot read the stars, we can still feel their presence, as the universe exists both outside and within the soul.  First and foremost, as we become more self-aware, astrology becomes a great validation of our own impressions.     

Keep in mind that we are living amid a universal experiment that is coming to its end. Our admission into fourth and fifth density existence means that we must align to our universal family in I AM consciousness.  It must be understood that third density reality is not a natural environment, but one that has been created through artificial means.  It is a lifeless and spiritless construct that forges the soul into a greater or lesser being than before we entered it.  As earth-bound humans, we are a hybrid of all the species that have (over time) inspired, influenced, manipulated, and lorded over us.  This has less to do with genetic manipulation as much as it has to do with our realignment of consciousness.  What is emerging at this moment is a transfigured human species that is poised to take its rightful place within the realm of its cosmic family. 

What is rarely (if ever) discussed is that this earthly experiment was done to help resolve the universal conflicts that are inherent to the lower realms of duality.  Even the most negative beings are karmically entangled in our outcome, for they have transgressed against universal law by violating our free will.  Their nature is adversarial, yet every one of their transgressions is a valuable lesson for the human soul who will once again face these challenges, even in ascending realms.  In the end, our adversaries will be altered in their defeat against us.  This is intentional as a certain element of their own negativity is transformed by our success in overcoming their devious agendas.

As adversarial forces drive us to evolve, so will they. 

Through quantum entanglement we are both married to outcomes.  The path of earthly ascension is paradoxical, as it is not overtly positive, but one that strikes a balance between the two polarities.  Therefore, there is a transfigured draconian element that is inherent to our nature that is destined to ascend with us.  Through an alchemical process, there will be elements of darkness that will be redeemed.  Never lower your guard, turn your back on them, or trust these adversarial draconian forces. Yet, they deserve our regards as they are (in a very intimate way) part of our cosmic heritage.  For there will be a time in the not-too-distant future when we will harness the power of the dragon in righteous endeavors.         

All of this will be catalyzed as Neptune enters its 14-year transition through the sign of Aries.  Aries represents the logically oriented masculine mind.  Ultimately, Neptune is the planet that holds the power of the goddess, who rules with the sistrum.  This is an instrument that softens, diffuses, and dissolves rigidity, structure, and power created by the scepter of masculine energy that has become imbalanced.   Constraining energy gone awry is represented by the multi-armed Typhon that must be subdued during this upcoming Neptunian transit.  

The goal is to transfigure the rigid Aries mind into its higher octave, which is that of the Archangel, Micha’el.  The beginning of the transition will be quite unsettling. For those who are steeped in linear logic and materialism, they will sense that the fabric of reality is unraveling.  In many ways, this will be like a hallucinogenic trip that will cause many people to withdraw and/or dissociate.  The effect will be salutary as we will be forced to face a higher paradoxical realm of consciousness. 

As awareness begins to expand into a non-linear space-time (that our minds still refuse to believe even exists) many will experience shock and awe. 

The Astrology of the June 2024 Solstice

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The major theme of this Solstice centers upon two major oppositions.  The first is Pluto within the first few degrees of Aquarius opposite Vesta in the first few minutes of Leo. As Pluto transits Aquarius all things that are not aligned with the Earth’s ascension are being uncovered and annihilated if it is incongruent with the emerging energies.

Vesta in Leo suggests a shift in the universal plan. We are at the threshold of artistic expression that will be dedicated to creative and constructive principles.  This may happen not only at the personal level of individual sovereignty but at the executive level of governance.  In opposition to Pluto in Aquarius, virtually all obstacles within the infrastructures of science, medicine, art, teaching, business, and religion are destined to fall quite rapidly.  The challenge will be to find creative solutions in the wake of the chaos that will inevitably follow.

The second is Neptune at the cusp of Aries opposite Lilith at the cusp of Libra.  As previously discussed, Neptune is at the threshold of a major transition in human awareness.  At the beginning things will be paradoxical and will appear to be unraveling.  This will be counter-balanced by Lilith at Libra’s cusp.

We will not be isolated in our ungroundedness. As the rationalism of the old third density matrix falls away it will be counter-balanced by Lilith energies, which is the soul’s most powerful creative force.  For those who have the courage to let go of materialism, there will be an irresistible drive to seek higher ground.  This impulse will be experienced as a craving for harmony and balance that will feed into itself. Meaning, the more we are successful at it, the more we will crave it.  This will be a re-directing force as it becomes the core of our nature. This will be the nidus that shifts our attitude from service to self, to serve to others. For in the end, service to others is Christ Consciousness, which is a higher impulse that gives our life greater purpose.

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These two oppositions are sextile to each other, forming Huber’s Righteous or Mystical Rectangle.  This alignment is based upon two sextiles and two trines, greatly enhancing our capacities for success. 

Screen Shot 06-15-24 at 11.13 AMFurthermore, there is a Lilith-Uranus-Pluto Grand trine superimposed on the Neptune-Lilith axis, forming a Kite, which potentiates the energies of Neptune as it begins its Aries transition.  This suggests that the effects upon the rational mind will not be gradual or subtle. I see this season as the beginning of these changes which will likely explode around the early part of 2025. 

