The Righteous Rectangle of the June 2024 Solstice

“This marks the moment where we will be confronting all the deceptions, half-truths, lies, and shunned paradoxes of the last Age that we had cast aside.  Yet, for the soul to ascend, these issues must be addressed, processed, and understood.  This is a basic tenet of ageless wisdom that has been universally forecasted, which is that nothing in the darkness will remain hidden.  That means “nothing.” This is a spiritually charged injunction.  We must come to understand everything that has been hiding in plain sight for Ages both individually and collectively, otherwise our soul cannot ascend into the realm of the Aquarian Age which is illuminated by the Logoic Light of Truth.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian June 15, 2024

Summer in the northern hemisphere will begin at 3:50 pm CST on June 20th, 2024.  This moment is marked by two major oppositions forming what is known as a Mystical or Righteous Rectangle which signifies the energies that we will carry into the next three months of this coming season.

If one is looking for validation to the extraordinary times that we are living in, consider the astrology which signifies our great journey into the emerging timeline of expanded awareness.  Certainly, we are rising as the process of ascension is accelerating.  This month is no exception as it marks the presence of extraordinary alignments that should be recognized and understood for those who care to ride these waves of aspected energy into the emerging path of fourth and fifth density awareness. Continue reading “The Righteous Rectangle of the June 2024 Solstice”

Summer Solstice 2021, Grand Cross, Second Death and Rebirth

“This year’s Summer solstice occurs on June 20, 2021, at 10:31 pm CST.  This moment brings forth a rare occurrence of two major alignments comprised of a Grand Cross and a Grand Trine.  Both the Square and the Triangle converge upon Moon in Scorpio.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian June 16, 2021

Spring has now given way to the energies of Summer. The Goddess activates her sistrum. The Magnum opus coalesces as the walls of oppression begin to crack.  Darkness utterly revealed as systems of control crumble.  Betrayal exposed as many are soon to discover that they have been intentionally injured by the same ones they “gave” sovereignty away to.  Broken dreams exchanged for dead promises as the truth of genocide and control manifests through the actions of the tricksters.  Time reversal perpetrated upon those asleep as they are programmed to face a familiar and abysmal past that they are conditioned to believe is their only future. Continue reading “Summer Solstice 2021, Grand Cross, Second Death and Rebirth”

Summer Solstice and The Great Awakening

“Human consciousness is always evolving, and the collective is constantly choosing the path that it wishes to take.  Ten thousand plus years ago, we decided to exercise our free will without the presence of a spiritual authority or heavenly Father. That is why this world is called the “Grand Experiment” and we are all invested within it.  Today, we are at a point where the collective is once again deciding on what path it will choose based upon the decision that our soul will make as it navigates the embroiling fear and chaos that is intentionally being generated.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian June 21, 2020

Everyday is a new day.  At the time of this writing (June 21, 2020) we are experiencing a solar eclipse that is reciprocal to the lunar eclipse of June 5, 2020.  Studying the celestial aspects of this event suggest that this astrological configuration is significantly archetypal.  All celestial events have significance and it is up to an aware soul to meet these energies in the most constructive fashion.  I can guarantee you that there are many selfish, egotistical, and nefarious souls who are literally orchestrating schemes that coincide to these astrological configurations.  Their idea is to usurp this energy in a negative fashion, like focusing a natural force for destructive purposes. Continue reading “Summer Solstice and The Great Awakening”