Awakening Dragon: Spring Equinox 2023

“In Gnostic teachings, not all dragons are slain. As we become knowers of greater universal truth, we will come to understand that the dragon is very much a part of us.  The dragon can be charmed by singing to it the Truth of our heavenly parents.  The dragon is our life force and in the ascended realm she becomes our individualized power that can only be tamed through love, fidelity, and mutual admiration.  Gods do not kill dragons.  Fifth density power is god-like and in the higher realm our dragon is meant to serve us in mutual love and affection.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian March 18, 2023

This year’s Vernal equinox will occur on Monday, March 20, 2023, at 4:24 CST.

Much has been forecast as there are two major events in the Month.

The first was Saturn moving into Tropical Pisces on March 7, which will transit the Sign of the Fishes until it enters Aries in May 2025.  Saturn’s movement into Pisces ends the Aquarian re-alignment and begins to focus upon the spiritual aspects of our life on a personal level.

The second is that Pluto moves from Tropical Capricorn into the sign of Aquarius two days after the Equinox, which means that it will be at the cusp on March 20.

The sense among astrologers is that this will be a season of great change which is like saying that the sun will rise tomorrow as the timeline that we are now on is one of enormous transformation through a spiritual process of transfiguration.

Saturn in Pisces is not a comfortable placement and there will be an overwhelming feeling that great change is necessary to reconfigure ourselves into something more congruent with the ascending landscape of human awareness.  Over the last five years, the enslaving powers of Saturn, as ruler of Capricorn and the nocturnal element of Aquarius, had free reign within the darker aspects of those signs. To an empathetic soul, the last five years seemed bewildering as the energies of that time favored the irrational dictates and schemes hatched by those who appeared to be in control.  It was no coincidence that the powers of darkness unleashed their attack against humanity at the apex of that transition when Pluto and Saturn were conjunct in January of 2020. Continue reading “Awakening Dragon: Spring Equinox 2023”

Transubstantiation: Winter Solstice of 2022

“The concept of transubstantiation is a timeless principle that transcends Ages and cultures.  It is an act of consecration and all healing keys off this principle.  There is no monopoly on this process.  One does not have to be an ordained priest to consecrate or heal.  All human beings have the capability to offer blessings and impart intentional healing energies into substance. Sanctification is our natural birthright because we carry within us the essence of our godly parents through Christ-Sophia.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian December 18, 2022

The Winter Solstice of 2022 occurs on December 21, at 3:37 pm CST.  The highlight of this season involves the energies of Ceres in relation to the our dynamic human Life Force in balance to the Divine Masculine. This balance will be imbued in the Light of Truth for ALL to experience. 

Ceres is the Divine Goddess of Nature, nurturing, the harvest, and is the mother of the Moon goddess Persephone who is a spiritual archetype of the human soul.  Ceres is also known by the ancient Greeks as Demeter, who together with Zeus are humanity’s Divine Parents. 

The energies of the zodiac are always determined by the conscious alignment of the souls that come to meet it.  If one’s intentions are within a lower resonance, then what a person sees are opportunities to harness cosmic energies for individual empowerment, control, and enslavement.  In this fashion, the occult practitioner lays out intentional plans based upon past, present, and future planetary alignments. 

On the other hand, the movements of the heavens can be recognized as energies which can assist humanity in the ever-present moment.  Instead of scheming to acquire egotistical advantages over fellow souls, or scrambling to avoid catastrophe, regard the energies as an ambient celestial Life Force in the same way that a surfer embraces the unique power and signature of the ocean’s waves in a perpetual state of transition.  In the realm of this present (and higher) awareness, we are focusing attention upon all seven senses (light, sound, touch, smell, taste, emotion, and intuition), entering the realm of now-time, in a sacred dance with earthly forces that embody the essential nature of Ceres herself.  The presence of the Holy Mother shifts our consciousness into a heightened state of anticipation, astonishment, and pure joy in Christed Awareness.  To dance with the Holy Mother is to step outside of the linear time continuum. Continue reading “Transubstantiation: Winter Solstice of 2022”

