Summer Solstice 2023

“…our advantage in this war is the underestimation, contempt, and disrespect that the usurpers hold against us.  Many knights of our past fought against great odds.  Our greatest advantage in this struggle is the unification of our masculine and feminine kundalini powers, which was a rare and esteemed occurrence viewed by the ennobled knight as a blessing before going to battle.  It is the process of inner unification that negates our fear of weakness, unifying us to our higher angelic forces, and making us invincible in conflicts of just cause.  This is a power that the darkness fears the most, as they cannot summon it and are no match against it”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian June 19, 2023

The Summer Solstice occurs on June 21, 2023 @ 09:58 am CST

As we enter into summer, our community appears to be gripped in an eerie state of stillness.  A pregnant pause perhaps before a yet distinguishable event that remains just out of reach.  Is it just a psych-op or is there really something looming in this summer season? As always with this time of year, the most energetic period is around the helical rising of Sirius beginning in July and ending in the Dogs days at the Lion’s portal.

The astrology is suggesting quite emphatically, that something of great importance is destined to occur.  We can only interpret what the heavens offer us regards their energetic signatures.  Out of all the signs available to us, I view the Heavens as the most reliable as they would be the most difficult, if not impossible, to manipulate by the forces of oppression.  If there is any attempt on their part to do this, they seem to be failing in their task of producing astrological signatures (and therefore energies) favorable to their dominion over this earth.

Keep in mind that in this world the progress of human existence is driven by adversarial forces.  As Mephistopheles tells Faust, “I am part of that power which would do evil constantly, and constantly does good; I am the spirit of perpetual negation.”

In the tinkering and manipulation of humanity by draconian forces, we are forced to adapt and expand our consciousness.  Our universe is design in this fashion. Continue reading “Summer Solstice 2023”

True Value

“Money is always the token or “middleman” that ultimately blocks the flow of Divine energy. Why does it have to be present?  Who is this middleman?  Why consider money at all?  When we talk of money, the Shadow is always present.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian May, 17 2023

The last temptation in the desert, “If you are God, turn these stones into bread.” immortalizes the greatest issue that we must face during our lifetime.  This statement is related directly to our concept of value.  Circumstances have driven all of us to the point where we are forced to ask ourselves, “What is value?”  and “What is it that has value?”

These are essential queries that carry within them an answer that has the power to cleave timelines.  The path that we are destined to take is determined by our perception of value and specifically our relationship to the concept of money.

There are elements within the New Age-Ascension community that have exploited our understanding of value and in many instances have grafted materialistic concepts to old ideas of wealth that are measured externally.  In the Babylonian Age, a concept of wealth was birthed meant solely for the enslavement and control of a populace. Many saw an egotistical advantage to a system that enriches the individual at the expense of the many.  This was very much bound to a pyramidal caste system where the kings and priests are always positioned at the top. Continue reading “True Value”

The Lord(s) of Time

“There should be no doubt for anyone on the pathway that Gaia is moving forward into a more sublime realm on an optimal timeline that we are all being invited to take. This ideal timeline has always existed in Christ consciousness.  We were all told this as children which many of us dismissed when we became adults.  As linear perception of time comes to an end, many are recognizing the truth of our sacred teachings.  It is not Jesus Christ the man, but the timeline that Christ-Sophia represents. In this one timeline that we are merging towards, Christ was not, and will never be, crucified.  In all other timelines, He was, is, and will continue to be martyred.”

The fate of all men and gods is determined by three ruling powers.  They are called by many names, but their function is always the same.  One births, one sustains, and one destroys.  Every being that gives consent to play in this realm of existence is subjected to these primal ruling entities.  The Vedics called them Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.  The ancient Kabbalah knew them as the three pillars of existence called Mercy, Harmony, and Severity.  The Gnostics saw them as a syncretic being that they called Abraxas, with a head of a rooster, arms and chest of a man, and lower half serpent, that gives birth to and devours its own children.  Anything that is born into the lower realm of dense existence will die in it from the perspective of linear time.

