The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

“Fear and limitation can be manifested within us through symbols.  There is a reason why we are being bombarded with fearful images suggesting hopelessness and death. Their plan is not to save us from this scenario, but to coerce us into giving away our sovereignty. One must only look from a distance through the door of their dystopian underworld to see that it leads to oppression, misery, and death.  Like vampires, you must invite them into your life to suffer their transgressions.  Always keep in mind that the distorted world they are attempting to create is a choice.  It is being offered to those egotistical souls conditioned enough to see value in it, or those who are fearful and can see no other option.”

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

At the beginning of this year I was compelled to write an article entitled, “The Challenges of 2020 as Catalyst for Human Transformation.”  This was inspired by a sixth sense married to a growing awareness of the astrology of the times. The following essay, “The Last Days of Reason” was based similarly on intuitive principles.  Virtually all my work is inspired by spiritual intuition which is married to a contemplative process that seeks to understand and express this information. Continue reading “The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”

Riding the Wave: Saturn, D-WAVE Logic, and the Onslaught of Demonic Consciousness

“In esoteric science it is always understood that before significant spiritual changes occur, anti-spiritual changes precede in its attempt to mimic and deceive. This fact is seen within the schism of consciousness reflected by the relationship of the shadowy astral realm and the higher spiritual realms to our human constitution. This false ascension will never prevail, but I suspect it will drag many willing souls into its abyss through insidious promises of a better world through artificial and unnatural anti-spiritual constructs. It is essential that those who need to learn this lesson must come to understand it through personal suffering which is the essence of this exchange. No one outside of their own self can save them. Again, they must learn that nothing can be obtained for nothing. Yet, as the heavenly bodies tell us, a significant realignment of ego consciousness has now commenced which provide us with additional insight into this impending cataclysm.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian October 25, 2018

Cycles of Earthly Consciousness

The cadence of the year is driven by spiritual forces which manifest themselves through our environment as seasons. We can observe this through our cultural and religious traditions which are entangled within spiritually derived terrestrial and extraterrestrial energies of the cosmos. For a person who is interested in experiencing these transitions, it is quite fortunate to be able to live within an environment that physically manifests the full spectrum of seasonal changes. For many, this is the reason why we choose to live in places that express four distinct seasons. Continue reading “Riding the Wave: Saturn, D-WAVE Logic, and the Onslaught of Demonic Consciousness”

Children of Prometheus

“The fate of Prometheus is the fate of all earth bound human beings which in essence is the toll that unrestrained egotistical thinking has upon our human body. Within an esoteric perspective, the Ego represents not only forces of structure, limitation, and form, but also destruction and death. Through the vision of Ezekiel, spiritual legends, and the teaching of alchemy, the eagle is symbolic of our egocentric energy which manifests through the neurosensory system. In Greek mythology this energy is represented as Zeus’ eagle. Over-stimulation of the neurosensory system through egotistical endeavors literally tears the physical body apart. This is the essence of a catabolic process that is occurring within us every day while the egocentric neurosensory system is engaged in our awaken state within the dense physical construct of earthly life. Therefore, if the body is driven too harshly we will damage it, and through this injury, illness will manifest. Truly, the essence of health and well being is to understand this basic principle.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian August 25, 2018

These are the words expressed by the existential writer Franz Kafka regarding the legend of Prometheus. (1)

There are four legends concerning Prometheus:

According to the first he was clamped to a rock in the Caucasus for betraying the secrets of the gods to men, and the gods sent eagles to feed on his liver, which was perpetually renewed.

According to the second Prometheus, goaded by the pain of the tearing beaks, pressed himself deeper and deeper into the rock until he became one with it.

According to the third his treachery was forgotten in the course of thousands of years, forgotten by the gods, the eagles, forgotten by himself.

According to the fourth everyone grew weary of the meaningless affair. The gods grew
weary, the eagles grew weary, the wound closed wearily.

There remains the inexplicable mass of rock. The legend tries to explain the inexplicable. As it comes out of the substratum of truth it has in turn to end in the inexplicable.Continue reading “Children of Prometheus”

Remote Viewing the Akasha & the Greater Guardian of the Threshold

For many individuals on the path of ascension through Unity Consciousness, the Greater Guardian should begin to emerge as a concept. (2) This is the point where we must decide what master we will ultimately serve and where our new found freedom (from fear) and bestowed talents will best be utilized. For many, we will choose to employ our energies for individual empowerment and personal gain. Even for those who profess to be spiritually enlightened, because of the effects of ego conditioning, service to self will be a natural tendency. What will be asked of us is to let go of this power in service to others. Within this ascended realm, there is only one King, who is indeed the manifestation of the Greater Guardian. Within this higher realm there is no personal gain or individual ascension because the person has willfully tied their fate to the destiny of the collective in service to the True King. Within this realm wisdom emerges through stillness and inaction. Within this realm, the Ego is subservient and our actions are guided by our hearts and the principles of love.