The Return of Mani, the Pure Fool, and the Sons of the Widow

“Within the Christian mysteries is the concept of the Paraclete, which means the first living person within the Age who advocates for the Holy Spirit’s manifestation upon the Earth. The Piscean Age was known as the Age of the Son. The transitioning Age of Aquarius has long been heralded as the Age of the Holy Spirit. Although very little is said about him in conventional Christian traditions, within the esoteric traditions, the Paraclete was recognized as the Persian prophet Mani, who lived from 216-274 AD. The name Mani has a very suspicious connection to the Atlantean name Manu, which not only stood for the great adept, but was a name used as a title that signified a great teacher of initiated Logoic Wisdom.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian July 24, 2020

In the culture of Atlantis came a great Adapt whose name was Manu.  In esoteric mystery schools, Manu is considered the Noah of the East as his mythology conveys to us that he was an ark builder.  As the waters receded, he landed his ark on mount Everest and founded a new postdiluvian civilization.   The people that came forth were called the Aryans.  Unfortunately, the meaning of this name has been co-opted, inverted, and perverted by dark usurping aspects of the mystery schools, so that its true meaning will forever be forgotten. This was at one time a great name that now inculcates images of terror, world domination, enslavement, and elitism through conditioned feelings of fear, dread, deception, and suffering.

In the beginning, the name Aryan simply meant those people who carried within them the energies of the astrological sign of Aries.  Keep in mind that Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, therefore those humans who emerged into the new postdiluvian world were the first initiates of the New World after the Atlantean disaster.  More appropriately, they should be referred to as “Arieans” meaning those of the sign of Aries.

Aries, or Mars, as the Romans referred, was the most despised of all gods of the pantheon because he came to represent war and conflict. Yet, Aries was the first to be summoned when threats to their security arose.  Like all our mythological gods, there is a dual nature that exists within them that encompasses light and shadow forces.  Just as we possess a darker state of consciousness enslaved to the lower density construct of linear thinking and conflict, and an enlightened state of freedom and liberation through higher spiritual awareness, we are either controlled or empowered by these very same forces which manifest through us. Continue reading “The Return of Mani, the Pure Fool, and the Sons of the Widow”

The 2021 Spring Equinox: Emergence of the Alpha & Omega

“This spring is signifying the moment when the Sun will be crossing into Aries, marking a point of further ascension into a New Age of Christ consciousness.  The additional celestial energies are invoking the words of the Christos expressed in Revelation counseling us to be vigilant of the events that are now manifesting.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian March 6, 2021

Spring signifies the promise of rebirth.  Regardless of where our consciousness has evolved, virtually all who have a pulse are sensing a time of great change.  As 2020 proved to be a year of soul sight and revelation, 2021 is heralding a time of transformation as we are forced to face precipitating variables that will trigger a cascade of events distinguishing the year. Continue reading “The 2021 Spring Equinox: Emergence of the Alpha & Omega”

Summer Solstice and The Great Awakening

“Human consciousness is always evolving, and the collective is constantly choosing the path that it wishes to take.  Ten thousand plus years ago, we decided to exercise our free will without the presence of a spiritual authority or heavenly Father. That is why this world is called the “Grand Experiment” and we are all invested within it.  Today, we are at a point where the collective is once again deciding on what path it will choose based upon the decision that our soul will make as it navigates the embroiling fear and chaos that is intentionally being generated.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian June 21, 2020

Everyday is a new day.  At the time of this writing (June 21, 2020) we are experiencing a solar eclipse that is reciprocal to the lunar eclipse of June 5, 2020.  Studying the celestial aspects of this event suggest that this astrological configuration is significantly archetypal.  All celestial events have significance and it is up to an aware soul to meet these energies in the most constructive fashion.  I can guarantee you that there are many selfish, egotistical, and nefarious souls who are literally orchestrating schemes that coincide to these astrological configurations.  Their idea is to usurp this energy in a negative fashion, like focusing a natural force for destructive purposes. Continue reading “Summer Solstice and The Great Awakening”


“My experience within esoteric science has conveyed to me how our egotistical nature consistently wants to place the cart before the horse. We want to know about cosmology before we even have an accurate worldview. We want to know about the nature of Lucifer before we have come to a truthful understanding of our own self. This is an essential element of Lucifer, which is to offer advanced knowledge to beings that are not yet fully capable of assimilating it and by doing so become enslaved to the source of this information.