In ancient Greece, they were known as the Moirai or the Fates, represented by three goddess (Clotho the spinner, Lachesis the measurer, and Atropos the cutter) of the thread of time allotted for everything born into this realm of existence.  Even Zeus was subjugated to their fate.

All things die, as death remains a persistent illusion in the world ruled by ego.  We came into this realm from somewhere else and we are destined to go back from where we came.  That is the paradigm that we have agreed to incarnate into.  That somewhere else is outside of linear time.  The linear time continuum is a paradox that has its own Lord of Time that nothing can supersede.  This is the reason why we are crucified consistently within it.  From this perspective, Plato is absolutely correct, as the idea in the form of an organizational consciousness of all things, never perishes.  Despite fierce objection from those of the egotistically inclined worldview, anomalies in logical causality and reason persist in a universe that is unquestionably entangled with non-local phenomena of a quantum nature.  If nothing else, it is time for us to consider the fact that a spiritual force beyond our empirical comprehension exists within a cosmic field of intelligence that transcends our ego’s awareness.   Continue reading “The Lord(s) of Time”

Awakening Dragon: Spring Equinox 2023

“In Gnostic teachings, not all dragons are slain. As we become knowers of greater universal truth, we will come to understand that the dragon is very much a part of us.  The dragon can be charmed by singing to it the Truth of our heavenly parents.  The dragon is our life force and in the ascended realm she becomes our individualized power that can only be tamed through love, fidelity, and mutual admiration.  Gods do not kill dragons.  Fifth density power is god-like and in the higher realm our dragon is meant to serve us in mutual love and affection.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian March 18, 2023

This year’s Vernal equinox will occur on Monday, March 20, 2023, at 4:24 CST.

Much has been forecast as there are two major events in the Month.

The first was Saturn moving into Tropical Pisces on March 7, which will transit the Sign of the Fishes until it enters Aries in May 2025.  Saturn’s movement into Pisces ends the Aquarian re-alignment and begins to focus upon the spiritual aspects of our life on a personal level.

The second is that Pluto moves from Tropical Capricorn into the sign of Aquarius two days after the Equinox, which means that it will be at the cusp on March 20.

The sense among astrologers is that this will be a season of great change which is like saying that the sun will rise tomorrow as the timeline that we are now on is one of enormous transformation through a spiritual process of transfiguration.

Saturn in Pisces is not a comfortable placement and there will be an overwhelming feeling that great change is necessary to reconfigure ourselves into something more congruent with the ascending landscape of human awareness.  Over the last five years, the enslaving powers of Saturn, as ruler of Capricorn and the nocturnal element of Aquarius, had free reign within the darker aspects of those signs. To an empathetic soul, the last five years seemed bewildering as the energies of that time favored the irrational dictates and schemes hatched by those who appeared to be in control.  It was no coincidence that the powers of darkness unleashed their attack against humanity at the apex of that transition when Pluto and Saturn were conjunct in January of 2020. Continue reading “Awakening Dragon: Spring Equinox 2023”

The Third Incursion

“In the past, the impulse of Christ had to be withdrawn and the communities that lived in this greater truth were left to endure the wrath of the shadow’s evil impulses. Prophesy states that this will no longer happen, that Christ-Sophia will not be withdrawn from the hearts and souls of those who have come to know the Light of God’s Truth.  The reason for the third incursion’s success is that the nature of the world has changed in the time of the Aquarian Age which is a place where the shadows of darkness are no longer able to survive.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian February 6, 2023

We are in a state of limbo where nothing in this world makes any sense.  Naked aggression with pure contempt in the heartless souls of the wicked continue to assault us through a regurgitated litany of enslaving dictates.    

Who appointed these people? 

No one from the human race.   

They came to this world as parasites.

What gives them the right to take what is not theirs to take?