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian May 27, 2018

Recently, my attentions have been focused upon several persons who are making the claim that they can remote view. Those who are good at it can not only witness events at various locations and times but develop the ability to read the Akashic records. This is really nothing new as people with clairvoyant capacities have been around since the beginning of human experience. Many of these people claim to have been trained by the military or intelligence networks, specifically to gather information that elements of the government deem important to their various covert operations. This should come to no surprise simply because if something is potentially possible, our human nature will drive us to attempt to manifest it. In many ways this is the nature of our Ego which is steeped in the scientific principles that virtually all of us have come to obey—despite the outcome. Continue reading “Remote Viewing the Akasha & the Greater Guardian of the Threshold”

The Common Denominator

“At some point, we must face our fears and understand that no matter what we do, we will inevitably die. It is said that the final stage before spiritual enlightenment is a healthy form of existentialism. This is the point where we have exhausted all externalized philosophies and observations in explaining the reasons for our existence. In the psychologically mature person, fear is confronted, and a new outlook emerges as we begin to consider intrinsic potentials that were previously overlooked and misunderstood.”


Beyond the Soul’s Meridian March 9, 2018

As we move through this process of Ascension confusion still reigns. While contemplating information from a multitude of sources, it should finally dawn upon us how all of this is going to end. Whether or not we experience a massive coronal ejection of the sun, full disclosure of the Secret Space Program, the outing of the global elite, catastrophic “natural” disasters, global conflagration, the arrival of extraterrestrials, the second coming of the anti-Christ, the destruction of AI, perpetual slavery, and or the rise of a transhuman species—the ending is still the same. Regardless, the undeniable fact still remains; that all of us have given our consent to witness this “end” from golden box seats right behind home plate, mid-court, and the fifty-yard line. Continue reading “The Common Denominator”

Twin Flames and the Bifurcation of Consciousness

“It is safe to say that what is happening to many of us regarding the dynamics of our sexual relationships is nothing new. Again the maxim of “As above so below” applies. The most prominent twin flame relationship should be attributed to Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Although this relationship is heavily downplayed through conventional Christian theology, it becomes a central issue within heretical mystical Christian sources. It is such a primary relationship because it reflects a fundamental archetype of our humanity transcending into a higher state of consciousness through union with another soul. Through sacred relationships, we can created a higher level of consciousness and achieve goals that were impossible by ourselves to attain. The energy between two individuals is exponential and is the basis for magical practice. It is understood that the greatest amount of energy can be generated between masculine and feminine polarities; and specifically in relationships where the wisdom of the feminine polarity is cherished and allowed in taking the lead.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian February 10, 2018

Within the community of Ascension and Healing is a cherished concept which many people have come to know as Twin Flames. The origins of this tradition go all the way back to the dawn of humanity. Our religions tell us that we are the offspring of a prototypical couple that many identify as Adam and Even. Within the Qaballah, our human foundation begins from a focal source that bifurcates into a masculine and feminine polarity. We are also told that we are created within the same template of this bifurcating image. Continue reading “Twin Flames and the Bifurcation of Consciousness”

The Gifts We Give

“Soul relationships transcend our daily interactions and prosaic friendships determined by earth bound scenarios and circumstances. These higher relationships transcend time and space and generally awaken pathways of thought that have been long forgotten and suppressed. In many instances these are souls who we have karmic connections with. Our essence may be well known to them, albeit from a subconscious perspective. Truth and trust flow freely within these relationships which are guided within the parameters of an ascended understanding of love. In a world evolving into a higher state of consciousness, we act as messengers to one another inspired by our Divine parents reminding us of who we are. Therefore, our ascension is entangled within the spiritual progression of those who we find ourselves in constellation with.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian December 18, 2017