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The Sun’s transition into Cancer will T-square the Neptune-Lilith axis which is destined to precipitate action.  Sun in Cancer is nurturing.  When squared by the Sun, Neptune enhances our capacities to dream large.  Sun square to Lilith calls us into action against social injustice. Lilith is also trine to Uranus which can catalyze rapid, explosive, and revolutionary change.

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There is a third opposition involving Pallas Athena in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus.  This ultimately aspects Ceres in Capricorn and Saturn in Pisces forming a Cradle.

A Cradle is a nurturing aspect of an opposition.  Think of it as something new that is emerging from the dynamic tension of the polarity.  Pallas (the undefeatable strategist) is positioned in Scorpio, which brings a high level of spiritual insight, intuition, and courage to the revolutionary vision of Uranus.  Uranus is stationed in Taurus, which has to do with the comforts of our corporeal existence.  Expect further transformation of the physical life and lifestyle as we ride these transformative energies.  With the support of Ceres in Capricorn and Saturn in Pisces, it is very likely (if not imperative) that we will change our value system.  This will not be a superficial process as the material begins to lose its appeal when compared to the treasures of the higher realms. 

Saturn in Pisces is an anchoring force that holds us fast to achievable goals and realistic expectations.  Ceres in Capricorn also helps us to ground and balance our values which are indelible and important to Gaia and our soul’s ascending energies.

Both Ceres (Mother Earth) and Saturn (Father Kronos) represent the foundational parental energies of the Cradle itself.  In Roman times, Saturn was a higher octave of the vanquished titan Kronos and represented a benevolent agrarian energy that complements those of Ceres.  The Romans believed that the energies of abundance, strength, and justice of the Heavenly Father (Saturn) ruled the Golden Age.  Keep in mind that time is illusionary, which means that as we ascend into the Golden Age, the energies of the Heavenly Father will be re-established.  As opposed to the hierarchical, judgmental, and rigid thunder and sky energies of his son Jupiter, Saturn saw all resurrected men as equals.   

The Roman characteristics of Saturn and Jupiter are opposite to the qualities that modern astrology ascribes to the planets—which should be considered as living gods that exist both outside and within us.  This inconsistency must be considered.  In the higher realms, all things that were hidden will be revealed and we will come to find that the things we thought were good or bad in duality will take on new dimensional aspects that will (from our lower perspective) seem to be contradictory and/or paradoxical. 

Screen Shot 06-15-24 at 11.14 AM The Moon in Sagittarius will T-square a fourth opposition of Juno in Virgo and Saturn in Pisces.  Juno presides over marriages and relationships.  The tension between the opposites will be a call to action for those who are compelled along the ascension ride to pull their fair share.  This will expose our vulnerabilities as we will see through contrasts with others the need to maximize our individual contribution to the ascension that is now at hand.  The Moon represents the soul, and in Sagittarius infuses a sense of optimism, expansion, and positivity that will enable us to overcome the challenges of our ascension journey.   This will expand boundaries and instill within us a sense of love for learning all the wisdom that the New Age is bearing.

The Moon T-square is the call to action.     

Final thoughts

It is important to contrast this year’s solstice, with its Mystical Rectangle, to the Grand Cross that emerged exactly three years ago on June 20, 2021.  Let us think about the challenges and changes that our lives have all gone through in what can only be described as an arduous time.  As the astrology suggested, we were crucified during that period. 

The influence of the Mystical Rectangle will present challenges, but the alignments suggest timely solutions within a realm that is not arduous.  If anything, this new timeline will be expansive, creative, life affirming, astonishing, and downright joyous.

Keep in mind that in the Golden Age, the New Year begins at the Lion’s Gate which emerges in the early to mid-part of the season.  The astrology strongly suggests that this year’s solstice is heralding a new timeline that is emerging into an expanse that I expect to last at least another three years.   These next three years of earth-bound existence will make it clear to all of us that we have indeed entered the space-time of the Aquarian Age.   

Your fears must dissipate in order to face all the truths embedded within the darkness that need be addressed, processed, understood, and alchemized. You will not be alone in this task as many individuated souls are destined to emerge into plain sight as the world begins to let go of the conditioned influence of third density.  In this timeline, there will be a great number of “stars” that will fall from the sky as many people will come to realize that they were being misled, manipulated, and deceived by the same people that were foisted upon pedestals to admire and worship.  Let it be said that there have always been individuated souls of light among us who are invisible to those whose attentions are fixed upon the drama of lower density existence and do not have the eyes or ears to sense them.

In this new space-time, the mechanisms of lower density control are now waning and we will make great strides in redirecting the feedback loop. As it begins to move back into balance from negative to positive, we will once again experience how truth begets truth, wisdom begets wisdom, joy begets joy, and love begets love….

In Good Faith,


Additional Source(s)

Gospel of Thomas:

Jesus said, “Know what’s in front of your face, and what’s hidden from you will be revealed to you, because there’s nothing hidden that won’t be revealed.” (5)

His disciples said to him, “Do you want us to fast? And how should we pray? Should we make donations? And what food should we avoid?” Jesus said, “Don’t lie, and don’t do what you hate, because everything is revealed in the sight of heaven; for there’s nothing hidden that won’t be revealed, and nothing covered up that will stay secret.” (6)

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian:

Summer Solstice 2021, Grand Cross, Second Death and Rebirth, June 2021

Summer Solstice 2021, Grand Cross, Second Death and Rebirth

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