Their nature is that of locusts with human faces.  Although the elite have long considered most of humanity as useless feeders, anyone who comes into this world without an awareness of their own spiritual presence becomes a being of hindrance.  Beings of hindrance are the minions controlled by the shadow forces that are attempting to take over this world.  By nature, beings of hindrance are parasitic because they cannot create value through their own sense of self-worth. Our self-worth is based upon our awareness and expression of inner truth.   When we live in the greater reality, we are in I AM awareness in union with the Logos which manifests through us as unique codes of light and sound that identifies us as individuated aspects of God.   Continue reading “The Third Incursion”

Mad Science and the Eighth Sphere Revisited

“The Eighth Sphere is not evil as much as it is an inevitable state of existence that our egocentric consciousness must engage with.  Eight has the power to transfigure.  The Eighth sign of the Zodiac is Scorpio which carries within it the powers of sorcery that can be employed for darkness, death, and enslavement, or that of great transformation.  The energies of Scorpio are ruled by Pluto, which is a death principle and directly related to the god Shiva.  This is the reason why Lord Shiva is worshiped by the cult of Mad Science.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian, January 19, 2023

It is well into the new year of 2023 and more revelations packaged in thinly veiled corruptions bombard us mercilessly.  The schemes of the wicked keep up their assault as their narrative becomes less believable by the day. The War is waging through deception which the unjust can spin at will like a hurricane of lies.  This is the year when the veil will collapse leaving the full Orwellian intentions of the darkness completely exposed. So much so, that evil will no longer attempt to hide itself in the light of revelation.  In this form of nakedness, evil will become far more aggressive and show itself for the ravenous, sadistic, cannibalistic monster that it truly is.

This year will be a time of reckoning as the die has been cast through the public’s acceptance of their Great Lie. As predicted at the winter solstice, the situation will appear to be dire.  Those who side with humanity and freedom will appear to be the underdog.  It is only through active participation in the spirit of unconditional cooperation that we have any chance of overcoming the obstacles which we are now facing. Virtually all of us are acting as barriers for significant change which is the essential reason why this perverted comedy keeps playing out without any foreseeable ending. Continue reading “Mad Science and the Eighth Sphere Revisited”

Transubstantiation: Winter Solstice of 2022

“The concept of transubstantiation is a timeless principle that transcends Ages and cultures.  It is an act of consecration and all healing keys off this principle.  There is no monopoly on this process.  One does not have to be an ordained priest to consecrate or heal.  All human beings have the capability to offer blessings and impart intentional healing energies into substance. Sanctification is our natural birthright because we carry within us the essence of our godly parents through Christ-Sophia.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian December 18, 2022

The Winter Solstice of 2022 occurs on December 21, at 3:37 pm CST.  The highlight of this season involves the energies of Ceres in relation to the our dynamic human Life Force in balance to the Divine Masculine. This balance will be imbued in the Light of Truth for ALL to experience. 

Ceres is the Divine Goddess of Nature, nurturing, the harvest, and is the mother of the Moon goddess Persephone who is a spiritual archetype of the human soul.  Ceres is also known by the ancient Greeks as Demeter, who together with Zeus are humanity’s Divine Parents. 

The energies of the zodiac are always determined by the conscious alignment of the souls that come to meet it.  If one’s intentions are within a lower resonance, then what a person sees are opportunities to harness cosmic energies for individual empowerment, control, and enslavement.  In this fashion, the occult practitioner lays out intentional plans based upon past, present, and future planetary alignments. 

On the other hand, the movements of the heavens can be recognized as energies which can assist humanity in the ever-present moment.  Instead of scheming to acquire egotistical advantages over fellow souls, or scrambling to avoid catastrophe, regard the energies as an ambient celestial Life Force in the same way that a surfer embraces the unique power and signature of the ocean’s waves in a perpetual state of transition.  In the realm of this present (and higher) awareness, we are focusing attention upon all seven senses (light, sound, touch, smell, taste, emotion, and intuition), entering the realm of now-time, in a sacred dance with earthly forces that embody the essential nature of Ceres herself.  The presence of the Holy Mother shifts our consciousness into a heightened state of anticipation, astonishment, and pure joy in Christed Awareness.  To dance with the Holy Mother is to step outside of the linear time continuum. Continue reading “Transubstantiation: Winter Solstice of 2022”

Choice & the November Lunar Eclipse

“As the sovereigns of our own soul, we always have a choice which is solely ours to make.  November Eighth, 2022, is not just an abstract construct that the controllers deem as “election day” but it stands as a symbol for your right to make decisions that go beyond their confinements that are based upon your soul’s perception of Sympathy, Love, Divine Justice, and Cosmic Law.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian November 7, 2022

As the energies of the November 2022 season are upon us, North American will experience an unusual, if not extraordinary, lunar eclipse beginning in the early hours on Tuesday the eighth.  This event will reach its full phase between 4:17 and 5:43 CST.  The full umbra of this spectacle will last for an hour and a half covering the entire United States.  The next lunar eclipse will only be partial and not occur until 2025. 