As our consciousness evolves and our capacities for clairvoyance develop, our relationships naturally expand into higher levels of intimacy. This occurs when we begin to break down the barriers of separation and we become aware of how close our souls are related. In science, the term used is Quantum Entanglement, which is a reproducible phenomena related to material that has been split forming two halves of a whole (See Beyond the Soul’s Meridian, Chapter VI, pages 113-114). This observation demonstrates that as the physical aspect is separated, the two halves remain energetically connected or entangled. Empirical observation confirms that manipulations on one half of the divided whole manifest complementary changes to the other part in an instantaneous fashion regardless of distance. Therefore, we have scientific proof that from an energetic level all is connected and separation is merely an illusion upon the lower plane of dense physical existence. Continue reading “The Gifts We Give”


“My experience within esoteric science has conveyed to me how our egotistical nature consistently wants to place the cart before the horse. We want to know about cosmology before we even have an accurate worldview. We want to know about the nature of Lucifer before we have come to a truthful understanding of our own self. This is an essential element of Lucifer, which is to offer advanced knowledge to beings that are not yet fully capable of assimilating it and by doing so become enslaved to the source of this information.

The value of Lucifer becomes far more relevant when we investigate the meaning of this archetype as it relates to us from a personal and visceral level. We must train ourselves to view Lucifer not as a separate entity to be feared and/or worshiped, but as an element of our self to fully comprehend.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian October 18, 2017

One of the most important concept within our mythologies is the fall of mankind.  This can be viewed as our descent into the material realm, the emergence of our Ego, and our self-inflicted violation of the soul.  What is essential to keep in perspective is nothing within our human experience is a mistake as much as it is a self-correcting and evolving process of making mistakes and learning through the consequences of those actions.  This process has been accelerated by the presence of fallen beings that have chosen to directly influence and rule the lower realm of existence that as incarnated human beings we are now living within.  All of this is an exercise in free will and no one participating in this perpetual drama is performing in it without their consent.  Virtually everything that we experience is the fruit of our labor. Continue reading “Lucifer”

Astraea: The Star Maiden of Virgo

“Divine Justice is the mystery that is conveyed within the Eighth Arcanum which is literally the archetype of Themis echoed within her daughter Astraea. What is essential to understand is the fact that this is the “Eighth” Arcanum. In my previous August post I had discussed what is called the Eighth sphere as an artificial construct or false reality that is engineered by the negative agendas that are ultimately determined by anti-spiritual forces which are not only outside of us but are ingrained within us and constitute the shadow elements of the Ego. Within the parameters of a world driven by service to self, competition, and egotism, there is no possibility for Divine Justice.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian, September 23, 2017

This September is a relatively unique if not extraordinary month of astronomical and astrological activities.  There are many people watching the heavens, including the Catholic Church, who have observed that the 23rd of September 2017 will be a date which will echo the prophecies of the 12th Chapter of the Book of Revelation regarding the birth of a being that will “rule all the nations with an iron scepter.” (1)  Although the opinion from the Vatican confirms that celestial alignments are close enough to correlate to what St. John describes, we are told to take comfort in the fact that this event is not unique and has happened at least four times over the last millennium in the years 1827, 1483, 1293, and 1056.  Apparently, the world will not end, but most people of intelligence are not harboring this apprehension.   Furthermore, the Vatican’s reassurance is a hollow one and does not address the possibilities that some very trying times may indeed lay ahead of us.  The fact is that anyone reading this post knows that we are truly living through a time that is very dark and challenging.     Continue reading “Astraea: The Star Maiden of Virgo”

False Ascension, CERN, and Echoes of the Eighth Sphere

“It is suspicious why there are so many within the Ascension community hailing the Earth’s rapid transformation as a positive experience. Furthermore, many believe that we should be bridling this energy and using it to rapidly expand our personal capacities for clairvoyance. Many are referring to this as an “upgrade” in our genetic codes. But at what price? Is it possible that the transformational energy that many are intuiting is being artificially enhanced or manipulated? Coincidentally, this explosion in awareness appears to be directly corresponding to the activities of CERN and are also linked to prominent Earth bound and celestial activities that are now occurring.”

Beyond the Soul’s Meridian August 13, 2017

At the end of April of this year, I had an experience that I can only categorize as extraordinary.  It occurred while I was at an integrative health conference in California and came from a source that I did not expect.  In retrospect, I realized that I had petitioned a higher realm for something new to occur as I intentionally vowed to myself that I was opening-up to new experiences.  Before I traveled, I had an interesting dream that preceded what was about to take place.  Although very personal in nature, it needs to be shared within the parameters of this discussion.  Continue reading “False Ascension, CERN, and Echoes of the Eighth Sphere”