The value of Lucifer becomes far more relevant when we investigate the meaning of this archetype as it relates to us from a personal and visceral level. We must train ourselves to view Lucifer not as a separate entity to be feared and/or worshiped, but as an element of our self to fully comprehend.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian October 18, 2017

One of the most important concept within our mythologies is the fall of mankind.  This can be viewed as our descent into the material realm, the emergence of our Ego, and our self-inflicted violation of the soul.  What is essential to keep in perspective is nothing within our human experience is a mistake as much as it is a self-correcting and evolving process of making mistakes and learning through the consequences of those actions.  This process has been accelerated by the presence of fallen beings that have chosen to directly influence and rule the lower realm of existence that as incarnated human beings we are now living within.  All of this is an exercise in free will and no one participating in this perpetual drama is performing in it without their consent.  Virtually everything that we experience is the fruit of our labor. Continue reading “Lucifer”

Astraea: The Star Maiden of Virgo

“Divine Justice is the mystery that is conveyed within the Eighth Arcanum which is literally the archetype of Themis echoed within her daughter Astraea. What is essential to understand is the fact that this is the “Eighth” Arcanum. In my previous August post I had discussed what is called the Eighth sphere as an artificial construct or false reality that is engineered by the negative agendas that are ultimately determined by anti-spiritual forces which are not only outside of us but are ingrained within us and constitute the shadow elements of the Ego. Within the parameters of a world driven by service to self, competition, and egotism, there is no possibility for Divine Justice.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian, September 23, 2017

This September is a relatively unique if not extraordinary month of astronomical and astrological activities.  There are many people watching the heavens, including the Catholic Church, who have observed that the 23rd of September 2017 will be a date which will echo the prophecies of the 12th Chapter of the Book of Revelation regarding the birth of a being that will “rule all the nations with an iron scepter.” (1)  Although the opinion from the Vatican confirms that celestial alignments are close enough to correlate to what St. John describes, we are told to take comfort in the fact that this event is not unique and has happened at least four times over the last millennium in the years 1827, 1483, 1293, and 1056.  Apparently, the world will not end, but most people of intelligence are not harboring this apprehension.   Furthermore, the Vatican’s reassurance is a hollow one and does not address the possibilities that some very trying times may indeed lay ahead of us.  The fact is that anyone reading this post knows that we are truly living through a time that is very dark and challenging.     Continue reading “Astraea: The Star Maiden of Virgo”

Sophia and the Hieros Gamos

“It is said that as events happen within the higher planes of consciousness that they eventually trickle down into the lowest states of being. What is happening on a universal-galactic level is also happening within our biosphere and is now happening within each and every individual that welcomes this transformational event. The essence of what is occurring is intuitive and simple. In fact, it has been described as effortless. Like a matched pair of magnets coming together. What we are doing is connecting the inner part of our self which our soul has become estranged from for so long that we forgot that it even existed. So, all of it begins as an inner awakening which becomes exceedingly familiar to us. In reality we are betrothed to this inner spiritual entity and must become unified with it once more. For many it may take more lifetimes to achieve this union. Ultimately we are intended to experience an inner sacrament in the form of an alchemical wedding also known as the Hieros Gamos. This cannot happen on the physical plane because what we are destined to marry is spiritual and now ingrained within the etheric energies of the earth itself.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian February 25, 2017

All human beings are born into this world with masculine and feminine energies.  These energies always remain as the essential core of our being, but over time, half of our whole self becomes obfuscated through the processes of physical and psychological development.   For the first 7 weeks after conception the fetus does not have a gender, meaning morphologically males and females are indistinguishable from each other. After this time, the fetus declares a sexual polarity and their bodies begin an externalized growth towards it.  By 8-12 weeks gender can be determined by observation.  Yet even at the time of birth, gender difference remains minimal and in many instances will not fully declare itself until the child has reached puberty. Continue reading “Sophia and the Hieros Gamos”