The fact that the entire nation will witness the unveiling of the Moon (soul) and some of her darkest secrets initiated on the day of our midterm elections is nothing less than synchronistic, if not biblical. Continue reading “Choice & the November Lunar Eclipse”

The Season of John: Revelations of the Apocalypse

“There is a war raging all around us trying to breach into the inner sanctuary of our soul.  It is those who succumb to this demonic invasion that become susceptible to the hellish scenarios that John describes. Immunity to this satanic illness exists within those who understand that true prophecy is spiritually inspired vision that will catalyze inner transformations within the mind-soul of those who fail to resonate with and reject the nightmare.  In so doing, this rejection inspires us to imagine, search, and create outcomes more consistent with our loving and heavenly nature, ascending the soul beyond the fear and manifestation of these potential agonizing events.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian October 23, 2022

The way of the new mysteries of the Aquarian Age involves humanity coming into communion with the heavenly realm in “I AM” consciousness.  From whatever cultural perspective our karma has been conditioned to view this transformation from, the essence of our soul’s ascension is established upon the merging of our Soul to our spiritual Higher Self.

The heart of the fall season is connected to the energies of the Scorpion.  The Christian mystics sensed that the seasons of the year were directly related to the four gospels of the New Testament.  The energies of the seasons manifest astrologically in accordance with the tetramorphic vision of the prophet Ezekiel, which is the angelic archetype of the human being comprised of a Man, Bull, Lion, and Eagle.

Fall is represented by the Eagle and associated with the teaching of the Apostle John. The energies of John are of great transformative power, and esoteric scholarship understood that the Gnosis contained within his works were written specifically for those who are compelled to become initiates of the Christ-Sophia Mysteries. Continue reading “The Season of John: Revelations of the Apocalypse”

The Emergence of Free Will: Fall Equinox 2022

“It is only in the ascended state of Christed consciousness where we are truly free. From our mind’s perspective, we can only sense freedom from an expanded function of soul where our heart’s emotional intelligence guides and inspires rational egocentric thinking.  This means that our mind must expand to our heart and even deeper to the intuitions of the solar plexus.  In esoteric teaching, reaching this state of awareness is called Redemption.  This becomes the point in our evolutionary ascension where we are redeemed from fear, the bondage of materialism, and egocentric enslavement.  Contrary to popular belief or “New Age” teaching, “ego” is not nullified, for it can never be destroyed within an individuated aspect of God.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian September 22, 2022

The chaotic energy of our time continues to escalate at a rapid pace.  As we view the world around us it is beyond apparent that a dark suicidal agenda is being implemented against humanity.  This is not a “conspiracy theory” but a CONSPIRACY against all who live within their soul’s capacity to discern freely the contrasts of Truth and Deception. Our capacity to discern is Promethean, which is hard won through Ages of struggle and suffering against draconian entities within lifetimes of searching and fighting for liberation against enslaving egocentric bondage.  This freedom is gained solely through an accurate awareness of who we truly are.  Due to its alchemical nature, this process is honed by adversity.

Regardless of what the media’s propaganda is telling us, ALL human souls know the Truth of what is happening to them with a high degree of accuracy.  The reason for this universal awareness is that the fear and suffering that is now being inflicted upon humanity through agendas of austerity, engineered scarcity, disease, fear, panic, and violence affects the human soul at a subconscious level constituting an awareness at the heart and gut.  It is within consciousness beyond our conditioned ego where we know we are being violated. Continue reading “The Emergence of Free Will: Fall Equinox 2022”